-Caveat Lector-


"Government" is Kept in Place by Brainwashing
My book Wake Up America! The Dynamics of Human Power
(available from Terra Libra) includes a chapter titled
"Are our Schools Concentration Campuses for Mind Destruction?"
in which I describe "education" in some detail.

Ayn Rand's The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution,
contains a chapter, "The Comprachicos." Comprachico is a
Spanish word meaning "child-buyer." The comprachicos were
a nomadic association, notorious in the seventeenth century.
They bought and sold children - special children, children
turned into deformed freaks, used in freak shows to amuse
the public. At an early age they placed a young child in a
porcelain pot with a grotesque form. As the child's body
grew, it had to assume the shape of the pot. The result was
a deformed freak for people to laugh at.

Rand uses the practice of the comprachicos as an analogy to
describe American "education." She refers to our "educators"
as "the comprachicos of the mind." Children's minds are forced
to assume the shape of a grotesque "intellectual pot." Rand
describes the result:

"The students' development is arrested, their minds are set to
respond to slogans, as animals respond to a trainer's whistle,
their brains are embalmed in the syrup of altruism as an automatic
substitute for self-esteem... They would obey anyone, they need
a master, they need to be told what to do. They are ready now to
be used as cannon fodder - to attack, to bomb, to burn, to murder,
to fight in the streets and die in the gutters. They are a trained pack
of miserably impotent freaks, ready to be unleashed against anyone."
[emphasis added]

In every part of the world, the monsters who masquerade as
"government," do their utmost to achieve monopoly control of
the so-called "education system" - they try to make it compulsory
so all children will be subjected to government brainwashing.
The result is that practically every victim is degraded into an
unthinking follower... or unthinking rebel.

"Government" is Kept in Place by Mass Hallucination
My Webster's definition of hallucination includes the following:

Perception of objects with no reality;
A completely unfounded or mistaken impression or notion.

We could also describe hallucination as "seeing" or "perceiving"
what's not there - or "seeing" or "perceiving" more than exists in

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) could be described as the
science of representational systems. In our brains we have "neural
patterns" or "models" that attempt to represent reality. For example,
in my brain I have a "picture" of a table. If someone asks me to draw
a picture of a table, I access the "picture" or "model" in my head,
from which I then draw a table. These "pictures," "models," or
"neural patterns" are called representational systems. They include
intellectual, emotional, visual, auditory, and other sensory data.

Our representational systems are more or less "useful." To the extent
that we use them to predict accurately and produce desirable results,
we regard them as useful. NLP people have identified three major
ways in which our representational systems differ from reality:

Generalization - e.g., the representational system called "furniture"
- or the "intellectual" neural pattern: "all women are the same."

Distortion - e.g., "the color of my car is blue" - the physicist tells
us this is a distortion; it's more accurate to say that my car's outer
surface reflects light with the wavelength we call "blue," while
absorbing light with other wavelengths.

Deletion - e.g., "Tom is a wonderful, generous, happy, healthy
individual" - Tom has many other attributes, some of which have
been ignored or "deleted" from my representational system.

I've identified a very important fourth way in which our
representational systems differ from reality:

Addition - e.g., "John-the-stranger is a King, therefore he has
special powers; and the words that come out of his mouth are
special and therefore are the law which must be obeyed."
John is really an ordinary man. By representing him as a
"King" in our representational systems, we have added
something to what exists in reality. Similarly, John's words
are ordinary like those of the rest of us, and when we
represent some of his words as "the law" in our representational
systems, we have added something to what occurs in reality.

The essence of hallucination is "seeing" or "perceiving" what
doesn't really exist or occur. The phenomenon of addition, as
described above, is simply hallucination. To have a neural
patterns or mental models that say "the government runs the
country," "government makes law," "Slick Willy is President
of the U.S.A.," all constitute hallucination.

It's these forms of hallucination that keep "government" in place.
Because practically all humans suffer from similar political
hallucinations, they tend to all agree with each other about certain
fundamental political concepts and notions - such as "government,"
"state," "country," "nation," "constitution," "king," "president,"
"law," etc. If anybody questions or challenges these concepts or
nations, they tend to think he's crazy. The phenomenon is mass

Here is one of my favorite sentences: "The notion of "law"
(so-called) is an hallawcinotion" - it sounds even better in French:
"La notion de la "loi" (soi-disant) est une halloicinotion." How's
that for self-referencing?!

"Government" is Kept in Place by Terror and by Violence
Ultimately, political power comes from the barrel of the gun -
as Mao said. The last resort of the monsters who masquerade as
"government" is terror and violence. That's why they need the IRS,
the ATF, the FBI, the CIA, etc. They have to threaten, terrorize,
punish, and kill to retain their coercive power. Make examples
out of those who question, threaten, or challenge their so-called

That's why it's appropriate to call them "territorial gangsters"
or "territorial criminals" or "terrocrats" - monsters who use
fraud, coercion, and violence to claim "jurisdiction" over a
certain area, and the people who happen to be in that area.
The monsters do so in order to control and dominate, and
to live like parasites or cannibals off the values created by
their victims. The foregoing is another very useful definition
of "government!"

The Man Who Helped Me Open My Eyes
About 14 years ago I visited a Luxembourg bank to deposit
some paper money and buy gold coins. I had to wait in line.
I started talking to the man behind me in the line. After a while
he told me he was a libertarian. After we'd concluded our
business we met in a nearby café for coffee. I told him that
I was also a libertarian.

"Libertarian!" he snorted, "practically all so-called libertarians
are still so conditioned and so far from the truth, they don't know
the first thing about liberty."

I looked at him in surprise. I considered libertarians to be the
leading edge of human evolution. There followed a sometimes
heated discussion about many aspects and principles of
libertarianism. Time and time again this most extreme radical
questioned even the words I used, for example: When I asked,
"What about the laws of a country?" my new friend responded:

"Haw, haw, haw," laughing almost hysterically. I thought he
would fall off his chair. Several people in the café looked at
him in bemusement. "What about the barking of copulating
baboons in the zoo?" he said.

I was bewildered: "What's so funny?"

"My friend," he said, "like most so-called libertarians, you
don't have the foggiest notion of what exists and what doesn't.
You believe in magical "law" like a spiritualist believes in
supernatural "ghosts"... except... except that your belief is
possibly even more absurd than that of the spiritualist. You see,
I've heard of people who claim that they have seen "ghosts";
there are even purported photographs of "ghosts." But I've
never heard of anyone who claims that he has seen a so-called
"law," never mind photographed it."

"Anyway," I said, "what does all this have to do with liberty?"

"My aspirant-libertarian friend," he replied, "When you free
your mind from the false concepts and misconceptions that
fixate your thinking within the mental grooves fashioned by
those who seek to enslave you, then you will discover what
liberty really is, then you will be able to live free. Most
so-called libertarians are like pigs hopelessly floundering
in a cesspool of statist concepts. Just as it is almost impossible
for a fish to imagine life on land, so it is very difficult, if at all
possible, for an aspirant-libertarian locked into statist concepts,
to conceive of life outside his self-created cesspool..."

For a while we were both silent. Then he continued, "In
actuality, the whole world is libertarian. Individuals are
supreme, whether they know it or not. We all have virtually
unlimited choice all the time - we may assume notions and
beliefs that limit our choice, we may also get ourselves into
situations where choice is limited... but those are also choices...
objectively, there are no so-called "states," "governments,"
"kings," "queens," etc.; there never have been and there n
ever will be - I have asked many people to show me a
"government" and to tell me what it looks like. Nobody
has been able to do that. Of course, there are hucksters
and humbuggers who call themselves "government,"
"king," or "president"... just as there are suckers who
believe them - who blindly obey them - who blindly
oppose them."

"One needs to live one's life in accordance with actuality:
what is, what exists, what occurs. So I live my life out of a
context of liberty, a libertarian enclave, an anarcho-libertarian
enclave. I carry it with me like an aura. I have abilities: the
ability called life, the ability to own property, the ability to
produce, the ability to exchange, the ability to communicate.
And my abilities do not depend on the agreement of others.
I am supreme. I am responsible for every aspect of my life.
My self-esteem, my power, and my liberty can only be curbed
by my own limitations. There are of course those who think
otherwise, who would seek to violate my abilities - what you
might call "rights." When making choices, I take that into

As we parted he gave me a poem he'd written... It really
made me think.

The Enemy Within

Why do you fear his "parliament,"
This all oppressive "government,"
When darker things lurk deep inside
Your mind; crawling, scuttling, they hide.
Worse by far than "police-state law,"
More corrupt than any "legislature,"
Taxing far above the progressive rate;
A self-made ghost does, your soul subjugate.
For the "rulers of men" are naught but dust
They rise, dictate, but fall they must.
Though out of sight, not out of mind, see?
The "ghost in the machine" saying - you're not free.
Oh deeply wounding psychoplasm.
Why hauntest thou in the mind's chasm?
Why crippleth thee what gives thee home,
Why soil thy nest like a common gnome?
Out, out damn spook, begone I say!
For I have resolved, myself, this day,
That I stand free in body and soul,
Not hindered by chains nor ghoul.

The Thinking Skill Called "Reframing"
Reframing is basically the ability to see things in a different way.
In his booklet Open to Change, Vincent Nolan wrote:

"Reframing means looking at a familiar phenomenon from a
new angle. Any situation can be looked at in a wide variety of
different frameworks, and each one is capable of throwing a new
light on the subject... the ability and willingness to set aside the
conventional framework (temporarily) is one of the key skills
of invention and discovery... these pigeon holes into which we
classify things and situations, events and people, are themselves
arbitrary and artificial: convenient and useful for some purposes
- but one, not the only way to view the world. The pigeon holes
can be suspended (temporarily) and new ones brought to bear,
without cost and with profit.

There is another important dimension to reframing. Once we
accept that the same thing can be viewed in many different ways,
all of them potentially useful, it is no longer necessary to impose
our view of things on other people, we can accept theirs as
alternative viewpoints, valid for themselves, and potentially
enriching our understanding of the situation."

Statist Fraud-Words Have Stupefying and Debilitating Effects
In Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal Ayn Rand discusses what
she calls "anti-concepts." As far as I'm concerned, concepts
make it easier for us to understand and deal with reality; while
anti-concepts cause us to misunderstand and fail to deal with
reality. According to Rand:

"The purpose of "anti-concepts" is to obliterate certain
concepts without public discussion; and, as a means to that
end, to induce the same disintegration in the mind of any man
who accepts them, rendering him incapable of clear thinking
or rational judgment. No mind is better than the precision of
its concepts."

I contend that the statist fraud-concepts are all anti-concepts.
They misrepresent reality. They have a stupefying and
debilitating effect on those who accept them as valid. This
is one of the main reasons for the slow results produced so
far by most freedom advocates.

In his book The Ideas of Ayn Rand, Ronald E. Merrill
discusses Rand's essay "The Nature of Government"
(from her book The Virtue of Selfishness). Rand did
not question anti-concepts like "state," "government,"
"society," etc. - did she blindly accept them, like a
trained animal?

Merrill makes the following points:
Rand claimed that the use of physical force - even retaliatory
force - couldn't be left to the discretion of individuals; only
government should have the exclusive power to enforce.

Rand dodged the issue of the source or origin of government.

Rand said that 'society' should provide organized protection
against force, but she never explained who this "society"
was and how it would be decided what "geographical area"
her government would police. "Society" is just the sort of
floating abstraction [what is the referent?] Rand attacked
so vigorously in her other work.

Rand proposed a stamp tax to finance government.

Rand claimed that "only a government" could enforce contracts.

The above raise some questions:
Did Rand think that because certain humans called themselves
"government," or organized themselves into a structure called
"government," therefore these humans acquired magical
powers to do things other humans couldn't do?

Did Rand perpetrate vile acts of self-abasement in respect
of fixed political ideas?

Was Rand stupefied by blindly accepting and clinging to
statist fraud-concepts?

Statist fraud-concepts like "government," "state," "law," etc.
tend to have a debilitating effect. People who cling to these
concepts often feel helpless and impotent because they see
themselves as small and insignificant compared to the enormous
monolithic monster they call "government" or "state" -
collectivist thinking.

On the other hand, when you ditch the statist fraud-concepts,
you think in terms of individuals. You are almost never faced
with a "huge unbeatable enemy"; instead you are faced with
individuals - individual bureaucrats (including police) with
much of their behavior fairly predictable - making it relatively
easy to organize your life and affairs so they are least likely to
bother you - individualistic thinking.

You'll be amazed by how much more powerful you'll become
when you ditch statist fraud-concepts and think individualistically.
You'll be amazed at the additional options that become available
to you. So take off your blinkers and ditch the statist fraud-concepts!

How to Test Concepts Against Reality
A concept is something we use to represent an aspect of reality.
It is a kind of "mind picture," or "mental image," or "set of
associations." A concept is expressed and communicated as
a word. For example, the concept/word "table" usually represents
an object with a flat surface and four legs. The object is called
the referent of the concept/word. The concept/word is the map
 (or menu) and the object is the territory (or meal).

In those cases where the referent of the concept is a physical
object there are generally no problems. Nobody has a problem
with the concept "table." However, when we enter the domain
of concepts that have no physical referents we find ourselves
in a different territory. Concepts can be used to misrepresent
reality, to control and dominate others. For example, a mother
might tell her child, "Son, if you're naughty you'll go to hell
where you'll burn forever." A precocious son would respond,
"Mother, you use the word "hell" - can you show me its referent?"
Mother, "What?!" Son, "Sorry mother. I think "hell" is a fraud-
concept. It has no referent. It is simply used to manipulate the
young, innocent, and gullible!"

Deception is a very powerful survival mechanism. Among
more primitive creatures deception (or camouflage) is often
used as a disguise to prevent being eaten by a predator; e.g.,
insects disguised to look like leaves or twigs. And predators
often use deception (or camouflage) to lure prey into their
vicinity so they can be snatched and eaten; eg, the crocodile
that looks like a dead branch floating on the water, and the
squid whose tentacle looks like a worm. The fisherman
uses bait to lure the fish onto his hook.

Much of "modern" human culture is based on similar deception
(and camouflage). Most parents use fraud-concepts to control
and dominate their children. Some preachers use fraud-concepts
to obtain "tithes" from their prey - in return for a promise of
"paradise in the hereafter." Most politicians use fraud-concepts
to obtain "taxes" from their prey - in return for promises of
"running the country," "defending the weak," "feeding the
hungry," "healing the sick," "paying the poor," "caring for
the old,""building houses for the homeless," "teaching the
young," "controlling inflation," "creating jobs," "preventing
pollution," "fighting drugs," etc.

The difference between the primitive predator and the human
predator is that the latter is somewhat more sophisticated. The
human predator doesn't usually eat the human prey or victim
(except where cannibalism is still practiced). Instead, the human
predator uses deception and camouflage to obtain values produced
by the prey or victim. The human predator lives by consuming
the values produced by his or her victims, giving little more than
promises in return. The victims are allowed to live so they can
continue to produce values for the predator to usurp and consume.
It is a more sophisticated form of cannibalism.

In order to dupe their victims into parting with their values,
human predators use fraud-concepts like "king," "queen,"
"emperor," "pope," "government," "state," "country,"
"constitution," "law," etc. The fraud-concepts are the
primary tool they use to subjugate their victims. The
secondary tools they use are fear and terror: "Bow down,
kiss my feet, and call me king - or your head will be chopped
off!"; "Pay 25% of your income to the IRS - or they'll take
your house, your furniture, your car, and all the money in
your bank account, and put you in jail!" To ensure that
everyone will be brainwashed and indoctrinated with such
fraud-concepts, children are forced into so-called "schools"
where they "learn" to recite the "pledge of allegiance" like
parrots, "respect the sacred flag" like idol-worshippers, and
stand up for the "national anthem" like puppets - where they
will "learn" that if you don't believe, conform, and obey you
will be punished.

In order to become more conscious you need to throw away
most of what you "learned" from your parents, preachers,
teachers, politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers. You need
to personally test as much as possible against observable
reality. There are a series of tests you can subject any concept
to, in order to determine if it is a fraud-concept or not:

Can the concept be used to manipulate and control people?
Does my acceptance of the concept place me at a disadvantage?
Can somebody gain an advantage by using the concept if it isn't
challenged? Does the concept have a referent? If so, is there a
better concept/word to describe the same referent?

Note that the fact that practically everyone you know agrees with
a concept is not part of the test. Let us subject the concept/word
"pope" to the above tests:

Can the concept "pope" be used to manipulate and control people?
Yes, because the so-called "pope" claims to be the "personal
representative of god," therefore believers will obey him and
pay so-called "tithes" to him. Also, he claims to enjoy "papal
infallibility," which means it is impossible for him to make a
mistake - therefore everything he says is true.

Does my acceptance of the concept "pope" place me at a
disadvantage? Yes, I have to pay for the "privilege" of obeying
whatever absurdities flow from the "infallible" mouth and pen
of the "divine pope."

Can somebody gain an advantage by using the concept if it isn't
challenged? Definitely, the supposed "pope" can live in splendor
off the values created by his victims. And so can numerous
"papal" employees.

Does the concept "pope" have a referent? Yes, the referent is
a man.

If so, is there a better concept/word to describe the same referent?
Yes, "man"; or "a man who lives by deception, misrepresentation,
and fraud"; or "criminal."

Now let's put "government" (as most people use the concept)
to the test:

Can the concept "government" be used to manipulate and control
people? Yes, "The government is the authority we must obey."

Does my acceptance of the concept place me at a disadvantage?
Yes, I have to pay for the "privilege" of obeying the people who
call themselves "government."

Can somebody gain an advantage by using the concept if it isn't
challenged? Definitely, the people who call themselves
"government" enjoy the status of being masters financed
by their "subjects" or slaves.

Does the concept have a referent? Just what the referents are
is not clear. They could include: people, guns, bombs, buildings,
systems, pieces of paper, etc.

If so, are there better concepts/words to describe the same referents?
Yes, territorial gangsters, guns, bombs, buildings, systems, pieces
of paper, etc.

To discover the extent to which some concepts are bogus, it may
be necessary to dig into history (particularly revisionist history).
For example, in the case of the so-called "US Constitution" we
find that the 70 odd people who signed it as "We the people of
the United States of America" signed it on their own behalf and
made no attempt or even suggestion that it would apply to any
descendants of people then living.

The people who pretend to "govern" in the name of the so-called
"US Constitution" are liars and impostors. The people who kill
in the name of the so-called "US Constitution" are terrorists and
murderers. The people who tax in the name of the so-called
"US Constitution" are thieves and robbers. Similar considerations
apply to other political systems around the world.

The concepts and words we use have consequences. Concepts
can be "locks" that lock us into automatic unworkable thinking
and behavior. Most humans cannot question their concepts.
Some advanced humans can and do. The consequences of
fraud-concepts, such as "country," "constitution," "government,"
"law," "nation," etc., include war, poverty, crime, pollution, and
a host of other apparently intractable problems. Most humans
cannot see this. So their "solution" is to "change the government,"
or to advocate "new laws," or to "smash the state." They remain
stuck in the same old conceptual framework that is at the root
of the problems. The results they have produced so far have
been meager, to say the least. It remains to be seen whether a
sufficient number of humans can break through the conceptual
frameworks of current primitive human culture, in order to
create new civilizations completely outside our current
abominations. Terra Libra is such an attempt.

The Tenuous Power of Territorial Criminals
"Tenuous" means thin, slender, flimsy, having
little substance, easily dislodged.

Mahatma Gandhi defeated the armed might of the British
Empire without firing a shot. This was possible because
of the nature of power. The Berlin Wall couldn't be kept
standing by the East German armed might bolstered by
several hundred thousand Russian troops. This was because
of the nature of power. Suddenly one day the Soviets woke
up to find that they had lost their power and that their empire
had collapsed. This was because of the nature of power.

The power of territorial criminals is based on lies and victims
believing those lies. Their power is also based on power
relinquished to them by naive victims. Expose the lies and
wake up the victims, and the power of the territorial criminals
collapses. When victims wake up and become sufficiently
dissatisfied, they become more powerful and cease to
relinquish their power.

By questioning and challenging the statist fraud-concepts -
by exposing the territorial criminals as fraudulent impostors
and liars and by ridiculing them, instead of taking them
seriously - you withdraw power from the territorial criminals.
This is advanced freedom strategy. The power of our territorial
criminals is tenuous - thin, slender, flimsy, has little substance,
and is easily dislodged. This subject is covered more fully in
Report #TL06: Discourse on Voluntary Servitude.

Implications of the Nature of "Government"
The words we use and the way we use them produce
consequences. "Government" is one of the biggest lies
conceivable - the bigger the lie, the easier it is to sell, and
the more difficult it is to question and challenge. The power
of the territorial criminals depend largely on their victims
accepting statist fraud-concepts without question -
primarily, "government," "constitution," and "law."

When you use statist fraud-concepts as if valid, you fail to
expose the "government" scam; in fact, you perpetuate and
reinforce it. Many people have not yet developed the thinking
skills to question concepts like "government," "constitution,"
"law," etc. If you try to communicate with these people in a
manner that demonstrates your questioning of statist fraudulent
concepts, they'll only think you're crazy. So you have to be
careful and selective in how you communicate.

There is an "intermediate method" of communication. Instead
of "state," or "government," you use terms like "territorial criminals"
or "territorial gangsters" ("TGs"). You're not directly challenging
others' concepts, while at the same time you don't reinforce the
"government" scam. You could also use the term "terrocrat" -
short for "terrorist bureaucrat." When you explain to people why
you use these terms, some will understand and follow suit. This
could eventually become a powerful tactic. Imagine what would
happen if a few hundred libertarian and patriot communicators
were to use these terms over the airwaves and in print!

Some leading freedom advocates are bound to denounce this
article viciously - because they will see it as very threatening
to their statist fraud-concepts and their freedom strategies.
To the extent that freedom activists cling to their statist fraud-
concepts, they remain statists at the conceptual level. Was this
the case with Ayn Rand?

As long as significant numbers of people cling to the old statist
fraud-concepts, there will continue to be huckster exploiters
who organize themselves into structures called "government,"
in order to perpetuate master-slave relationships.

Even if current political and/or financial structures were to
collapse, as long as so many people cling to their statist fraud-
concepts, they will simply recreate new master-slave structures.

In order to achieve widespread long-term freedom, critical
numbers of people will have to cleanse statist fraud-concepts
from their brains.

As human consciousness evolves to higher levels, the rate at
which people cleanse statist fraud-concepts from their brains
is likely to accelerate. It's quite conceivable that as political
disillusionment increases, more and more people will become
open to ideas such as those in this article.

The Benefits of Understanding the Nature of "Government"
What benefits do you receive from questioning your concepts,
smashing the destructive ones, increasing your understanding
of the nature of "government," and taking personal
responsibility for your own freedom?

First, you'll drop hopeless, self-sacrificial, unprofitable freedom
strategies like "writing to congress," "financing political parties,"
etc. - based on collectivist thinking.

Second, you'll experience greater freedom of mind and creativity.
Through your freer mind you'll be able to see more options, more
choices for achieving the results you want. The wider range of
options available to you will increase your probability of success.

Third, you'll become more conscious. Your mind-power will
increase - as a result of questioning what practically everyone
else takes for granted, and through individualistic thinking.
Whatever personal problems you run into, chances are
you'll be more capable of resolving them.

Fourth, your greater freedom of mind, creativity, and increasing
level of consciousness will enable you to reverse the general
tendency of accumulating more and more mental garbage and
eventually becoming senile. Instead, your mental alertness
and intelligence will increase day by day.

Fifth, you'll find ingenious and very satisfying ways to greatly
reduce the risk of being coerced by territorial gangsters (Tgs).
You no longer think in terms of some huge overwhelming
monolithic monster called "government" or "state" attacking
you - collectivist thinking. Instead, you think in terms of the
risk of being attacked by individual TGs, what you have to
do to minimize such risk, and how you can defend yourself
if attacked - individualistic thinking.

Sixth, you'll be able to earn more money and put more of it
in your own pocket. You'll waste less time on unprofitable

Seventh, you'll find exciting ways to convert your far greater
knowledge and understanding of freedom and political systems
into profits. If you want to, you'll learn to sell freedom for profit.

Eighth, you'll open up powerful freedom strategies - instead of
fighting tyranny, you'll learn to build freedom for yourself and
others. You could make a fortune in the process.

Ninth, ditching statist fraud-concepts is like taking off your
blinkers. Individualistic thinking is much more powerful than
collectivist thinking. Understanding the more fundamental
nature of "government" will help you become more optimistic
and enthusiastic about the future. Getting your freedom under
your own control is very satisfying. All these factors are very

Finally, you'll be able to conceive bigger and more exciting
challenges to tackle. You'll experience greater achievements
suddenly becoming within reach...

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Not copyrighted; public domain. Please copy, translate,
publish, and distribute widely. Please include following
reference: Originally published by TERRA LIBRA in
October, 1994.

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nazi's need not apply.

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