OMV Consortium signs new contracts in Albania

                      A European consortium led by OMV (ALBANIEN)
                      Onshore Exploration GmbH (operator and 40 %
                      stakeholder) and partners Enterprise Oil Exploration
                      Limited (30 %), Clyde Expro plc, a subsidiary of Gulf
                      Canada Resources Ltd, (15 %) and MOL Albania Oil
                      & Gas Limited (15 %) signed two Production Sharing
                      Contracts (PSC) for onshore Blocks 1,4 and 5 in
                      Albania today. OMV (ALBANIEN) Onshore
                      Exploration GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of
                      OMV Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna.

                      Block 1 is situated east of the capital Tirana and
                      covers an area of 2,551 sq km adjacent to border with
                      the Republic of Macedonia.

                      Blocks 4 and 5 enclose the whole southern part of
                      Albania down to the border with Greece and cover
                      4,365 sq km.

                      The work to be carried out includes seismic
                      acquisition and the drilling of at least one exploration

                      Through the signing of these new contracts, OMV,
                      which has been active in Albania since 1989, and its
                      partners are confirming their interest in exploring the
                      country´s remaining hydrocarbon potential and further
                      strengthening Albania´s upstream oil and gas

                      The award of these contracts to OMV´s consortium
                      allows OMV to further strengthen its position in the
                      mediterranean region, in line with its E & P strategy.

                      For further information:
                      Dr. Hermann Michelitsch / Communications
                      Tel: (+43-1) 404 40-1660, Fax: DW -999

               OMV Aktiengesellschaft, © 1998-01-19

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