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Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 03:15:00 -0800
From: Media Research Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MRC Alert Special: April 1 Notable Quotables

         ***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
               6:15am EST, Thursday April 1, 2004

    The April 1 edition of Notable Quotables, the MRC's bi-weekly
compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes
in the liberal media.

    Check the MRC home page after 9:30am EST to access this
edition as an Adobe Acrobat PDF: http://www.mediaresearch.org

    Now the quotes from the just-published April 1 Notable
Quotables with quotes from April 1 (Vol. Seventeen, No. 7):

Apologize to "Prophetic" French?

"I've heard some say that Richard Clarke provided a beacon of love
to the 9/11 families with his apology last week, while you and
President Bush have simply caused heartbreak and distress with a
jingoistic foreign policy that has only angered the world. It
seems to me this might be a good time for you to apologize to the
French and Germans. After all, they've been proven prophetic,
haven't they, by the quagmire we're seeing in Iraq?"
-- Bob Schieffer to Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld, April 1
Face the Nation.

Clinton Would Have Stopped 9/11

"It's now obvious that the 22nd Amendment barring third
presidential terms punishes the nation more than the
politician....After three years of George Bush's flailings, who
doesn't yearn for Clinton's steady, nuanced leadership? We would
have been spared those fiscally destructive tax cuts, the
environment would not have been despoiled, and America would not
be an outcast among nations. With a serious and non-ideological
foreign policy team which had already thwarted at least two major
terrorist attacks, there's every reason to believe that if voters
could have elected Bill Clinton to a third term, September 11th
would have been just a day just like any other."
-- Newsweek Senior Editor Jonathan Alter in "Time to Bring Back
Bubba," in the April 1 edition.

"People Died" for Dubya's Lies

"President Carter, as perhaps our country's most revered
ex-President, your words carry a lot of moral weight. Surely
everyone noticed when you told reporters recently that President
Bush's war on Iraq was based on a campaign of quote, 'lies and
misinterpretations.' How many lies do you think the President told
to drag us into war?... I mean, were they little white lies or
really gigantic whoppers?...Does this button sum it all up for
you, 'Bush Lied, People Died'?"
-- NBC's Katie Couric's questions to former President Jimmy Carter
on the April 1 Today.

CBS: We're Just Bush's Tools

"Dr. Rice, everyone knows the Bush administration and far
right-wing have a stranglehold on the news media. Is that why
you'll talk to 60 Minutes and other news programs, while you
steadfastly refuse to appear before the 9/11 commission?"
-- CBS's 60 Minutes correspondent Ed Bradley to National Security
Advisor Condoleezza Rice, April 1.

Kerry Takes the High Road

"In the increasingly nasty and bitter presidential contest, the
Bush-Cheney campaign continued their hard-edged assault on Vietnam
veteran John Kerry, accusing the decorated war hero of
jeopardizing American security by casting votes that were, quote
'soft on defense,' end quote. Similar attacks on the Senator's
patriotism have become a key part of the GOP's down-and-dirty
campaign agenda in recent days. For his part, Senator Kerry has
taken the high road, preferring to run an issue-oriented campaign
that stresses problems like massive unemployment, America's
mounting war dead and the alienation of our closest allies, all of
which he blames on the radicalism and ineptitude of the current
-- Dan Rather on the CBS Evening News, April 1.

Oppressed by President's Portrait

  Peter Jennings: "Tonight we take A Closer Look at feelings of
oppression. Na'eem Yassin came to the United States seven months
ago....The hardest day for her, she says, was when she sat in the
immigration office waiting to meet with her case officer."
  Na'eem Yassin: "I saw the picture of Bush on the wall, and I got
scared. I love America, you know, but I am very scared of Mr.
Bush. He is a warmonger."
  Jennings: "Just a few years ago, the United States was one of
the most admired nations on earth. Now, after nearly three years
of unceasing war against Muslims, it is one of the most despised.
Na'eem is hardly alone -- many newcomers say they feel uneasy when
they visit our government's buildings only to be confronted by
symbols of American hegemony such as that presidential portrait on
the wall. Belatedly, the ACLU has begun a legal drive to rid U.S.
government offices of such oppressive symbols."
-- ABC's World News Tonight, April 1.

Captivated by Castro's Captives

  Diane Sawyer: "Before we go this half-hour, our Picture of the
Morning. What you're seeing are thousands of happy Cubans -- tens
of thousands, actually -- cheering the re-election of their
President, Fidel Castro on Sunday. You know, Cuba under Castro has
some of the highest literacy rates in the Western Hemisphere, even
better than some of the states here in the United States."
  Charles Gibson: "It's an amazing sight, that sea of smiles.
Really warms the heart."
-- Good Morning America, April 1.

Same Old Desperate Republicans

"NBC News In-Depth tonight. The FBI monitored young John Kerry in
1971 for his role as a leader of Vietnam veterans against the war
in this country. Tonight, as we offer exclusive video of Kerry's
impressive and unforgettable testimony before the U.S. Senate,
Lisa Myers reports that Republicans were just as desperate to
impugn Kerry's idealism and patriotism back then as they are
-- Tom Brokaw on NBC Nightly News, April 1.

Willie Horton With a French Beret

"Tim, the White House lately has been hammering the fact that John
Kerry is of French ancestry. In an editorial, the New York Times
scolded the campaign. 'Consider the reaction,' the Times wrote,
'if the President's hit men tried such a tactic on an
African-American candidate such as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.
Such odious tactics have no place in today's politics.' You know
Bush's father got in trouble for using race in his campaign via
Willie Horton. Is this the same sleazy politics, Willie Horton
with a beret?"
-- NBC's Matt Lauer to Tim Russert on the April 1 Today.

Democrats Need Boost from Bill

  Bill Schneider: "Lately, Kerry's poll numbers have been
drooping. Some Democrats worry his flip-flops could leave them out
in the wilderness for another four years. They want a candidate
who will arouse their base and get those poll numbers rising.
Enter Bill Clinton. No Democrat stirred more passion at their
recent unity dinner, and some law professors argue the
Constitution does not bar him from serving as Vice President, just
a third term as President. If Kerry keeps running a flaccid
campaign, he'll need the political equivalent of Viagra. A
Kerry-Clinton ticket might be the right prescription for Democrats
who want to mount a stiff challenge to President Bush."
  Judy Woodruff: "An exciting possibility. Thanks, Bill."
-- Exchange on CNN's Inside Politics, April 1.

Kerry In Bed With "Big Pickle"

"By now everyone is familiar with how Big Oil and Big Tobacco are
fueling the re-election effort of George Bush's polluter-friendly
administration. But Democratic presidential frontrunner John Kerry
has a much less known -- though potentially every bit as powerful
-- weapon in his campaign arsenal. As Joie Chen discovered, thanks
to the good fortune of his second marriage, Mr. Kerry enjoys the
backing of Big Ketchup, Big Pickle, Big Relish and maybe even the
entire Big Condiment lobby."
-- CBS Evening News anchor John Roberts, April 1.

Another Reason to Hate SUVs

"Again today we see record high gas prices at the pump and Wall
Street analysts are predicting record earnings for Big Oil
companies. And at the same time, Big Oil is funneling millions to
President Bush for his campaign. Are high gas prices just a sneaky
fundraising scheme for the Bush administration?"
-- CBS's Hannah Storm to former Democratic presidential candidate
Wesley Clark on The Early Show, April 1.

Finally, Radio That Aaron Likes

"Good evening again from an unusually cold New York City, where
things got a little warmer today for liberals with the launch of
the 'Air America' radio network. Myself and the NewsNight staff
spent a good portion of the afternoon finally being able to listen
to AM radio. We even had lunch delivered so we wouldn't miss one
minute of Al Franken's noontime show. It was, truly, a refreshing
break from the nauseating liberal-bashing that so fills all too
much of what passes for talk radio in America today. In the coming
days and weeks, to be sure, we'll get a lot of good story ideas
from Mr. Franken and company."
-- CNN anchor Aaron Brown's "Page Two" commentary at the start of
NewsNight, April 1.

Time to Flee this Capitalist Hell

"You've probably seen in the papers that I'll be leaving my long
career at PBS later this year. As I approach the age of 70, I've
grown discouraged about the path America has taken, devolving from
the New Deal and the Great Society into a debilitating dystopia of
corporate greed, a blighted land of milked contributors and
honeyed government favors for the very rich. We've declined from a
President who came from a place called Hope, to an unsteady
meat-headed martinet ruling his fraternity house based on fear.
Defense contractors make their millions as our soldiers are
chopped into chutney, and the obsequious din of talk radio can
only demand that everyone pledge allegiance to the fraud. The
cabinet meeting business is divided between the Secretary of
Bechtel, the Vice President of Halliburton, and the director of
the Enron Protection Agency...."
"As I say goodbye to my truth-telling podium, I glance in the
rearview mirror at the country I used to know, and wave goodbye to
my tony Manhattan digs, to begin anew in a land where humanity
rather than profits come first, where the hopes of the children
are brightened and not burdened. I shall be departing for a warm
new life in the comfortable arms of Cuba."
-- PBS omnipresence Bill Moyers ending his show Now with a
commentary, April 1.

April Fools Notable Quotables staff:

KERRY'S BAND OF MEDIA BOOSTERS: Byron Pitts, Kate Snow, Kelly
    Wallace, Andrea Mitchell

    END Reprint of April 1 Notable Quotables

    April Fools! -- Brent Baker

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