Guilty Verdict for Cypherpunk
                     by Chris Stamper

                     5:30 p.m.  20.Apr.99.PDT
                     TACOMA, Washington -- A federal judge
                     on Tuesday ruled an itinerant musician
                     and cypherpunk was guilty of threatening
                     government officials and Bill Gates.

                     "There's a line between free speech and
                     criminal speech," said US District Judge
                     Robert J. Bryan. He declared Carl Johnson
                     guilty on four counts brought against him
                     by the Internal Revenue Service and the
                     Justice Department.

                     The charges stem from a series of
                     freewheeling essays posted last year to
                     the cypherpunks mailing list, an online
                     discussion area populated by an anarchic
                     collection of encryption and privacy

                     [...remainder snipped...]

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