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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
From: Milo
To: George
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 9:06 PM
Subject: [apfn-1] New Zealand: Israeli 'Spies' Busted/How the trap was sprung

Foreign spy charges whip up top-level security storm
By Bridget Carter, Tony Stickley and Eugene Bingham -- New Zealand Herald
Saturday, 17 April 2004
Two men believed by senior Government figures to be Israeli secret service agents have been arrested in Auckland trying to obtain a false New Zealand passport.
The case has set off alarm bells that Mossad spies may be masquerading as harmless New Zealand travellers abroad.
Prime Minister Helen Clark said last night she would not comment while the case was before the court, but confirmed the Government had raised the matter directly with the Israeli Government.
"There will be a strong and public response to this matter once the court action has concluded," she told the Weekend Herald.
Officials, lawyers, police and Helen Clark's spokesman refused to confirm or deny the Mossad link.
The acting Israeli Ambassador, Orna Sagiv, last night refused to comment.
The case is the first known example of foreign agents appearing in a New Zealand court since the 1985 arrest of two French agents who blew up the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour, killing one crewmember.
It is understood the Israeli Government wanted the case kept out of the New Zealand court system, and this issue is likely to have been a point of diplomatic friction.
But the case has proceeded, indicating the Government has not bowed to pressure from Tel Aviv.
International security concerns are at an all-time high and New Zealand views the clandestine Israeli secret service activities here with grave concern.
Weekend Herald investigations into the case were stonewalled by New Zealand officials until the men appeared in the Auckland District Court yesterday.
Urie Zoshe Kelman, 30, and Eli Cara, 50, have denied three joint charges including attempting to obtain a New Zealand passport and participating in an organised crime group to obtain a false passport.
Details that emerged in court revealed two other men were involved.
Zev William Barkan, 37, has fled the country and authorities concede they would not know where to find him. A fourth man is believed to be here but police say the others refuse to identify him.
The group had been in and out of the country since last November. Cara, who says he is a Sydney-based travel agent, has travelled in and out 24 times since October 2000.
The court heard the visits since last year were allegedly for the purpose of obtaining a false New Zealand identity for one of the men.
They allegedly made a passport application using a birth certificate of a cerebral palsy sufferer who authorities say was an innocent victim of the scam.
After being tipped off by Internal Affairs, detectives mounted a surveillance operation on March 23, dispatching a package meant to resemble the passport and watching to see who would pick it up.
In the meantime, Cara and Kelman were allegedly carrying out their own surveillance of the package.
Cara was approached by police as he sat in a cafe across the road from one drop-off point. Kelman was arrested after he was seen walking away from another point, throwing a cellphone into bushes.
Kelman and Cara first appeared in court late last month. At yesterday's appearance their case was fast-tracked in highly unusual circumstances. They were committed for trial by consent of the defence, although they did not admit there was a prima facie case.
The men were granted bail by Judge Chris Field who imposed reporting and curfew conditions after rejecting police applications to keep them in custody because of flight risk.
Police were represented by Auckland-based prosecutor Fletcher Pilditch, though Wellington has taken a clear interest in the case and the office of the Solicitor-General, Terence Arnold, QC, has also been involved.
Outside court, Cara denied being a member of the Israeli secret service. Asked if there had been a misunderstanding, he said, "I think so."
As he left the building last night, Cara pulled the hood of his green coat over his head and put his sunglasses on. Kelman, who is a tall, slim man with freckles, short red hair and glasses, refused to answer questions.
During the morning he wore a mauve shirt and carried a plastic Hallensteins shopping bag. Later he had changed into a green T-shirt.
A person at Auckland's President Plaza hotel, where Cara has been staying, said he knew Cara and that he seemed to spend a lot of time in the gym. Kelman has been staying at the Kiwi Hotel in Queen St and the Duxton Hotel. He has Israeli and Canadian passports.
Internationally, there have been cases of Mossad agents being discovered trying to pass themselves off as nationals of neutral countries. In 1997, Mossad agents were caught using Canadian passports during a failed assassination attempt on an Islamic official in Jordan.
In 2000, a Mossad operative was handed a suspended sentence after being accused of espionage and repeated use of false identity documents in Switzerland.
New Zealand passports have become increasingly sought-after on the black market, not just for spies but for terrorists and drug couriers.
Four years ago, a member of an al Qaeda cell that plotted to bomb Los Angeles at the turn of the millennium was uncovered travelling on a stolen New Zealand passport.
It is understood the Government is concerned that revelations that Mossad agents may be using New Zealand travel documents could put New Zealanders at risk.
Helen Clark said last night: "The Government takes seriously any action which challenges the integrity of the New Zealand passport system."
* Mossad is Israel's foremost intelligence agency. It was formed in 1951 and is based in Tel Aviv, with the Hebrew name meaning institute.
* Once highly respected for its skill, the shadowy organisation has been plagued with a series of bungles, from botched assassination attempts to agents being caught using fake passports.
* One of its biggest coups was in 1960 when it found Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi who drove the "Jewish Solution" in Europe, then hiding in Brazil.
* But it has lost manpower in recent years and in 2000 it threw open its doors with its first public recruitment drive.
* A 2001 advertisement invited newcomers to become "a partner in the production of clandestine technology".
* Its latest spy chief, Me'ir Dagan, lost his mobile phone this year when his car was broken into in Tel Aviv in February. Mossad ordered the phone company to remotely erase the memory.
How the trap was sprung
By Bridget Carter, Tony Stickley and Eugene Bingham -- New Zealand Herald
Saturday, 17 April 2004
A quadriplegic, wheelchair-bound cerebral palsy sufferer was the victim of an alleged plot by Israelis looking to secure a New Zealand passport.
The clandestine plan unravelled in the Auckland District Court yesterday when two men appeared in a case fast-tracked in highly unusual circumstances.
Papers given to Judge Chris Field showed how suspicious Internal Affairs staff called in police who set a trap.
Defence lawyers Grant Illingworth, QC, and Nigel Faigan, representing Eli Cara and Uriel Zoshe Kelman, consented for the case to proceed to trial although they did not concede there was a prima facie case.
According to the police, a third Israeli man, Zev William Barkan, tried to get the passport in the name of the New Zealander.
In unsigned hand-up depositions, a Lynfield GP, Howard Way, told the court that he was visited by a man using the name of the cerebral palsy sufferer. He was suffering from a minor ailment.
At the end of the consultation the man, said to be Barkan, asked him to witness his passport application, which he did.
He said he needed a passport urgently to go to Australia to get married. He "was calm and gave me no reason not to believe him. I filled out the form".
The alleged ruse in the doctor's surgery was all part of the plot to assume a new identity. A post box and a voicemail phone service were also set up in the name of the victim, whose birth certificate was used to lodge the passport application.
When Internal Affairs staff noticed an irregularity, they rang the applicant.
Ian Tingey, an investigations officer with Internal Affairs, said that the applicant had a Canadian or American accent. "When I quizzed him on his accent his explanantion to me was he had not travelled or held a New Zealand passport before but had spent a lot of time in New Zealand with Canadian friends and family."
The officer said that he spoke to the father of the person named in the application who said his son was wheelchair bound and in residential care. Police were tipped off and a covert operation was set up.
According to the police allegations, Barkan left the country and the passport was to be picked up by one of the other two.
On March 23 a man contacted the department but refused to pick up the passport personally. He wanted it sent to Auckland company Travcour, which specialises in obtaining visas and travel documents.
Later that day a man contacted Travcour and told them to courier the passport to an apartment building in St Paul St, Auckland. According to the summary, as the package was delivered to the building, Cara was allegedly keeping watch but did not see the police arrive.
The manager of the apartments told police he had received a call from an ex-tenant who asked if a package could be delivered there. He was told that a taxi would be sent to pick it up.
When the taxi arrived, Cara was sitting in a nearby cafe, allegedly paying close attention to the taxi driver as he parked.
Cara was himself under surveillance by the police. "As the taxi driver got out of his vehicle and approached the apartment entrance, the defendant Cara got up from his position at the cafe and directly shadowed the taxi driver into the apartments," the police summary alleges.
The taxi driver had been told to take the package and deliver it to a person with the cerebral palsy victim's Christian name at an address in Freemans Bay.
As the taxi driver picked up the package from the counter, Cara was standing behind him, watching, the police claim.
When Cara went to follow, he was stopped by the police. An officer went with the taxi driver to Freemans Bay.
Kelman was allegedly hiding waiting to pick up the package. He walked off quickly and allegedly hid his cellphone in bushes but he too was detained by the police.
According to the police summary neither Cara nor Kelman had an explanation for why they were involved in wanting to obtain the New Zealand passport, nor did they say what their involvement was.
They claimed that they did not know each other, but the police say their inquiries contradict this claim.
Further evidence to the court gave details of their time in New Zealand. Michael Zandvoort, of the North Shore, said Kelman, whom he knew as John, told him he had a contract in Europe and would be away for two months, "something to do with West European embassies".
"John never told me specifics about the company he worked for but it was something to do with security and detecting bugs."
New Zealand/Israel relations
* Israel recently closed its embassy in Wellington but has one in Canberra.
* New Zealand has a consulate in Tel Aviv.
* Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Phil Goff visited Israel last May but caused a diplomatic incident by also meeting Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
* Visitor visa waivers are in force and a working holiday scheme planned.
* But New Zealanders are warned against all travel to Israel because of the high risk of terrorism.
* New Zealand sent about $12.5 million of exports to Israel in 2002.
* It received around $60.1 million of imports, including fertilisers, plastic and soap.
* Israel opened a trade office in Auckland in 1994 and a New Zealand and Israel Trade Association was set up that year.

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