There is no such thing as a good war.  The war in Kosovo is
being portrayed as a "good" war.  The Clinton and Blair
propaganda machine is spinning the killing in Kosovo as if it
were some crusade to save lives.

The only real images from the war in Europe were of U.S. planes
killing innocent civilians, including Kosovar refugees.  The TV
set was filled with bodies blown to pieces by American airpower.
The Clinton spin is that such things always happen in war, and
that even if they were innocent women and children it was a
"good thing" because we are there to save them.

Where was the "good thing" spin when American viewers were
treated to a naked and burned Vietnamese child, running away
from a napalmed village?  I don't recall the term "ethnic
cleansing" being applied to the hill people of Vietnam, staunch
U.S. allies in combat, who were erased by the genocide of the
North Vietnamese Army.

I do recall the wife of Ted Turner playing games with a
communist anti-aircraft gun and NVA soldiers for the cameras.
CNN missed that photo in their review of the Vietnam War
history.  CNN is leading the hysteria brigade to put ground
troops in Kosovo, so where are you now, Jane Fonda?

Clinton has no plan for victory, no plan for the refugees, no
plan for peace and no plan for war.  There were several logical
alternative solutions.  Clinton chose to ignore them all.  The
ultimate "come as you are" combat with the impulsive child-like
"just do it" leader.

Clinton's war in Kosovo will cost at least $8 billion, wreaking
havoc on the U.S. economy and sucking up the lives of a
generation for yet another useless war abroad.  If we had
offered $800 million to Milosvich for all of Kosovo, the fat
communist might have taken the money and called us "suckers".

If we had spent $800 million arming the maoist heroin smugglers
that portray themselves as the Kosovar Liberation Army (KLA)
then Milosovich would be fighting for his life in the streets of

Clinton's "McWar" in Kosovo is in his classic Waco-kid style.
Bomb Kosovo to save Kosovo.  Burn the women and children alive
to keep them from being abused by that mean old bad guy.  Create
the crisis and then rush in (with cameras rolling) to solve the

Clinton chose the red button and hurled our war machine into
action with the casual air of swatting a fly in the Oval office.
He has become the poster boy for the very same "bomb happy"
policy the liberal Democratic party lambasted Republican
Presidents Reagan and Bush for.

Yet, President Bush let the the professional soldiers win the
Gulf war.  The real pros, the entire force of Desert Storm, from
the Generals at the top to the private in the foxhole,
dismembered the Iraqi army and won the day.  Liberals disliked
the Gulf war because it was about "oil".  Liberals love the 90s
booming U.S. economy which certainly would not have taken place
if Saddam had driven the price to $500 a barrel.

President Reagan built the force of professionals that fought
the Gulf War.  Reagan won the Cold War with his brilliant
defense budgets that drove the Soviet Union onto the dustheap of
history.  It was Reagan who saved the free world and his forces
have protected us since his last day in office.

Today, the boy President Clinton is destroying the legacy of
Ronald Reagan by dismantling the very force that won the cold
war.  Today, we can't fight a two-bit version of Marshal Tito.

Clinton is re-living the legacy of Lyndon Johnson in Vietnam.
He has micro-managed the war and is picking targets.  Clinton is
not schooled in the art of war nor is his hand-picked staff.
Clinton's DOD Secretary Cohen resembles a half-pint version of
former Defense Secretary McNamara, reciting phrases that he can
hardly udder with a straight face.  Clinton has wasted million
dollar missiles on the wrong targets and endangered the lives of
American soldiers with wasted missions.

However, the war in europe serves Mr. Clinton politically.
Clinton, true to form, split the conservatives with a single
master stroke.  Republicans hate communists like Milosovich,
thus bombing seems okay by conservative ideology.  Other
Republicans dislike the Clinton "Monica-Storm" style.

Moreover, the DNC benefits greatly from the Kosovo war.  Clinton
has already played the "race" card with the "ethnic cleansing"
hungry media, comparing his Republican opponents to Milosovich.

Nightly TV images of white, european refugees play Clinton's
white european liberal base like a finely tuned violin.
Clearly, the bleeding heart liberal Kosovo war has far greater
appeal to bleeding heart liberals (with money) than similar
activities to save Aficans or Asians.

However, Clinton is both careless and shallow.  Clinton played
golf while bombs fell on Belgrade.  Clinton raised over $1
million at a DNC fund-raiser and then visited the family of one
of the POWs in Serbia.  The callous combination of fore, flag,
family and DNC fundraisers is enough to bring tears.  Tears of
joy for the corrupt DNC fundraising machine and tears of rage to
honest Americans.

The DNC ploys of race and war are designed to fill the coffers
of a weak Al Gore.  Perhaps the plan is for Al Gore to over-see
the "peace" talks or get the Russians to help settle a Serbian
deal.  Gore would look good for the 2000 elections and the
Russians would look good for their next billion dollar pay-off
from the U.S. taxpayer.  Clearly, such a Gore event would be
staged since the Vice President would have to burn fossil fuels
to fly to europe.

Do you remember "it's the economy - stupid"?  The Kosovo war is
going to cost.  The so called budget surplus is gone, eaten by
the "good war" in Kosovo.

The retired can kiss their Social Security increases goodbye.
The Republicans can forget about any tax cut.  Clinton's call up
of reservists is already rippling through economic markets like
an earthquake.  The price of gas has been driven up by NATO jet
burning tons of fuel over the skies of Kosovo.  The world
economy was already braced for a slight downturn simply because
of the Y2K event.  We will now face tougher times ahead, thanks
to Clinton's "good war".  We may even face a tax hike.

However, the Kosovo war has not been so good for U.S. foreign
relations.  Remember our "buddies" the Russians and our
"strategic partner", Communist China?  Relations with Russia
have descended into cold war status and China portrays Clinton
as Hitler in their press.  Beijing may have to allow the first
open demonstrations since Tinenamen square.  Anti-American
demonstrations backed by the communist government.

The war, however, did manage to drive that pesky little
China-Gate scandal out of the media spotlight.  Even if Beijing
does compare Clinton to Hitler - so what?  First, it's in
Chinese so Clinton's donor base won't care and, more
importantly, the U.S. Senate is not calling him to testify about

Stand by for the next CNN poll question:  Do you support
re-instating the draft?  Is Gen-X prepared fight and die in the
hills of eastern europe?  Clinton waved his finger at us and
said he would not put ground troops in Kosovo.  The finger wave
is Clinton's prime routine so expect troops any time now.
Soccer moms are you prepared to send your sons and daughters
into Kosovo to save KLA Private Ryanskokz?

Clinton's last twenty months in office are going to be a rocky
ride for America.  The impeached lame duck, so recently held in
"contempt" by a Federal Judge, will add Kosovo next to his name
in the history books.  Clinton is no LBJ, JFK, Nixon nor can he
be rightly compared to Adolph Hitler.  Clinton is now engaged in
a personal crusade to save his historic legacy with a "good"
little war...  No matter how many lives it costs.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:
SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            04/21/99
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