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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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 The Zlatkin Letter
Commentary by Chuck Zlatkin

May Day, May Day: Its still Bush or Kerry

Friday May 7th, 2004

What a glorious May Day in New York City. The weather was absolutely fantastic. It was evidently clear, to even me, that this winter was finally over. I see now that the main reason for celebrating May Day is that April is finished.

There was a ton of stuff scheduled to take place and I wanted to be a part of it all. I had initially blocked out the day because I thought I would be attending a benefit for radio station WBAI put together by Wavy Gravy that was to include all kinds of musicians and satirist Paul Krassner.

I don’t know why the benefit didn’t come off but I’m sure it wasn’t because of good news. I still listen to WBAI, just not all the time any more. I don’t listen to WBAI all the time anymore because I want to hear all kinds of voices these days. I want to hear everyone who is struggling to learn the truth. I need to get all points of view on how we all got into this mess. But don’t get me wrong; I love many of the people who broadcast on WBAI and the viewpoints they present. But I also have to hear input from people who I may disagree with on certain issues but understand that they may have uncovered important truths in other areas. I can’t be that arrogant to assume that only people who think the way I do have a monopoly on the truth.

I want to hear people who aren’t afraid of challenging the prevailing story on what happened on 9/11. I want to see everyone’s take on that. I want to know the truth even if it ruffles some feathers. I want to hear from people who want to see the big picture even if it means being labeled a conspiracy theorist. I think that I am savvy enough to be able to hear the theories of David Icke, Jim Marrs, Alex Jones, John Kaminski, Meria Heller, Jeff Rense, or Victor Thorn and Lisa Giuliani without becoming undone. I don’t need a gatekeeper filtering access for me.

I’ll put it to you this way, if someone wants to tell me that JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman and that there was no complicity in 9-11 by the leaders of this country that’s fine, but don’t expect me to not want to listen to those who will. I have to spend a lot of time listening to Internet radio to hear what I can’t find on NPR, WBAI, and Air America Radio.

Left and right doesn’t mean much to me anymore. I mean it was people on the right who were telling me that Bill Clinton was no good and it is people on the left who are telling me that John Kerry is. But I’ll tell you that when it comes to the war in Iraq there is no difference among the Clintons, Kerry and Bush. We have ruling class consensus. We can all be rest assured now that Kerry has told us that he ain’t leaving Iraq either. The War Party has both of the two major candidates in this election.

I want to hear from people who will tell me the truth they know rather than the lie they want me to believe. To accomplish that task you have to have an open mind and believe in what free speech really means.

Sometimes you have to stand on your head to find radio that will give you that, you know, the truth they know, rather than the lie they want you to believe. We have to yearn to hear the truth no matter how uncomfortable some of it may make us feel.

You know I am really used to being on the left on most issues. It really wasn’t knee-jerk on my part. I developed my position on an issue based on the merits I assessed over the years. I think most of takes on issues are reasonable and based on truth, even if some of my beliefs in the past were totally misguided. I feel comfortable attending demonstrations to express my views. Whatever fears I had about doing that were overcome years ago.

I had been listening to John Lennon, some of the more obscure stuff. Some people call it recycling music to suck out every ounce of profit possible. But as for me, to able to hear John Lennon futzing around in the studio, it is well worth the expense.

Some people have said of me that I am somehow still a 60s guy. If that means that I still believe in the possibility of peace breaking out around the world then I am indeed still a sixties guy. I love the “Some Time in New York City” collection. Have you heard John and Yoko singing “Attica State” live from the Apollo Theater? You realize how easily fear and hatred cloud our judgment.

In the 1970s people were taking it to the streets on a regular basis. There were many issues that people felt strongly enough to get out and expresss themselves. But the overriding issue was to end the war. I believe that it is possible for there to be peace in the world right now. I wouldn’t argue about how remote that possibility is, but I will state that as long as I believe in the possibility I haven’t been defeated by the forces of darkness. I love music about people becoming free. Imagine that.

On May Day, amidst the shoppers and the tourists there was actually the phenomenon of activists organizing to do their thing in the streets all over the city. I missed the gathering at Union Square Park put on by DSA (http://www.dsausa.org/dsa.html)  that  featured speakers and musicians. May Day is the real Labor Day. It celebrates, among other things, the victory of the workers in the United States securing for themselves a forty-hour week. This was a monumental victory. There was once a labor movement in this country.

Also on May Day there were other folks calling on the United States to disarm its weapons of mass destruction. They were saying that nuclear weapons are the only true weapons of mass destruction and look what countries have them, and who has the most. These were people at a demonstration sponsored by United for Peace and Justice (www.unitedforpeace.org) at Bryant Park There were speeches and music there as well. I was reminded again of the horror of nuclear weapons, not just what they do when they are used, but also the damage that they do just being stored. In the 1980s I worked with people around the issue of nuclear disarmament. I was a founding member and early leader of CANDU, in Chelsea in New York City. One of the people I worked with intensely was Eve Ensler who is known now for the Vagina Monologues

While I am working on other issues now, it is important to meditate on the issue of the nuclear threat once again, every time a war begins on this planet armed with nuclear weapons.

I was reading Fleshing Out Skull & Bones – Investigations Into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society by Anthony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr. Ralph Bunch, and Anton Chaitkin & Webster Griffin Tarpley. In the chapter “Prescott Bush, $1,500,000 And Auschwitz “ by Toby Rogers I learned “rest of the story.” I had become very familiar with the history of the Bush family in financing the rise of the Nazis in Germany and their record of war profiteering during World War II. What Toby Rogers tell me is what happened to the assets that were seized from Prescott Bush in 1942 by the United States government under the Trading With The Enemy Act. I had assumed wrongly that when the assets were seized that was that. In 1951 Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist died in Argentina. After that, the Alien Property Custodian released the assets of the Union Banking Corporation (the Nazi front business created by Prescott Bush’s father-in-law Herbert Walker, the man both 41 and 43 were named after) to Brown Brothers Harriman. Prescott Bush was entitled to one share that when cashed in was worth $1.5 million. You know $1.5 million was some real money back in 1951.

Prescott used that money to set up his son, George H.W. in business and get himself elected Senator from Connecticut. That’s not bad for a guy who had his assets seized because he was doing business with the Nazis while the United States was at war with Germany.

Now that we have determined what the Bush family is, we just have to look for how it continues today. Do you think that the Bushes have stopped being war profiteers?

There are people on both the left and the right who see these truths to be self-evident. What I want to understand from people who still support the Bush family, do you not care that they profited from war while Americans died, or is it that you can’t handle that truth? I think there might be about 20% of the people in the United States who don’t care about it. 80% either do care or haven’t learned that truth yet.

In Times Square there were people protesting against the War in Iraq. They were saying that the United States should immediately withdraw its troops from Iraq at the demonstration put together by International Answer

 And that was before all of these weeks revelations about torture during war.

I know that you are busy. We all are, but I would suggest that if you haven’t demonstrated against the war in Iraq yet, its not too late to get started doing so, unless, of course, you are in favor of the war.

I’m against the war in Iraq. I have been so since before it began, during it, and now in the period of “mission accomplished.” Both candidates from the War Party are in favor of this war, and even though they won’t tell you so, they are both planning to reinstitute the military draft in April of 2005. I think the appeal for John Kerry that some of the ruling elite have is because it will be so much easier for President Kerry to reinstitute the draft than it would be for this President Bush.

Also at Union Square was a demonstration by people from Jews Against The Occupation (www.jatonyc.org) and Stop The Wall (www.stopthewall.org)   As I was reading some of there material I heard on of he demonstrators talking about being put in the hospital by a beating he received at the hands of people who didn't believe in free speech.  It takes courage sometimes to express views that might be unpopular.  If you believe in free speech you should check out what these people have to say.

Later on that day as I was about to enter Battery Park I began to think about hemp. Why do we still use wood pulp to make paper? I mean if we used agricultural hemp it would be far more economical and environmentally safer. On May Day other activists were meeting to march down to Battery Park demonstrating for the legalization of Marijuana sponsored by Cannabis Consumers’ Campaign (http://www.cannabisconsumers.org)
As I entered the grassy knoll, a young person handed me a flier:

“ Do You Feel a Draft?”

“If we need more troops, I’ll send more troops.”
April 14, 2004
President George. Bush

“But at this point, there are more troops essentially to send….
70% of our combat power’s been deployed.
We’re down to three to five brigades of the Army and
Marine Corps and Strategic Reserve, and we are at, and beyond,
our elastic breaking point. . .We have shot the bolt. It’s over.”
April 15, 2004
Retired General Barry McCaffrey,
Commander of the 24th Infantry Division during the first Persian Gulf War
And teacher at West Point Military Academy

“What the jungles became in Vietnam, the cities are becoming in Iraq.”
April 15, 2004
Retired Lieutenant General William Odorn,
Director of National Security Studies at the Hudson Institute”

The flier had a lot more information including a great timeline from September 11, 2001 right up to June 15, 2005 when the potential draft lottery would go into effect.

The flier was announcing the opening of a new website (www.DraftDiscussion.org) which was supposed to get started on May 6th. I don’t think they’re there yet.

But this was a really for the Legalization of Marijuana. There were speakers and music, including both live bands and deejays. At the south end of the park there was a bandstand that presented rock bands for one major part of the constituency. At then north end there were deejays presenting a more hip-hop presentation for another major part of the constituency.

It was a beautiful day, even though no one was smoking pot. The organizers did a pretty good job letting participants know that if they smoked they would be arrested. The Bloomberg police force is no different than the Giuliani police force on this issue.
I was struck at the vast range of the people there. There seventeen year old kids, people in their twenties and thirties with children on up to people a couple of decades older than me, and I’m 58. It was a mellow, peaceful crowd with people of all races and ethnicities.

To top off the celebration for May Day I journeyed to the Knitting Factory to see a set by political satirist, author and stand-up comedian Paul Krassner. It was my first visit to the Knitting Factory. Paul was scheduled to perform in the bar downstairs. Upstairs was the main room scheduled with rock music.

As I approached I found out that I was being profiled. It was obvious to the young people who worked there that the audience for Krassner was much grayer than their usual crowd. They were very helpful in directing me to where I had to go. It was great to see Paul Krassner perform. If you want to find out about what he’s up to you can read him every other week in the New York Press or check him out on line at (www.paulkrassner.com )

Paul was brilliant and funny, even if he isn’t quite there in accepting the complicity of the ruling elite in 9-11. It was a wonderful end to a truly remarkable May Day celebration in New York City.

A big May Day out to you.  Its one member of Skull and Bones or the other. Two supporters of war in Iraq who want to be president and will lie about bringing back the draft.  Don't be distracted by this election. Get busy, get active, get the word out.



Chuck Zlatkin
P.O Box 821
JAF Station
New York, NY 10116-0821

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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