-Caveat Lector- also has
AP Toll Says 1,361 Iraqis Killed in April

Officer Suggests Iraq Jail Abuse Was Encouraged "reservists acted at the behest of military intelligence officers appears largely supported in a still-classified Army report on prison conditions in Iraq"

General: Much of Iraq's Forces Have Quit

During Death Squads in Honduras Ambassador - Senate Hearings Begin on Negroponte Iraq Appointment

"Of course, the Saudis aren't talking about a drop in prices to Joe Six Pack, the prince's term for the American public. It means a drop in price to the American oil men in an effort to inflate their profits, because, after all, they are major supporters of Bush and have been pumping money into his campaign."

scroll for articles discussing crimes

article describes crimes - Holy Saturday Murder - Altar cloth in Mercy Hospital hallway may expose nun's killer Letter opener, scissors could have been weapon By Robin Erb - Blade Staff Writer  http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040429/NEWS03/404290391
Ohio Priest Charged in Nun's 1980 Killing 4/24/04 Toledo, Ohio (AP) "A Roman Catholic priest was charged in the 1980 killing of a nun whose body was found in the chapel of the hospital where he served as chaplain, police said. The Rev. Gerald Robinson, 63, was arrested Friday, five months after police reopened the investigation into the death of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl, Chief Mike Navarre said." http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4015736,00.html

two fwds from L Moss Sharman

article has graphic details of abuse - Amish case ends in mistrial - A woman charged with abusing children will be back for a new court date May 27. Jane Sims, Free Press Justice Reporter   4/27/04 ST. THOMAS "A judge declared a mistrial yesterday in the case of an Elgin County Amish woman charged with 19 counts of sexual abuse and violence involving five children. Superior Court Justice Edward Browne dismissed the jury of seven women and five men yesterday afternoon." http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/LondonFreePress/News/2004/04/27/437562.html

Amirault released from prison after 18 years By AP 4/30/04 They claimed they were railroaded by questionable testimony from child witnesses who they said were badgered by well-meaning therapists until they concocted their tales of abuse....But their accusers - now young adults - insist that Amirault is the monster they said he was during his trial. Their testimony, which included stories of Amirault dressing up as a clown and raping children with knives, and the ritualistic slayings of animals, made up the bulk of the state's case. His sister and mother, Violet Amirault, were convicted during a separate trial and were released from prison in 1995. Violet Amirault died in 1997. Amirault victim Jennifer Bennett, now married with two children of her own, said earlier this week that her stomach was in knots just thinking about his release. She said she still has flashbacks, wakes up in a cold sweat and is terrified by clowns. Larry Hardoon, the chief prosecutor in the case, said he continues to believe Amirault committed the crimes. He defended the interviewing techniques used by investigators, which were later criticized as leading and suggestive to the children. ``Anybody that takes the time to understand and pay attention to what the actual facts were - not the mischaracterization of facts that gets spread by the defense - the convictions have always been upheld as sound and fully supportable,'' he said. ``I believe he had a fair trial and that the system worked the way it's supposed to work. I've never seen or heard anything from the beginning of this case to today - that makes me think otherwise,'' he said." http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=12609

Judge overturns molestation convictions for man imprisoned 20 years; victims recanted - Brian Skoloff 4/30/04 Bakersfield, Calif. (AP) "A judge on Friday threw out the child molestation conviction of a man who spent 20 years in prison, siding with the defense after most of the alleged victims claimed the assaults never happened.  John Stoll, now 60, will remain in custody until a May 4 hearing to determine a release date. He was convicted in 1985 on 17 counts of child molestation." "Deputy District Attorney Lisa Green said prosecutors would not seek a retrial, but added that she was disappointed with the ruling because authorities still believe Stoll is guilty."

Church votes to forgive pastor serving molestation sentence 5/2/04 by Jenny Burns, Sharon, S.C. (AP) "At tiny St. John Baptist Church, the congregation was faced with a pastor who confessed to molestation, and it decided to let others cast the first stone.It voted to forgive the Rev. John T. Brown and allow him to return to the pulpit after he finishes serving a four-year sentence for sexually assaulting two teenage girls who attended his previous church." http://www.beaufortgazette.com/state_news/regional/story/3560795p-3163622c.html

has graphic descriptions of violence
AP Toll Says 1,361 Iraqis Killed in April
Saturday May 1, 2004 12:46 AM
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Volunteers hunting for bodies in Fallujah find a woman and her daughter in their home, killed in the siege but undiscovered for days. Chanting mourners bury two boys caught in the crossfire of a Baghdad gunfight. A morgue in Basra overflows with torn and burned bodies from a suicide bombing.  Victims - young and old, women and men, insurgents and innocents - have been piling up day by day, making April the deadliest month for Iraqis - and Americans - since the fall of Saddam Hussein a year ago. Official and complete death counts for Iraqis nationwide are unavailable. But a count by The Associated Press found that around 1,361 Iraqis were killed from April 1 to April 30 - 10 times the figure of at least 136 U.S. troops who died during the same period.
....The April toll still falls short of the number of Iraqi deaths during the U.S. invasion. An AP survey of records from 60 of Iraq's 124 hospitals found that at least 3,240 civilians died from March 20, 2003, to April 20, 2003; the complete number during that period is sure to be significantly higher.
The AP count includes single attacks that caused large numbers of casualties. In Basra, 74 people were killed when suicide attackers set off five car bombs nearly simultaneously outside police stations on April 21. A day earlier, a mortar barrage by guerrillas against Baghdad's largest prison, Abu Ghraib, killed 22 prisoners, all of them detainees held on suspicion of being members of the insurgency.

from aol
Officer Suggests Iraq Jail Abuse Was Encouraged
By PHILIP SHENON, The New York Times
WASHINGTON (May 1) -- An Army Reserve general whose soldiers were photographed as they abused Iraqi prisoners said Saturday that she knew nothing about the abuse until weeks after it occurred and that she was "sickened" by the pictures. She said the prison cellblock where the abuse occurred was under the tight control of Army military intelligence officers who may have encouraged the abuse.

The suggestion by Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski that the reservists acted at the behest of military intelligence officers appears largely supported in a still-classified Army report on prison conditions in Iraq that documented many of the worst abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad, including the sexual humiliation of prisoners.

The New Yorker magazine said in its new edition that the report by Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba found that reservist military police at the prison were urged by Army military officers and C.I.A. agents to "set physical and mental conditions for favorable interrogation of witnesses."....
Prisoners were beaten and threatened with rape, electrocution and dog attacks, witnesses told Army investigators, according to the report obtained by The New Yorker. Much of the abuse was sexual, with prisoners often kept naked and forced to perform simulated and real sex acts, witnesses testified. Mr. Hersh notes that such degradations, while deeply offensive in any culture, are particularly humiliating to Arabs because Islamic law and culture so strongly condemn nudity and homosexuality.

Mondo Washington
by James Ridgeway
The Royal Business
In this slick little Bush family saga, Bandar is the prince, and we're the paupers
April 22nd, 2004 WASHINGTON, D.C.âBit by bit, the Bush family's personal ties to the Saudi royal family and their intertwined social and business arrangements are emerging as the scandal over Iraq grows. Bob Woodward, for example, further elaborates the familial ties between Papa and Junior Bush and Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador in Washington, and his wife. The families, he reports in Plan of Attack, are locked together, with Bandar coming and going into the Oval Office, the Prince's wife inviting a lonely Bush daughter over for Thanksgiving dinner, and so on. Prince Bandar got the news of the coming war with Iraq before anyone else, and the president made sure the prince was a happy camper before going forward. Just to make sure the prince knew he was for real, Bush got Cheney to tell the prince, that, for sure, "Saddam was toast. " All in all, the Bush clan regards Prince Bandar and his wife are family, and vice versa.....
The bedrock of the relationship between the U.S. and the Saudi royal family is Aramco, which began as a joint venture between the international oil giants Standard Oil and Texaco for exploration and development of the kingdom's immense oil and gas reserves, a business endeavor producing billions of dollars in revenues for the royal family. That money is turned right around and paid to American defense contractors for armaments of all types. Woodward says Bandar realized that Bush would need to show some economic progress before the 2004 election and that meant getting Saudi help in dropping the price of oil. "They're high," Woodward told 60 Minutes, referring to oil prices. "And they could go down very quickly. That's the Saudi pledge. Certainly over the summer, or as we get closer to the election, they could increase production several million barrels a day and the price would drop significantly."
Of course, the Saudis aren't talking about a drop in prices to Joe Six Pack, the prince's term for the American public. It means a drop in price to the American oil men in an effort to inflate their profits, because, after all, they are major supporters of Bush and have been pumping money into his campaign.

General: Much of Iraq's Forces Have Quit
Wed Apr 21,11:27 PM ET
By CONNIE CASS, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - About one in every 10 members of Iraq's security forces "actually worked against" U.S. troops during the recent militia violence in Iraq, and an additional 40 percent walked off the job because of intimidation, the commander of the 1st Armored Division said Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 27th, 2004
Death Squad Ambassador: Senate Hearings Begin on Negroponte Iraq Appointment
The second event was that President Bush announced he was appointing John Negroponte to head up the U.S. embassy in Iraq. Perhaps the two events are just a coincidence, or maybe the Hondurans know something most of the world hasn't been told. And that is the record of John Negroponte as U.S. ambassador to Honduras during the 1980s. Negroponte currently serves as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But it is his reputation as ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985 that earned him a reputation for supporting widespread human rights abuses and campaigns of terror. As ambassador to Honduras, Negroponte played a key role in coordinating US aid to the Contra death squads in Nicaragua and shoring up a CIA-backed death squad in Honduras. During his term as ambassador there, diplomats alleged that the embassy's annual human rights reports made Honduras sound more like Norway than Argentina.....Former official Rick Chidester, who served under Negroponte, says he was ordered to remove all mention of torture and executions from the draft of his 1982 report on the human rights situation in Honduras. During Negroponte's tenure, US military aid to Honduras skyrocketed from $3.9 million to over $77 million. Much of this went to ensure the Honduran army's loyalty in the battle against popular movements throughout Central America. 
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