-Caveat Lector- an excerpt from:
Fleshing Out Skull & Bones
720 pages

The Future Is Here And Now â Bush Is Still Back In 1831

Why 1831? Because German philosopher Georg Hegel died in 1831 and the Hegelian secret society (Yale) Skull & Bones, to which Bush has sworn eternal silence, was created in 1832.

Like Nazism, Communism, and Prussianism, groups, like S & B and Bohemian Grove are based on statist Hegelian idealism, the precise opposite of our ideal of Constitutional liberty and individual rights. The Owl of Minerva is the symbol of Bohemian Grove and the Owl of Minerva is also the title of the Hegelian Society Journal in the United States.

So what, you say? Because you will understand coming events in future technology and the roles of S & B and Bohemian Grove much better if you put to one side the artificial divisions of left and right, Republican and Democrat, and the hypocritical prattling of their members.

These elitist groups are Hegelian and believe the State is run for the benefit of the âMastersâ (Hegelâs term). We are mere âSlaves,â the peons, who do their bidding. Understand this and you will understand the trials that await New Technology down the road a way. Okay, you say, but I always knew we were peons, and somebody unelected was running the show. The point is that no academic has yet pinned this control down to an operating philosophy working in defiance of the U.S. Constitution. Suspicion is not enough. Throwing names around is not enough. Big charts with lots of arrows is not enough. We have to pin down the how and why, the operational procedures. If we are right in our analysis, you will in coming years see another layer of the onion skin peeled back. The Emperor really has no clothes.

The Bush Administration is no different from the Clinton Administration when it comes to new and more efficient energy technology. Both Administrations publicly ignore new technology or define it as beefed up, old technology to favor those interests who pay vast sums to support the two major parties â and get a piece of the action.
We hesitate to recommend Hegel for your reading. We see Hegel as turgid nonsense, but very influential. If you want Hegelâs statement on the relations between âMasterâ (them) and âSlaveâ (us), see pages 520 to 523 of Phenomenology of Spirit. This is the section on âLordship and Bondage.â (We term it, âMaster and Slaveâ):

The self consciousness of the Lord is essentially related to the being of the mere things he uses and uses up, and these he enjoys through the bondsmanâs (slave) self consciousness. The bondsman prepares and arranges things for the enjoyment of the Lord.

In brief, the function of us â the slaves â is to work for the Master. See Bush/Cheney as the Lord and you and I as the slaves, then it all becomes clear. Our job is to go along. Theirs is to steal and grab and enjoy the product. The State is the vehicle they use to grab the product legally. The State is the Master, and we are supposed to be obedient slaves. Quite a racket, if you can keep it going. And this is the purpose of Bohemian Grove and Skull & Bones. Clever, isnât it? You are all running around thinking Republican and Democrat, while the real action is somewhere else.

So within this Hegelian frame, letâs take a look at the Bush-Cheney energy plan.

The Bush-Cheney energy plan is wholly based on conventional fossilatomic technology owned by the same interests that financed Bush and are prominent in the S & B and Bohemian Grove. If the steam and water wheel interests had kicked in for his reelection, no doubt they would have a place in the Bush-Cheney Plan. Itâs all about cash for reelection, put up enough cash, and you become one of the Masters.

Bush actions follow closely Hegelâs plan for the âMasters.â The Masters should not be interested (according to Hegel) in new discovery. Leave that for the slaves to develop. âMastersâ prefer to milk the old, which generates profit and give them control. Hegel is therefore intimately related to Skull & Bones and Bohemian Grove. The reason that outside observers have not been able to get a handle on establishment power is because they have been trapped into a rightleft dichotomy and kept there by carefully baited political promises, rarely kept except to financial contributors.

Collection of names and organizations is insufficient. One needs to know their operating philosophy to learn their goals and how they achieve their goals. This is not political meandering. Unless you understand the control features in todayâs world, you cannot make correct decisions on future technology.

The input for the Bush-Cheney energy plan came only from conventional energy interests. The Administration refuses to release the working papers. Why? Because these will demonstrate that only a few energy firms got access to Cheney with their proposals. These were clearly selfserving proposals. No one else was even considered. Certainly not renewable energy sources or free energy. Just as Hegel would have it. Those who gather at Bohemian Grove and Bones â the Masters â got the rewards. The citizen slaves who do the thinking and the development get nothing.

pps. 99-101


Onwards to the utmost of futures!


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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