-Caveat Lector-
Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species.   NOTE:  Thanks to Rick Davis for both of these--one thoughtful, one charming.   --  kl, pp

June 11, 2004  http://www.counterpunch.org/alexander06112004.html

The Fantasies of Chalmers Johnson:

John Kerry Is as Close to God as God


It is very disheartening to me to still see articles in Leftwing
publications and websites giving another rundown on the lies of George W.
Bush. Do people really think that they can even possibly get through to
someone at this point who doesn't know that Bush is a liar? Do people
honestly think that writing another article on Bush's fabrications for a
leftist site or magazine is actually useful?

Now while the repetitiveness of these claims has caused my brain to blister,
I am even more bewildered when someone like Chalmers Johnson gives a speech
to a Democratic Party club in SoCal on the attributes of John Kerry. Johnson
seems to me like an extremely learned man who gives you footnotes after he
talks to you. I am honestly put back on my heels a little when a man like
him decides to endorse Kerry. But then I look at the reasons Johnson has for
endorsing Kerry and I begin to feel stronger in my convictions once again.
His reasons are:

1. He is not a chickenhawk like Bush. Johnson points out that the only
non-chickenhawk in Bush's administration is Colin Powell. Yes, that's
true...but so what? I agree that on this topic there is no doubt of the
hyprocrisy of Bush and that Kerry is not hyprocritical. But what does this
have to do with policy decisions? Chickenhawk Bush and his chickenhawk
buddies proposed the war on Iraq and non-chickenhawk, decorated war hero
John Kerry, a man who supposedly understands the gravity of combat and the
effects of it on soldiers and civilians, went along with their cowardly
asses. I don't see Kerry's war experiences having a real effect in this
occasion and haven't seen it in his pronouncements to send more troops over
to Iraq if elected. Perhaps he was too caught up in the hysteria of 9/11?
Well, what about the courage under fire our leader should have, especially
from one who has been under fire?

2. He was a leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Yes, this is
also true. But that was a long time ago, people change and it's pretty clear
that Kerry has. Thirty years ago, Vietnam, no. Now, Iraq, yes.

3. He will stop the secrecy of the Executive Branch. "Given his nineteen
years of service in the Senate, he is likely to end at least a significant
part of the secrecy that covers up the destruction of the environment, the
deployment of weapons in outer space, our refusal to conserve fossil fuels,
and many other scandals," Johnson says. Ok, now here is where I get really
lost. Johnson, a scholarly writer of quite some renown, acknowledges Kerry's
time in the Senate without giving one example of Kerry's acting on any of
the topics in that sentence. You would think that 19 years in the Senate
would have given one enough time to at least make a stand in the direction
towards rolling back government secrecy. Instead, just serving 19 years in
the Senate is enough to make one "likely to end at least a significant part
of the secrecy..." I know when Kerry first came into office he initiated
investigations into BCCI and Contra/drug connections. That was brave and
seems to have been attributed to an initial naivete about what his actual
role as a Democratic senator is. Also, people change. I definitely wouldn't
call the Patriot Act a step towards the reduction of governmental secrecy,
but Kerry I guess did when he voted in favor of it.

4. "The main issue in the coming election is the Constitution and the need
to restore its integrity as the supreme law of the land. It was concern over
violations of the Constitution that energized the Howard Dean campaign.
Kerry will end the tenure of John Ashcroft and the illegal incarceration of

native-born citizens in Federal prisons and prosecute those responsible for
torture in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay. If we're lucky, he might even close
the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia, which is where we
instruct military officers from Latin America in state terrorism. For those
even slightly interested in human rights, a Kerry victory is indispensable."
Holy shit, I didn't know that Kerry was the second coming of the second
coming. Although HE VOTED FOR THE PATRIOT ACT, he will "end the tenure of
John Ashcroft and the illegal incarceration of native-born citizens in
Federal prisons and prosecute those responsible for torture in Iraq and at
Guantanamo Bay." Wow, I knew I was wrong for questioning ol' Chalmers, he
can see into the future. Notice the absence of doubt. He must know something
we don't. Did he perhaps catch a glimpse of Kerry slipping into a phone
booth back in the 60s and emerge as Martin Luther King Jr.? "If we're lucky,
he might even close the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia,
which is where we instruct military officers from Latin America in state
terrorism"? Where did this bit of rose-colored optimism come from? From the
statements of Kerry? Or even better, from some bill Kerry proposed in his
time on the Senate floor? No? Oh, I get it, Chalmers knows that all this
time Kerry has been biding his time casting votes against his beliefs for
things like welfare reform and internet censorship in order to achieve his
longtime goal, president. With the presidency he can overcome the effects of
his voting record and set things right.

Hopefully what I've written makes clear the gigantic holes in the "Anybody

But Bush candidate with the best chance is obviously going to make
everything better"-left's logic. I swear, if the Democrats had proposed a
candidate who was for the war, voted for the Patriot Act, voted for
censorship, NAFTA, etc., most people on the left would still say that he's
better than Bush. Wait a minute they have.

Paul Alexander can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


                    United States Grammar School
                    Interim Report to Parents

May 25, 2004 By Nancy Greggs

Dear Mr. and Mrs. G.H.W. Bush,

Once again, it is that time of year when we update the parents of our students on their child's progress, and we regret to inform you that your son, Georgie, is not doing as well as we'd hoped and expected when he embarked on his four-year program at our school.

As you are well aware, Georgie was installed as class president at the start of the school year, despite the fact that the majority of his fellow students did not vote for him. We foresaw problems immediately, but were assured by several school board members (who, as we understand it, are friends of your family) that this would not result in any real difficulty. Unfortunately, they have been proven wrong.

In the area of scholastic achievement, despite our best efforts, Georgie is still reading and speaking at a grade level far below our usual standards. At this point, we are not sure if his failure to learn is due to laziness and a lack of ability to apply himself to his studies, or if he simply lacks the intellectual capacity to improve in these areas.

His oral presentations to the class are particularly troubling; it is apparent that Georgie has not read the necessary materials, and he often simply fabricates facts to hide this shortcoming. In oral exams, he tends to repeat the same answers over and over, e.g. "The economy is good; jobs are on their way," indicating a profound failure to keep up with the Current Events portion of the curriculum.

Georgie also tends to fabricate elaborate stories about himself--which, admittedly, can sometimes be very amusing. During a school celebration last May,

he delighted his fellow students by coming to class in a little "flight suit" (just like the grown-ups wear!), and had everyone in stitches with his story about the family dog having eaten his report card from military pre-school!

On the whole, however, Georgie does not play well with other children. His "leadership" in the classroom continues to divide many students, one against the other. Other study groups, such as our French and German-language classes, are no longer willing to cooperate with Georgie's group, even though they have traditionally done so in the past.

Your son also displays a lack of taking responsibility for his failings, and seems unable to appreciate the consequences of his actions. Although he was provided with the best textbooks on the subjects of the Economy, Job Creation, et cetera, these books were damaged or completely destroyed within a matter of months. Georgie insists that he "inherited" these books in poor condition, despite all evidence to the contrary. (In fact, these same textbooks were previously used by one of our very best students, who actually returned them in better condition than he found them!)

During his first few weeks with us, Georgie quickly became part of a group of other "problem students." Despite warnings, he has consistently befriended children whom we consider to be "bad elements," such as Little Kenny Lay and a foreign-exchange student named Chalabi. Both of these youngsters have been expelled from other schools due to their involvement in cheating other students out of their lunch money. We feel that these kinds of relationships can only lead to no good, and hope that you will advise your child accordingly.

Georgie often displays aggressive behavior in the schoolyard, and recently assaulted a student in another school district, completely unprovoked. When asked about this incident, Georgie insisted that the other child was armed and dangerous. When investigation into the matter proved otherwise, Georgie changed his story several times: he was just trying to "democratize" the other child, the other child's school was harboring gang members, and so on. Quite frankly, his story on this topic has so changed from week to week, we simply can't trust his word at all anymore.

Georgie's friends, while not great in number, are very loyal, but tend to be over-protective. If any of the other students point out Georgie's failing grades, these friends simply shout them down and tell them not to speak at all. When Georgie was summoned to the principal's office several weeks ago, he insisted that his "best friend" come with him. We feel that it is in Georgie's best interest to learn to stand up for himself; failure to do so could seriously damage his ability to handle a leadership role in his adult years.

As you are aware, final exams will be held in November, and Georgie's past performance leads us to conclude that he will not be able to achieve the grades necessary to continue on with another four-tear term at our institution.

Yours Truly,
Ms. J.Q. Public, Assistant Principal
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