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-Caveat Lector-

NMCC ops director asked substitute on 9-10 to stand his watch on 9-11   
Rookie in the 9-11 Hot Seat?

National Military Command CenterÂoperations director asked newly-qualified 
substitute on Sept. 10 to stand his watch at 8:30 am on Sept. 11 by Tom Flocco

WASHINGTON -- June 17, 2004 Posted 11:45 pm -- Tom Flocco.com -- According to 
the personal written statement of Navy Captain Charles J. Leidig, Jr., 
entered into the record during todayâs hearings before the National Commission on 
Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Leidig revealed that on September 10 
he was asked by Brigadier General Montague Winfield to stand a portion of his 
duty as Deputy Director for Operations for the National Military Command Center 
(NMCC), which would require supervision and operation of all necessary 
communications as watch commander.

Leidig said "On 10 September 2001, Brigadier General Winfield, U.S. Army, 
asked that I stand a portion of his duty as Deputy Director for Operations, NMCC, 
on the following day. [September 11]Â I agreed and relieved Brigadier General 
Winfield at 0830 on 11 September 2001." 

Winfield had requested Leidig to assume his watch at what turned out to be 
the very outset of the September 11 attacks--but even after American Flight 11 
had already been determined to be hijacked just minutes before Winfield handed 
over his watch to Leidig.

Captain Leidigâs Commission statement was 1.25 typewritten pages, large font, 
and double-spaced--the shortest written statement provided by any 9-11 
Commission deponent as observed by this writer since the commencement of the probe. 

News reports today and into the evening commented upon the abysmal handling 
of communications, confusion and chaosÂduring the attacks, which calls into 
question why Winfield handed over control of communications and supervision of 
the NMCC to Leidig during the attacks when he knew the Captain hadÂjust met the 
supervision qualifications to stand watch some 30 days earlier: "Approximately 
two months prior to 11 September 2001, I assumed duties as the Deputy for 
Command Center Operations in the J3 Directorate of the Joint Staff. In this role, 
I was responsible for the maintenance, operation, and training of watch teams 
for the NMCC." 

"Further, I qualified in August 2001 to stand watch as the Deputy Director 
for Operations in the NMCC....Shortly after assuming duty, I received the first 
report of a planeâs striking the World Trade Center....In response to these 
events, I convened a Significant Event Conference, which was subsequently 
upgraded to an Air Threat Conference." [This statement may indicate that Leidig was 
assuming the critical NMCC military communications watch position for the very 
first time--a fact completely lost upon the Commission, as they never thought 
to broach the subject for verification.]


The National Transportation and Safety Board auditorium had been quiet until 
an individual stood up and repeatedly questioned why the Commission was not 
addressing the issue of 9-11 war games--specifically Operation Vigilant 
Guardian--wherein fighters were already in the air during the attacks, some just minut
es away from New York City. The legitimate questions were ignored and the 
petitioner was removed by secret service and FBI agents.

Commissioner John Lehman offered that while Air Force Generals Richard 
Meyers, Ralph Eberhart and Larry Arnold (Ret.) had been questioned, no one had asked 
any questions of the "only sailor in the group," Captain Leidig.

Lehman asked Leidig about the controlled phone bridges or conferences held 
during the attacks, which the Captain confirmedÂwere classified and secure phone 
lines while also indicating that "the President can be included" in such 

After some discussion about certain difficulties reaching the Federal 
Aviation Administration (FAA)Âand compatibility issues in connections, Leidig 
confirmed that Vice President Cheney and the White House were connected to the phone 

At that point Chairman Kean quickly cut off Lehmanâs line of questioning and 
proceeded to Commissioner Timothy Roemer whoÂsmartly decided to pickÂup 
onÂLehman's phone bridge issue.
Whereupon Leidig again confirmed that "I was connected to the White House." 
[during the Significant Event Conference, which became an Air Threat 

In response to a pointed question, Leidig also confirmed that theÂNMCC had 
theÂcapability to connect to Air Force One, but that it did not do so, at least 
not during Leidig's watch which was during most of the time period of the 
actual attacks when the President was still at the elementary school.

Leidig was asked, in effect,Âwhy the NMCC did not connect directly to Air 
Force One, to which he answered "I don't recall,"Âand he repeated his "I don't 
recall" assertion. 

This was theÂone moment in Leidig's testimony where he seemed to lose facial 
control and composure on the television screen, indicating another reason why 
the Commission is unsuitable for a situation with criminal implications 
calling for a grand jury and experienced prosecutors involving a 3,000 death mass 

Observant individuals conversant with key issues regarding what many have 
termed an overt military stand-down on 9-11-- seemingly masked by feigned 
confusion, chaos, and screwed up communications--were treated to new ground having 
been broken as questions of shifted responsibility bubbled to the surface while 
whistleblowers wait in the wings.


Immediately at the close of testimony by Myers, Eberhart, Arnold and Leidig, 
this writer quickly walked to the head table to individually question Leidig 
before his aides could escort him from the auditorium. The Air Force generals 
had left quickly.

When asked "Can you tell me the approximate time when you commenced your 
supervision of the phone bridges," Leidig told TomFlocco.com, "Youâll have to look 
in the records and Commission staff statements. I canât recall the time."

We then offered to Leidig, "it had to be prior to 8:30 am, because the 
President said âI know whatâs going on in New York City, and Iâll have more to 
about it later in the day,â a statement which was confirmed at 8:30 and 8:35 
am in two separate news reports just before Mr. Bush stepped into his limousine 
for the drive to the elementary school."

That fact alone should have raised the eyebrows of anyone realizing that the 
President was aware there was a hijacking--all related to his prior 
intelligence briefings, consistent with terrorists commandeering airplanes.

YetÂMr. BushÂcontinued on to the school instead of canceling to assume 
immediate leadership in the defense ofÂhis nation.

"Youâll have to check the records. I canât remember," said Leidig, gathering 
up his papers and briefcase and leaning toward the door.

Interestingly, Leidig had also told Lehman and Roemer that Winfield relieved 
him and reassumed his duties as Deputy Director for Operations for the NMCC 
just before United Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania and the attacks were over, 
which would have beenÂaround 10:00 am, during what had become an Air Threat 
phone conference.

All of which raises questions regarding why the experienced Winfield left his 
watch after the attacks had begun, what prompted Winfield to request Leidig 
to assume his watch the next morning, why Winfield chose 8:30 am to have Leidig 
relieve him, why the Commission never addressed these issues, and whether 
Winfield had access to intelligence from the CIA and FBI which foretold a 
"spectacular attack, designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities or 
interests. Attack preparations have been made. Attack will occur with little or 
no warning." (CIA Intelligence Report for White House, July 5, 2001--60+ days 
prior to 9-11, Newsweek, 5-1-2003 / The Hill, 5-1-2003)

President Bush is attended by a round-the-clock Secret Service detail which 
would have of necessity been connected to the secure phone bridge conference 

Most Americans think that President Bush first became aware of the attacks 
when his Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered in his ear at 9:06 am at the 
elementary school while he was meeting with the first graders. Facts indicate 

Laura Brown, Public Affairs Director at the FAA, initially told this writer 
at the first 9-11 hearing in Washington that the phone bridges started around 
8:20 or 8:25 am, which would be a reasonable assertion since American 11 was 
determined to be hijacked at 8:13, 8:20 or 8:24 am. 

This, depending upon which news report, official, or air traffic controller 
is referenced--and to what extent one permits the government to shorten the 
official time-line of the actual attacks, thus reducing potential culpability 
should a grand juryÂever be impaneled.

After returning to her office and conferring with superiors, Brown sent an 
email to this writer later that same evening after 7:00 pm, revising her initial 
assertions for the commencement of Leidigâs phone bridges to around 8:45 am, 
thus shortening the official attack time-line to the government's advantage.

Brown had originally said that North American Aerospace Defense Command 
(NORAD), Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, National Security Council (NSC), Secret 
Service, and FAA were all connected to the NMCC. But Brown did not mention 
the White House at the time.

It should be noted that by including the NSC--which isÂinÂthe White 
House--one could infer that Brown meant that the White House was connected to the 
bridges at the outset of the attacks, further raising serious questions about 
the lack of military response.

Any Washington insiderÂwould interpret "NSC" to beÂanother way of saying "the 
White House," thus providing more confirmation that officials at the pinnacle 
of government knew about the first hijacking before 8:30 am on the morning of 
the attacks--well prior to any of the planes having crashed.

In May, 2003 the Commission was informed that the Pentagon had taped the 
Significant Event/Air Threat conference call during the attacks;Âand after 
repeated requests, the Pentagon created a classified transcript. (US News, 9-8-2003)

On August 6, the White House conducted what was termed an "executive 
privilege" review of the transcript for the phone bridge conference-call in order to 
censor the document, likely for "national security" reasons.

While the issue of the Air Force shooting down a civilian passenger jet was 
discussed thoroughly, an unanswered question remains as to why President Bush 
continued to read to the elementary children long after reporters had left the 
room to cover the attacks, while American citizens were simultaneously jumping 
to their deaths from the World Trade Center towers--while America was under 

Moreover, all facts indicate that President Bush was well aware of 
summer-long threats consistent with hijacking planes via Presidential Daily Briefs and 
terrorist threat assessment reports, but also anti-aircraft batteries and 
closed Italian airspace at his G-8 summit in Genoa (just six weeks prior to 9-11) 
to protect against hijacked Arab suicide planes, according to Russian 

With these prior warnings in his mind, President Bush still drove to the 
school, then sat and read to the children while his American constituents jumped 
and died at the exact same time.
Facts indicate Mr. Bush knew about the first hijacking before 8:30 am--more 
that 15 minutes before any of the four planes crashed, and well over one and a 
half hours before the last plane impacted in Pennsylvania. Yet there was no 
military response.

An impaneled grand jury would have the latitude to delve into why General 
Montague Winfield chose 8:30 am on the morning of the attacks to turn over his 
watch duty to Captain Leidig--a point which Leidig almost reminds Americans in 
his statement, if only to give himself some cover in the eyes of future 
historians who continue to analyze the "bungled communications" and "confusion and 
chaos" and "lack of preparedness" during the attacks.

Apparently however, President Bush was quite satisfied with the job that 
Winfield and Leidig accomplished before, during and after the attacksÂregarding 
their exchange of military command center watch duties.

In May, 2003 Bush nominated Brigadier General Matague Winfield for promotion 
to the two-star rank of Major GeneralÂandÂCaptain Charles Leidig has recently 
been nominated by the President to the two-star rank of Navy Admiral.

Incredibly, neitherÂthe 9-11 Commission nor the Congressional Joint 
Intelligence CommitteeÂhas ever addressed the inconsistent issues and 
actionsÂsurrounding the time-lineÂduring the actual two-hour period of the attacks 
with regard 
toÂkey government players .

And therein lies the dirty secret of 9/11, covered up byÂa commission with 
multiple documented political conflicts of interest--conducting 95% of its 
investigation in secret--and a Congress seemingly powerless to reopen the case and 
investigate its own oversight lapses regarding the worst mass murder in United 
States history. 

Copyright  2002, 2003, 2004Âunder the DMCA, [TomFlocco.com].
Permission is granted to reprint the first three paragraphs of this story; 
and websites are welcome to link to TomFlocco.com for the remaining pages.

Help TomFlocco.com stay online. If our work has helped you to become more 
informed about important issues and events crucial to our Republic, we would 
deeply appreciate your help to sustain our efforts. We research and write 
investigative reports full-time for readers in more thanÂ100 countries. No amount 
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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