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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

 gets interesting after my post.....b
Senior Member

45 posts, May 2004     posted 05-05-2004 08:56 PM             
I'll be open about this. I'm pretty sceptical about the existance of
chemtrails. (At least in the commonly accepted usage of the phrase. I do,
however, accept that occasional releases of materials into the atmosphere
have occured, and still do occur, such as cloud seeding, etc., though on a
far smaller scale than is suggested by chemtrail advocates.)

Having got that out of the way, my question is, "When were the first
chemtrails observed, and by who?"

By this, I'm referring to the "modern" experience of the phenomena, not
earlier confirmed releases, such as Agent Orange being released over
Vietnam. I'm trying to find that first "Eureka!" moment, when someone looked
up into the sky and said "That's not right!" (As far as I can tell, it seems
to be sometime around the mid-90s, but I can't seem to pin it down better
than that.)

Given the level of activity on this site, I'm guessing that you guys are
likely to have some insight into the answer, or at least are likely to be
able to point me in the direction of someone who does. (Is it worth posting
the same question over at the Carnicom site?)

Mods, I think that this is the correct forum for the question, but strictly
speaking it is a historical question, so please bump it over to anywhere you
feel is more appropriate.

increase 1776
Senior Member

574 posts, Oct 2000     posted 05-08-2004 01:30 PM             
There's a book you could get from the library titled Instant Weather
Forecasting.Library of Congress Catalog Card #68-9173 Published in 1968
Photos#1,#3,#14,#16 all show chemtrails.Can't tell you what year the photos
were taken.

Senior Member

45 posts, May 2004     posted 05-08-2004 03:51 PM             
Thanks for that. 

I guess that really what I'm trying to discover is the when, where, and who,
of their identification as anything other than contrails. I suspect, though
I would have to verify this in the book that you quote, that the book just
describes them as contrails. It's the "Eureka!" moment that I'm focussing in

As an aside, I have found linear aerial phenomena (i.e. chemtrails or
persistent contrails, depending on your preference) in DMSP satellite
imagery from 1977 at

Ken Welch in Houston
New Member

Houston, Texas
19 posts, Jun 2004     posted 06-08-2004 04:52 PM             
This is an easy question for old timers like me.

The first chemtrails were reported nationally in early 1999 by Will Thomas
via radio and internet articles. Thomas, a reporter and writer with Gulf War
experience, tracked the initial sightings to the beginning of the second
week in December, 1998. In other words, on or immediately following PEARL
HARBOR day, clearly signifying the true nature of the program.

Senior Member

45 posts, May 2004     posted 06-08-2004 07:25 PM             
Thanks very much for the reply. I now have a name and time window to focus

Senior Member

62 posts, Jun 2004     posted 06-12-2004 01:52 PM             
this site has a little info on dates

Senior Member

Hachita New Mexico USA
130 posts, Feb 2002     posted 06-24-2004 08:34 PM              
I have pix of chemtrails from a National Geographic magazine SPECIAL EDITION
on WATER from 91 or 93 I think (watch, it'll be 92)...they are in the
archives here...also in the archives here are pix from a western magazine
that show perhaps some of the earliest photographed chems, early
experiments, late 80's...i saw early tests in late 70's but had no idea and
was steered away from that by my commanding officer...bearden has LOTS of
weird stuff dating back to 70's...HERE is a killer link called PATENTLY
OBVIOUS---all the patents (&some pix) since about 1917 having to do with
aerosol ops:

New Member

15 posts, Jun 2004     posted 06-25-2004 07:42 AM             
Great documents billder! It seems this operation is finally starting to
Wahoooooo! This is good news people.

First we get the lightwatcher.com document and then come the TAP documents.
Now some documents proving this has gone on way longer then what most people
seem to think. I for one have always thought programs like this have been
going on for decades. I think the difference now is that it's happening on a
daily basis around the globe.

Amazing documents billder. I appreciate you posting them.

Knowledge is power. Arm yourself!

Weather Observer

Western New York
289 posts, Dec 2002     posted 06-25-2004 09:00 AM             
Check out the sky, and the dates on these photos. All the data appears right
below the photos...

The quality isn't the best on some of these photos... sorry.


No date on this one, but judging from the condition of that beautiful 1958
Chevy in the foreground, I'd say this one was taken somewhere between
1958-1960- Check out that sky over downtown Manhattan...


If you don't mind spending alot of time sifting through a lot of above
ground subway photos, there are a few other gems included within the
"subway" photos section of this website also, but it will take some digging.

My hunch is that the aerosol operations actually started sometime in the
early 1940's, and chemmed over skies actually were not uncommon beginning as
early as the late 1940's/early 1950's.

[Edited 10 times, lastly by bigjoe on 06-25-2004]

Senior Member

North East U.S.A.
543 posts, Nov 2001     posted 06-25-2004 09:28 AM             
Big Joe; Thanks for posting those pictures. I am amazed that ct's in early
70's and 80's escaped my notice...

Trust the Universe

1161 posts, Jul 2003     posted 06-25-2004 10:01 AM             

Originally posted by Uroborus:
First we get the lightwatcher.com document

What lightwatcher document? Thanks.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by JerseyBluEyz on 06-25-2004]

Trust the Universe

1161 posts, Jul 2003     posted 06-25-2004 10:08 AM             
Big Joe: Out of all your links, the only one I could access was this one:

No date on this one, but judging from the condition of that beautiful 1958
Chevy in the foreground, I'd say this one was taken somewhere between
1958-1960- Check out that sky over downtown Manhattan...

The other images come up blank and say: Sorry can't find image (and then the
image number).

OK ­ is it me, or are others here having trouble viewing these images? I
have a feeling something is up with my computer ONCE AGAIN! Freakin Windows

Weather Observer

Western New York
289 posts, Dec 2002     posted 06-25-2004 10:46 AM             
This is truely amazing! These photos have been available on this website to
log onto for years and I've never had any problems here before. They were
all here this morning when I posted the links to them. Within a few hours of
the links being posted here, all, except for the 1958-1960 photo which JBE
mentions, have been pulled! My only guess is that somebody doesn't want them
to be seen. JBE, obviously there's nothing wrong with your computer, as I'm
now getting the same message that you are and I can't log onto them either.
Jeanie, you must have been lucky and been able to log onto them just before
they were pulled. Sorry everyone... they were indeed great photos, and I
wish that you could have seen them, as they would have proven that there
were chemtrails at least as far back as 1971.
[Edited 5 times, lastly by bigjoe on 06-25-2004]

I have a Status? WOW!

75 posts, Jun 2004     posted 06-25-2004 10:53 AM             
What's that in the sky?

Trust the Universe

1161 posts, Jul 2003     posted 06-25-2004 11:05 AM             
Bigjoe: Well that sure stinks! I got to the mainpage -
http://www.nycsubway.org - I just loved the subway tokens in the upper
corner of that page!

Do you know which section heading you went under to get to those old photos?
That site is loaded! I love the images! I would love to see the date that
particular page with your images was last modified!

Trust the Universe

1161 posts, Jul 2003     posted 06-25-2004 11:07 AM             

Originally posted by snakelady:
What's that in the sky?

Planes landing at or taking off at an airport? Although, why would they be
back to back like that? Maybe they're maneuvering? How old is that photo?

Senior Member

North East U.S.A.
543 posts, Nov 2001     posted 06-25-2004 01:13 PM             
Well I do believe someone didn't want the ct pictures from the 70's and 80's
seen. I did see each and every one of them without problem. Now it's one out
of eight available. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Weather Observer

Western New York
289 posts, Dec 2002     posted 06-25-2004 03:57 PM             
JBE, here's a link to the page you wanted to see. There were many more
photos that were taken off shortly after I posted the links to them. This
page was very rarely modified, and the photos that I posted the links to had
been on there for years. As you can see down in the very lower left hand
corner of the page with the link I've provided below, it was last modified
today, shortly after my posting of these links...


This page last modified on Friday, 25-Jun-2004 13:06:39 EDT.

As Jeannie said... Nothing surprises me anymore!
[Edited 7 times, lastly by bigjoe on 06-25-2004]

Trust the Universe

1161 posts, Jul 2003     posted 06-25-2004 04:30 PM             
BigJoe: Sorry!!! Unbelievable! I'm sure if you had the images saved to your
hard drive or on disk you'd have reposted them for us right? Darn it! This
sure is a big lesson for me - I am definitely going to start copying
articles and images I have under my Favorites to disk! I've been wanting to
do it for a while now.

Since you're on the east coast like me, I'm going to assume that every time
you post, your time is off by 3 hours. If yes, that would mean that whoever
was done modifying that webpage finished it a little over an hour after you
posted the links! Pretty efficient I¹d say huh? heh, heh.

Weather Observer

Western New York
289 posts, Dec 2002     posted 06-25-2004 04:49 PM             
You're absolutely correct, JBE!

Senior Member

Hachita New Mexico USA
130 posts, Feb 2002     posted 06-25-2004 05:00 PM              
wow...went to links...NO SUCH DEVICE OR ADDRESS....sometimes the absence of
something is MUCH more indicative than its presence, eh? OHS strikes
again...one nice thing...if they are watching us this close, they must be
hurting REALLY badly....too bad about those pix though...thanx Big Joe!
There are many friends of mine are going to be interested in this

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