-Caveat Lector-
The Yamato Dynasty

(Conspiracy Nation, 2/24/02) -- People of Japan! Read this book!

Know that your "divine emperor" was only a lightning rod put into
place by the _real_ power to deflect attention away from

Know that the *zaibatsu*, your ultra-wealthy hereditary
conglomerates, now control that smiley-face stooge, your prime
minister Koizumi.

Know that your "Liberal Democratic Party" is neither liberal, nor
democratic, nor a party.

These and other facts will be explained to you, modest people of
Japan, when you read the book, "The Yamato Dynasty." (By Sterling
Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave. New York: Broadway Books, 1999.
ISBN: 0-7679-0496-6)

Yes, it is known that Adolph Hitler's Nazis looted Europe and the
Jews of billions of dollars. Not widely known though is that the
Empire of Japan stole from Asia a plunder _many times greater_
than the Nazi gold.

True: That after World War II Germany was made to pay war
reparations amounting to about 30 billion British pounds. Hiding
the truth: Japan was supposedly "bankrupt" after the war and
therefore had to pay relatively minuscule reparations of about 2
billion British pounds.

Japan was supposedly bankrupt, but its WWII Operation Golden Lily
vast plunder of treasure was not mentioned publicly. Where did
all that stolen gold wind up?

One-hundred billion dollars worth of gold and gems were hidden at
over 200 locations in the Philippines. Some sites represent
complex treasure map and engineering feats reminiscent of Captain
Kidd and the unrelated (to Kidd) North American Oak Island Money
Pit. The loot would have been immediately transported to Japan,
but the 1943 U.S. submarine blockade of the Philippines
necessitated a piratical buried treasures option.

After World War II though, in 1952 when the U.S. occupation of
Japan ended, the secret *zaibatsu* treasure trove ensured Japan's
"miraculous" economic recovery. Most of the fortune in gold and
gems gradually made its way back to Japan. Other gold was
recovered by Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and greatly
assisted his power over that group of islands. And a solid gold
Buddha, stolen from a neighboring country by Japan, now somehow
resides in a bank vault in Switzerland!

*The Yamato Dynasty* gives a complex, subrosa and sad look at the
_real_ Japan: how it has operated and still does operate for the
few and by the few.

Also looking shady in the overall big picture of events are
former U.S. president Herbert Hoover, General Douglas MacArthur,
and the House of Morgan banking octopus, among others.

*The Yamato Dynasty* shows how some of the *zaibatsu* treasure
was recovered by the OSS/CIA and that this massive recovery of
war loot was known to General William Donovan (OSS chief),
General MacArthur, and Herbert Hoover. This particular dig for
buried treasure, known as "the Santa Romana recovery," was
deposited in 176 bank accounts in 42 countries and was used by
the CIA for "off the books" operational funds. (Similar to Iran-
Contra and other financial hanky-panky.)

The larger picture which emerges from the Seagraves' well-
researched book is of a collaboration between the U.S. financial
elites and their Japanese counterparts: a "gentlemen's agreement"
that mutually benefited the "gentlemen" but left the common
people of Japan and the U.S. completely in the dark as to what
really happened.

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