-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 09:54:02 -0400
From: johnperna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: [conspiracy-net] A note of thanks to the adversaries of the John
    Birch Society

A note of thanks to the adversaries of the John Birch Society:

Many thanks to the adversaries of the John Birch Society.
It is an axiom in politics,
that the most important consideration,
in dealing with attackers,
is that you make sure that they spell your name correctly.
The adversaries of the John Birch Society
can only have a small amount of success;
which depends entirely on their hope that they will be the only source of information.
The curiousity that these attackers create,
will cause the most intelligent people to investigate,
and then learn the truth.
Agents of totalitarianism generally over estimate their own importance,
by assuming that we will waste our time,
in dealing with their foolishness.
There is nothing,
that any intelligent person wants to know
about The John Birch Society,
that he will not learn,
by consulting the web pages below.

The internet can be the most powerful tool that we have,
or it can be the place where we waste our time.

The New American Magazine is available at:

If you learn to use the search engine,
and the subject index,
then you will have better information.
then you will be able to provide links,
which will increase the traffic at The New American web site,
and have the potential of actually leading to concerted action.

The John Birch Society has a national network of chapters
The John Birch Society has a fully paid field staff.
The John Birch Society publishes a MONTHLY bulletin FILLED WITH action items for these 
chapters to follow.
The John Birch Society has system of summer youth camps.
The John Birch Society has Western Islands book publishing company;
which regularly produces new books, by scores of authors,
and brings back old books; which were no longer available.
The John Birch Society produces hundreds of videos, billboards, bumper stickers, 
buttons, and audios.
The John Birch Society has a national network of retail bookstores to distribute those 
books, and other materials.
The John Birch Society inspires hundreds of people to enter gun shows
and fair booths all over the country.
The John Birch Society has a speakers bureau,
and finds audiences for these speakers.
The John Birch Society does all important visits to large media brokers like CNN and 
talk radio.
The John Birch Society has ad hoc committees like TRIM, and publishes and distributes 
TRIM bulletins, showing voting records of congressmen and makes these available online 

Imagine this:
    1. You have a plumbing emergency,
that is so serious that you call a radio talk show,
and ask for a plumber to come at once.
    2. Hundreds of plumbers show up,
but only one has the tools to do the job.

5% of the people make things happen.
15% of the people watch things happen.
80% of the people never know what happened.

If you are in this group,
we know that you are not one of those 80% of the people,
who never know what happened.
At the very LEAST you are watching things happen.

The question is whether you want to be one of the
15% of the people who watch things happen.
OR one of the
5% of the people who MAKE things happen.

One of the biggest differences between the John Birch Society,
and almost every other organization,
that you may have known,
is that we have AN ACTION AGENDA.
Many people are surprised to find out that
there is actually something to DO ABOUT all of these problems.
It is NOT our goal to make you into the most knowledgeable patriot
in the entire concentration camp.

We want to live the rest of our lives in peace and freedom.
To do that, we need to TAKE ACTION.
We also need a lot MORE PEOPLE,
who will TAKE ACTION.

If you are not yet a part of the action agenda,
it is time to join.

For more information about membership in
The John Birch Society email me at:

johnperna  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For more information visit:

"If you think you are too small to make a difference,
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito..."
                            African Proverb


Membership application:


Go to this link and subscribe:

Click to subscribe to JBirch

Those who spend their time judging the efforts of others, contribute nothing, of their 
to this fight.  At the same time they diminish the successes of those who ARE in the 
because they must fend off attacks from people;
who actually expect to be thought of as patriots.
It is interesting how those who do the least,
always have the most to say,
about what is wrong with those who do the most.

The energy that is wasted on infighting would bring victory for us all, if it could 
just be
focused on the enemies of freedom.

Like the title of a book that we have all read,
It is VERY simple.

Those who spend their time fighting tyranny are patriots.

Those who spend their time fighting patriots are advancing tyranny

It takes more time, money and effort to BUILD a ship than it takes to SINK a ship.
Those who think there is anything that The John Birch Society could do, that would be 
better than
what they are doing, should demonstrate what would be better by their OWN example.
They could start by producing a magazine that is as professionally done, and as well 
as The New American. Then they could create chapters all over the country, that are 
managed by a
fully paid field staff. They could also produce a bulletin of action items for these 
to follow. Then they could build a system of summer youth camps, and find campers to
attend them. Then they could create a book publishing company that regularly produces
new books, by scores of authors, and brings back old books that are no longer 
Then they could produce hundreds of videos, billboards, bumper stickers, buttons, and
audios. Then they could set up a national network of retail bookstores to distribute 
books, and other materials. They could also inspire hundreds of people to enter gun 
and fair booths all over the country. Then they could create a speakers bureau and find
audiences for them. Do not leave out the all important visits to large media brokers 
like CNN
and talk radio. Then they could produce ad hoc committees like TRIM, and publish and
distribute TRIM bulletins.

I ask these people to please get back to me when they have done all of these things.
Then their opinions would have some modicum of credibility.

There are pullers at the oars.
There are passengers in the boat.
AND there are conspirators, who want to steer the boat,
    while others row.

Attacks on the John Birch Society, originating from persons, who claim to believe in 
the same principles, should be very transparent. Their ONLY effect is to waste the 
time that both the members, and the dropouts, could spend opposing the enemies of 
freedom. One thing is clear:
    No matter what is wrong with John Birch Society, it is THE BEST THAT WE HAVE

    We are like the Marine Corps of the patriot organizations.
    We are just looking for a few good men and women.

    To those who want to sink the ship I say,
why don't you just spend your efforts building another ship,
if you do not like this one?

Right now, I do not even see a life boat.

For more information visit


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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