-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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-Caveat Lector-

 "911 In Plane Site," a new movie by a website called "The Power
Hour," mixes accurate material about September 11 with easily
disproved, bogus information.  It is toxic to the cause of exposing
the Bush regime's complicity in 9/11, since much of it is based on
poor quality, manipulated photos and misunderstandings.


What is this "pod" attached to the bottom of "Flight 175" and why is it there
What is this bright flash seen right before impact of both the North
& South Towers
Why did an eye witness report seeing no windows on "Flight 175" a commercial
United Airlines jetliner

  [rebuttal:  poor quality, altered images are not a basis for making
new, implausible theories of 9/11 conspiracies - they only serve to
discredit the proven material that shows it was not a surprise attack
and probably was an "inside job"  Photoshop is an amazing tool.]

If both towers are still standing, what caused this huge explosion at
the base of the WTC complex

[rebuttal:  the photo that this references is actually of the
collapse of the South Tower, partially obscured by the still standing
North Tower.  The billowing dust next to WTC 7 is not from a "huge
explosion," it is the result of the South Tower collapse dust cloud.
This one is extremely easy to rebut.]

How does a plane 125 ft. wide & 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is
only 16 ft. across
[rebuttal:  the hole is about the diameter of the fuselage of the
plane.  None of the "no plane at the Pentagon" theories

Why did firefighters, reporters and other eye witnesses describe a
pancake collapse of the WTC

[this is true -- there were eyewitnesses who definitely did think the
buildings were intentionally demolished.  But the "pancake" theory is
not intentional demolition.  See http://www.wtc7.net for a more
accurate description.]

Why is there no wreckage or crater from "Flight 77" on the lawn of the Pentagon

[rebuttal:  There was lots of tiny wreckage on the lawn.  The crater
was in the side of the building.  Plane crashes at 400 mph into extra
reinforced concrete / steel generally don't leave large pieces of

Why were there dozens of reports of bombs & explosions going off in and around the WTC before any buildings collapsed

[There were also reports of explosions at the State Department in
Washington and other locations that turned out to have been false.]

How does a 757 exit the Pentagon's 3rd ring & leave a hole approximately 16 ft. across with no visible wreckage

[note:  this is an anomaly that is very difficult to explain.  If it
really is true that the plane did go through several rings of the
Pentagon, that would be strong evidence for the
something-other-than-a-plane theory.  However, there were way too
many witnesses from a variety of backgrounds who saw a large jet at
the Pentagon.  The real, 100% provable fact of the Pentagon crash,
which nobody disputes, is that the Pentagon was hit in the nearly
empty, recently reconstructed and strengthened sector, which
minimized casualties.  See http://www.oilempire.us/pentagon.html and
http://www.oilempire.us/remote.html for details.]

While it's blatantly obvious that 9/11 was an "inside job," bogus
claims based on altered images that make no sense only discredit
factual inquiry into "the event that changed the world."

 New at questionsquestions.net: an analysis by Eric Salter, refuting
several widely-circulated claims about the WTC airliner impacts on
9/11. These include the claims that original video recordings of the
impacts were fabricated or altered using computer graphics, that
aircraft other than 767s struck the the towers, and even that no
planes hit the two towers, the planes supposedly being replaced by
super high-tech "holographic" illusions [!]. The analysis shows that
these claims, which unfortunately have been lingering around for some
time, have no solid basis in the evidence -- video, photographic, or
otherwise -- nor any solid basis in logic, and could help to
discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement.
 The WTC Impacts: 767s or "Whatzits"?

from "Painful Questions" by Eric Hufschmid, page 20 regarding a "blob" seen in some WTC photos that supposedly showed another plane overhead when the second tower was hit

 "It is also possible that the blob is just an 'artifact' caused by
the software that compressed the video. However, I suspect the person
who posted the images deliberately created the blob to make fun of
conspiracy theories or to fool people ... the best policy is to
ignore theories that are based on compressed images. Demand the
original, high resolution images."

http://www.oilempire.us/911intro.html#disinformation Disinformation masquerading as 9/11 Truth exposure

In addition to phony evidence in support of the official conspiracy
theory, there is also the problem of bogus material pretending to be
investigative journalism that does not bother to present even a
scintilla of credible evidence. A few fringe 9/11 websites are now
claiming that there wasn't a plane at the World Trade Center north
tower (even though the photos of the hole in the tower clearly show
the impact of the wings). Some of these "no plane at the north tower"
sites include letsroll911.org (mirrored at 911uncovered),
911hoax.org, physics911.org and the fairy godmother of this modus
operandi - webfairy.org Oilempire.us doesn't provide direct links to
these sites, which are a mix of accurate material and disinformation
-- but they are easy enough to find.

The "webfairy" theories claim that no planes hit the World Trade
Center, it was done with missiles and high-tech hologram, and uses
video clips that supposedly prove these arguments. The "letsroll911"
site claims that a missile was fired at the South tower just before
the plane crashed into it, and also uses poor quality photos to
"prove" this argument. However, blurry low resolution photos that
magically appear two years later are not evidence of alternative
views of what happened, they are only evidence of people's
unfamiliarity with photo editing software and their gullibility. The
"physical evidence" clearly shows that large jets hit the towers -
the hole in the side of the North tower (which was hit first) is the
size of a 767. And the idea that a missile was fired a split second
before the South tower was hit makes no sense, since there was no
"need" for this to happen (no tactical advantage for the attackers,
since the towers were not anywhere as strong as the sector of the
Pentagon that was hit - which had been strengthened against attack
immediately prior to 9/11).

The "missile pod at the WTC," "no plane at the WTC" and "plane plus
missile" theory are toxic to the cause of 9/11 truth. It is a sign
that our political efforts are having an effect -- that these
"theories" (unsupported by any credible evidence) are being
distributed to "muddy the waters" to make those who seek to expose
the lies of 9/11 as crackpots who have no idea what we are talking

 There was no extra "pod" that was used to fire a missile from the
767. A quick search on the web will show several sites with photos of
767's with a structure under the plane to hold the wings together. It
is sad that 9/11 truth exposers are forced to waste our time dealing
with this. There are NO photos with high resolution that show an
extra "pod," there is no credible theory to suggest the need for any
alleged pod.

 The same thing happened during the citizen investigations into the
coup against President Kennedy -- people popped up claiming inside
knowledge that turned out to be psychotic ravings. One particularly
memorable occurrence was during the Jim Garrison prosecution of Clay
Shaw, a CIA agent who participated in the plot against Kennedy - the
film JFK covers this episode very well. Garrison's legal team had
found a witness who claimed to have participated in meetings with
Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and others, but on the stand, the man's
claims of participation were totally shredded by his claims that he
had fingerprinted his daughter before and after she went to college
to prove that she was the same person (and therefore, this obviously
insane testimony was used to discredit the genuine evidence that
Garrison had used to prosecute Shaw). Shaw was found innocent by the
jury (even though subsequent research and official admissions
revealed he was CIA), although that jury did admit that there had
been a conspiracy to kill JFK, they merely didn't believe that Shaw
was a participant.

Bogus 9/11 Truth Sites -- Muddying the Waters with easily disproved
phony claims




911review.org ( http://www.911review.com  is a nice rebuttal of the
sloppy work on 911review.org.  911review.com is a companion site to
http://www.wtc7.net, the best of the "9/11 physical evidence" sites.)

911blimp.net  [possibly the strangest 9/11 site]
 http://users.adelphia.net/~earthwatch/ [by the same author as the
"blimp" site]


www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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