-Caveat Lector-

    I'll quote the quatrain and then the interpretation.  The interpretation
is given by a person in a trance state (P), being asked questions by (B).

    It's in the chapter called "The Near Future."  The info was gathered in
1989 and the book was published in '92.  Keep that in mind.

The great credit of gold and
abundance of silver will cause
honor to be blinded by lust;  the
offense of the adulterer will
become known, which will occur
to his great dishonor.

P:  This refers to something in our present or near future.  Adultery seems
to be Nostradamus' term for "bad doing," not necessarily of a sexual or
promiscuous nature, or even involving any kind of sexual liaison.  This seems
to refer to a government figure.  My first impression was the President of
the United States being caught doing something unethical.  Of course, you
know the international monetary system being based on gold and silver, is
referring to our present time.  But it will be even more so in the future whe
we have these economic breakdowns that are being forecast by others besides
Nostradamus.  These monetray breakdowns will result in gold and silver being
the only real currency that is accepted worldwide.  It will not be paper, and
certainly not copper, lead, nickel, zinc, or other metals.  For some reason
it seems, the United States kept it balanced, as long as the United States
was considered and honorable power.  But when this President is caught, it
seemed to throw this monetary system into some kind of mess.

D:  That seems to agree with "blinded  by lust."

P:   The symbolism here is that he is an adulterer and of course, you could
consider greed lust.

D:   Can you see in the mirror which President it is?

P:   Well, it's a male.   I see George Bush and I think I'm saying that
because he's president now.  Nostradamus says this will occur in our near
future, while we are alive.

D:  So it could possibly be a president you don't recognize yet?

P;  Yes, but he looks a lot like George Bush.  He's not a young man like Dan
Quayle.  He will be a distinguished statesman.  One that the world admired
and respected.  It will be a big shock.

D:   Do you know how he is going to do this?

P:   It seems to involve something to do with space.  This president so loved
by the world, actually honored and respected, seems to be preparing to ...
(she frowned)  to wage war from space somehow.

D:  To wage war from space?

P:   Yes.  The money system is somehow based on the stability of the United
States of America.  I don't know how this works since we're certainly not the
only government on the planet.  But it seems that at this time we are the
most respected, most balanced, and seem to have the situation in control
somehow.  The top person of what is considered to be the secure government
turns out to be the opposite of what he was believed to be.  This causes our
own country to go into a real panic and the rest of the world follows suit.
It's as if all confidence is lost.  There's no longer a paternal-type figure
they can turn to for guidance and truth.  It seems to create quite a mess,
because of the horrendous nature his true self turned out to be.

D:  Do you mean he is secretly planning to wage war from space?

P:  Well, he will have the cooperation of the military.

D:  Does Nostradamus show you why this man wants to wage war?

P:   I must say that if this scenario takes place -- and it is only a
probability -- I believe  he is affected by that group of men we looked upon
who have only evil intent and focus.  It seems they can affect even those who
aren't attracted, shall we say, to their way.  (She undoubtedly was referring
to the secret Cabal.)

D:  You think they would be able to influence him?

P:   It seems this is a possible scenario, yes.

end quote
From:  "Conversations with Nostradamus" by Dolores Cannon, Volume 3, Ozark
Mountain Publishers, 1992.  pp 133-134, Quatrain: Century VIII - 14.


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