-Caveat Lector-
Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species.   NOTE:  Thanks to Soula Culver for this.   --  kl, pp

Forwarding July 6, 2004
Carolyn Scarr

They could decide any group is unacceptable.

Link to petition below.

---------forwarded message-------------

             PayPal Sets Dangerous Precedent

Dear Peltier Supporters,

Last week both the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee and the Boston Area

Leonard Peltier Support Group received notification from PayPal (our web
site credit card verification and payment processing service) that our
accounts had been closed. Neither the defense committee nor the Boston

support group are currently able to receive donations via the internet.

This disruption is having a direct impact on our ability to fund the
work of the committee. In addition to the horse rides, which we are

still raising funds for and which we must realistically consider scaling
back due to the disruption, we need to cover the overhead expenses of
the office. As well, the DNC and voter initiatives will wrap up at
election time and the committee and support network need some stability
to be able to strategize for what comes next. Be assured that the work
at the committee office goes forward, always in the face of multiple
distractions and crises. Your patience and assistance are greatly

We are currently considering the best course of action to take to

rectify the situation with PayPal and will be releasing more information
in the coming days. However, we are in urgent need of funding at this
time. We ask all who are able to send donations immediately by snail
mail. No amount is too small.


PO Box 583

Lawrence, KS 66044-0583


In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,

Here's the link folks, to sign the petition opposing
PayPal's decision to close its account with the
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee.
John G

Subject: URGENT MESSAGE! - Paypal closes LPDC account
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 22:13:55 -0400

Joint Communication from LPDC and LPSG Boston



We have received a mixture of responses to our
announcement yesterday regarding a boycott of PayPal and
eBAY.  We hope this communication will address some of
your concerns.

Please be advised that the boycott was launched with Leonard's
approval and only after extensive discussions over a four-day
period between the Boston Area - Leonard Peltier Support
Group, the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, and Leonard's
lead counsel.  Concurrently, negotiations were attempted with
PayPal with no success.  Once we were sufficiently convinced
that the Committee, in particular, and the Peltier Network, in
general, was under attack, we felt we had to take action.
Integral to that decision is the fact that PayPal's action against
the LPDC is not the only action taken against its fundraising
efforts in recent months.

We also believe this boycott is about much higher issues than

just the survival of the Peltier Network.  If it happened to us,

it can happen to you.  ANY organization with which PayPal

takes issue can be shut down in the same manner.  Whether an
action taken independently by PayPal or at the request of an
entity such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or even
instigated by an individual bearing a personal grudge, we find
PayPal's policies objectionable -- more than that, intolerable.
The Internet has been a great equalizer, has it not?  What kind
of a message is PayPal sending to social, political, and

environmental activists and people of color? The Internet is for

some, but not "others"?

We encourage you to peruse (link below) the "Acceptable Use

Policy" instituted by PayPal.  We ask you to decide whether
or not a corporation that can and will deprive you and your
organizations of the funds needed to fight for social justice
should be granted the opportunity to do so, as well as the

ability to receive any portion of those limited funds (user fees)
-- in particular, when there are alternative services available

to you.  In short, ask yourself if PayPal is really your pal.

As human and civil rights organizations, our mission is to
combat various forms of injustice.  When one of our
organizations is singled out as PayPal has done with the
Peltier Network, we must all stand together.  As Sitting Bull
said, "As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but all
together we make a mighty fist."

We apologize to anyone inconvenienced by our sudden call
for a boycott of PayPal and eBAY.  While Leonard Peltier
is our primary concern, we also were concerned about the
possible impact of our boycott on other activist organizations.
This is why a list of alternative services was provided at the
end of our communication yesterday.  We were confident, in
this electronic age, that affected Web sites would be able to
adjust quickly.  It would appear that our confidence was well-
placed as we have been receiving messages throughout the
day from activist organizations and related vendors that have
already switched to other services.

Many of you have suggested that we launch an online petition.
A more aggressive approach was deemed advisable and, as
noted in our original communication about this boycott, a
boycott sign-up utility was prepared yesterday and will be
accessible soon.

We thank you for your comments and suggestions.

In solidarity,

The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee &
The Boston Area - Leonard Peltier Support Group

PayPal "Acceptable Use Policy":  (click link or copy and
paste to your browser search window)



Disclaimer:  This list is provided for information only

 and does not mean to imply endorsement.




Please find a communication from one of our European supporters below.


Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 11:41:44 -0700
From: John at CD Baby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A note to Paypal ->please read and pass on

To all...

after reading the notice regarding the closure of the LPDC account on
paypal..etc.. I have cancelled my paypal account and encourage others to
do so..

please pass this on

read below for my note to paypal



I am a firm supporter of Leonard Peltier and find your obviously
politically motivated, misguided decision to cancel the accounts for the
"Leonard Peltier Defense Committee" and the "Boston Area Leonard Peltier
Support Group" to be a hideous misuse of power.. I am deeply ashamed to
have ever contributed to your companies. You dishonor us all by your

I will continue my support of Leonard with cash donations and will
encourage everyone that I know to find alternatives to using the paypal

your actions are disgraceful

John Steup

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