-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

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Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 12:17:18 EDT
From: Human Events Book Service <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Many Faces of John Kerry

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Meet the real John Kerry: elitist, shape-shifting manipulator who will
make America safer for terrorism and further Hillary's socialist dreams

The Many Faces of John Kerry
by David Bossie

For more than thirty years, John Kerry has used his bully pulpit to
endanger the lives of U.S. military personnel fighting overseas, complain
about the sitting president's policies without offering any solutions of
his own, and shirk his legislative responsibilities in a relentless
pursuit of headlines. As David Bossie shows in The Many Faces of John
Kerry, if Kerry is elected President this November, he will move to
cripple our military, suck up to special interests, eliminate Americans'
Constitutional gun rights, revive Hillary's discredited socialized health
care scheme, and trap poor urban children in decaying, dangerous
inner-city public schools.

John Kerry has reinvented himself so many times that it's almost
impossible to find the true Kerry. But Bossie does so. He documents
dozens of Kerry's notorious flip-flops and proves that Kerry has acted
consistently in his public life only as the ideological kin of Jimmy
Carter, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and all the other liberal Democrats
whose programs have caused so much damage to our nation over the last few

Bossie introduces you to a cynical opportunist who from his anti-war
beginnings in the early 1970s onward has used every issue he could find
for his own benefit. Kerry, like Clinton, wants to be all things to all
people, a chameleon who adapts his stripes to win the next battle. His
positions on the important issues of the day are as malleable as Silly
Putty, and he has always put party and personal advancement above
principle and doing what is right. Like Slick Willie, Kerry really has no
genuine values, no foundation, no moral compass - just a penchant for
political expediency.

And that expediency has always led Kerry leftward. Bossie explores
Kerry's Clintonian ambition and his elitist background, and traces how
again and again he has used his Vietnam experience to increase his own
profit and power. He lays bare the truth about how, in the Senate, Kerry
has consistently supported measures that weakened the U.S. military and
turned over American sovereignty to the UN. Domestically, meanwhile, he
has supported a Leftist agenda of socialism and moral confusion.

Kerry, in short, has been a key architect of today's America of
increasing crime, decaying moral standards, and declining security.
Bossie vividly illustrates Kerry's mendacity, showing that his "anything
to get elected" style is nothing new, but has marked his political career
ever since he worked on John F. Kennedy's 1960 presidential run (and
almost immediately began embellishing his role in that campaign).

The John Kerry nobody knows

· Why Kerry sought and received an early discharge from the Navy in 1970

· How Kerry has cynically exploited his service in Vietnam -- on both
sides of national security issues -- and has even changed his tune about
the importance of serving in Vietnam at all, downplaying its importance
when defending Clinton and stressing his service when running against
George W. Bush

· How the youthful Kerry fed North Vietnam's propaganda machine by
accusing U.S. troops of committing unspeakable atrocities in Vietnam
(while never substantiating his charges)

· Kerry's blatant disregard for the lives of American military personnel:
as disgraceful as it is unforgivable

· Kerry's self-serving and inconsistent use and misuse of his Catholic
faith to gain votes

· How Kerry tried to turn the scandal of the abuse of Iraqi detainees to
his own advantage

· Revealing details of Kerry's real record on health-care reform during
his tenure in the Senate

· How the liberal media in the U.S. and around the globe is using every
opportunity to stoke anti-American hysteria in the Muslim world -- with
John Kerry's willing complicity

· How Mrs. Kerry's Heinz Corporation is guilty of the same displacement
of workers and uses the same tax loopholes that Kerry excoriates in his
campaign rhetoric

· Kerry's pledge not to attack President Bush during wartime: violated in
less than a month

· How Howard Dean's mercurial presidential candidacy led Kerry to change
his tune about the Iraq war -- while the Kerry camp used underhanded,
scheming methods to sabotage the Dean movement

· Kerry's ambitions: so prevalent they were even noticed -- and resented
-- by some members of the group he headed: Vietnam Veterans Against the

· How the multimillionaire Kerry unhesitatingly plays the class warfare
card, especially when it comes to economics and taxes

· Kerry's ties to the most infamous of all antiwar protestors: Jane Fonda

· The one consistent element of Kerry's foreign policy: let the United
Nations, not the United States, handle it

· Kerry's unwavering support for the failed anti-terror policies of the
Clinton Administration

· How Kerry's "solution" to the loss of American jobs to other countries
is self-contradictory

· The pro-abortion litmus test that Kerry has vowed to apply to his
nominees to the Supreme Court -- while hypocritically denouncing Bush's
preference for pro-life justices

· How Kerry parts company with most Americans on the issue of gay rights

· Kerry's connections to shady fundraising titans with ties to the
Chinese Communists

· How Kerry has backed the education establishment instead of the
founding principles of education that worked well for decades

· What Kerry is willing to do to win the presidency -- and how he can be

Bossie shows that above all, Kerry is a great politician with a far-left
liberal ideology that is held by a minority of Americans. The Many Faces
of John Kerry shows why it is so important for every American to show his
disapproval of Kerry's leftist agenda on Election Day 2004. Order your
copy today:


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Why Islamic terrorists are praying for a Democratic victory -- and why a
Kerry presidency would put our nation in mortal peril

Reckless Disregard
by Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson

September 11 was more than just an act of terrorism. It inaugurated a
world war -- a conflict that Democrats are still reluctant to fight. In
Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger
Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security, retired Air Force Lieutenant
Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson shows why the Clinton administration's
relative indifference to the terror threat wasn't just a product of Slick
Willie's skewed sense of priorities. Patterson establishes here that
disregard for our national security is epidemic among Democrats. This
book is about those Democrats, about the irresponsible ways in which they
turn a blind eye to American security -- and why the 2004 election may
determine our very survival as a nation.

Patterson is no hardline partisan; he was born into a family of Southern
Democrats. He once carried the "nuclear football" for Bill Clinton, so he
was able to watch up close as Clinton amassed his record of failure and
irresponsibility on national security matters. In this book, the
follow-up to his bestseller Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account
of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security, he
shows conclusively that the Democrats never focus on America's enemies.
Instead, they always assume the enemy is us: America, our armed services,
and our intelligence operations.

Among Buzz Patterson's explosive disclosures:

· The shocking reason why we didn't have "actionable" intelligence on al
Qaeda and the threat from Osama before September 11, 2001 -- and how it
directly implicates the Democratic Party

· The Democratic Party's decades of hostility towards the CIA and FBI,
leaving our intelligence operations toothless and legally restricted from
sharing information

· The briefing paper given to Clinton in 1996 that described al Qaeda
plot to employ commercial airliners as weapons -- and Clinton's
calculating, politicized, and ultimately ineffectual response

· The truth about Richard Clarke: how his policies were soft and
impotent, and resulted in nothing more than emboldening Osama bin Laden
and al Qaeda for future attacks

· How, in the waning days of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal,
liberal Democrats began the emasculation of our national defense

· How anti-war liberals and partisans of the American left "reformed" our
intelligence services to the point of impotency

· How the ideology of today's leading liberals -- including Bill Clinton
and John Kerry -- still bears the traces of its birth in the Vietnam War
protests of the 1960s

· The truth about Kerry's notorious "Winter Soldier" allegations of
rampant abuses by American soldiers in Vietnam: how grisly testimony was
given by fraudulent witnesses, including some who never actually served
in Vietnam and had stolen the names of real veterans

· Hanoi Jane and Hanoi John: the truth about Kerry's involvement with
virulently anti-American anti-Vietnam War activities

· Kerry's 1973 trip to Paris, during which he met with both North and
South Vietnamese Communists

Patterson proves that we can no longer trust the Democratic Party with
our nation's security. Kerry and his fellow liberals believe we can opt
out of a war on terror. That's why the people praying hardest for a 2004
Kerry victory are the terrorists themselves -- and why no American who is
concerned for our continued survival as a free people should miss the
lessons and revelations of Reckless Disregard.

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