-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 11:45:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [L&J] Government-by-Threat: Nicholas and Family

How many violations of the Constitution (Charter of Rights and Freedoms)
can you find in the case of Nicholas as presented last night? The mom said
the Christy Clark ministry (Children and Families) told her "the media are
not an option" and implied that benefits could be lost if they exercised
their free speech. Of course Christy-the-Coward would not be interviewed
and the bureaucrat you interviewed did the trained seal thing and said
"arf, arf, arf...."

So Nicholas can get $3,000 in support if removed to a foster home (guess
how the foster home people vote?) and only $233 in his own home (so
much for Charter S.7 "fundamental justice").

Although OIPCBC is receiving submissions on how the "Patriot Act" is
effecting BC post-9/11, we need a much broader inquiry. To what extent is
"Government-by-Threat" now being imposed on BC-Canada and other countries
with the features of coercive programming leading all the way to the

So there is POC's one recommendation to OIPCBC:


We need an expanded public inquiry to determine how both the spirit and
letter of the Patriot Act are effecting BC and Canada.



The Governments of BC and Canada believe they have the right to torture
      and kill innocent citizens. The UDHR says otherwise.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 11:10:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [UNIVERSALHUMANRIGHTS] Torture Complaint Against Canada

To UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour
(For her personal attention)

Dear Judge Arbour:

The web site below presents the complaint of POC and its 27 citizen
signatories. Further to our recently exchanged communications, Markus
Schmidt, Secretary of the Human Rights Committee has a file record of
these signatures.

If we are correct in our assessment that torture is being used as an
instrument of governance in Canada, then the "urgent action"
categorization of this complaint is warranted. The more such procedures
are entrenched by time, the more our citizens are endangered. We do not
think that the Supreme Court of Canada judgements on either side in the
Gosselin case meant for Life, Liberty and Security (Charter S.7) to be
systematically violated in government programming so extreme as to fit the
definition of "torturous".

The governments of this country at any level could provide a domestic
remedy with ease. They have had such requests presented to them repeatedly
and in various ways. (1) What are the facts of MHR programming, if they do
not accept ours as presented below? (2) In what way do those facts fit or
not fit the definition of torture used by the UN?

Given that they will not provide the necessary information in these two
categories to put this matter to rest, would UNHCHR please do do? A ruling
which says "Yes, the MHR procedures are torturous" or "No, the MHR
procedures are not torturous" will not put the matter to rest. All
concerned need to know what facts are used in arriving at the judgement
and why those facts do or do not fit the accepted definition of torture.

But hopefully, the offices cc'd above can send this communication to their
experts who will save UNHCHR as well as Part of Citizens further time and

Sincerely-Party of Citizens
(This letter as well as the wep pages below can be sent to one or more
POC directors for signing and postal mailing if that is required)


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