-Caveat Lector-


Another forward...


23 Tammuz, 5764. General Bates Intelligence Update Emergency Special.

Hello.  It is good to be with each and every single one of you, again.  This is
not the NLA List.  It is a political List, and most of you are not ordinary
subscribers.  However, I believe that we may be entering in to a crisis
situation so I have e-mailed all of you.

It has been my theory so far that John Kerry has been pre-ordained to win the
Election, a candidate with more royal heritage.  I still mostly hold to this
theory.  However, I also maintained that if I was wrong, that the next
administration would see a direct Constitutional coup led by the Vice President
Cheney, Halliburton, and a sinister cabal of Underground Reich members who would
come to the surface directly.  This would be done in the name of fighting
terrorism.  This artificial terrorism would be of the nature that moved us from
a Constitutional Republic to a police state.

I cannot fathom which of these scenarios will manifest.  I believe that the next
power broker will by Kerry/Edwards or Cheney himself, without President Bush.
President Bush trusts his Heavenly Father more than his earthly father, a grave
sin in the minds of the blood-line families who rule America and (especially)
Europe.  I do not believe that he will be allowed to exercise even token power
in the next Administration, either way the Election turns out.

Yet, there appears to be a third possibility brewing, one that I vaguely
suspected yet which I could not admit to myself.  I have had a tremendous fear,
one that has terrorized me for months, that a terrorist incident would suspend
Elections.  I pushed it out of my mind, believing that such thinking was
un-patriotic.  However, Matt Drudge, Newsweek, and CNN are now reporting that a
plan to postpone elections in case of a terrorist attack have been discussed:


cited on July 11, 2004 C.E.

I did not give credence to those theories running around, those beloved of
socialists and anti-Semites alike, that Bin Laden did not exist and that he was
invented to give more power to President Bush or the "neo-cons".  I still do
not.  However, I do believe that we have an emerging police state, one that is
acting in violation of the Constitution as we have understood it.  This latest
antic on the part of the Bush Administration confirms it.

Let me be clear.  There is nothing in the Constitution stating clearly that the
Election must be held in November.  Frankly, there is nothing stating that we
must have an Election.  The States are free to simply send Electors every four
years, if they so choose.  Our rights as voters rest more on precedent than
actual Constitutional authority.  We were not founded as a "democracy" but as a

However, there comes a point where there is a line in the sand.  A power to
postpone an Election is held by the States and by Congress alone:

Section. 4.

Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and
Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;
but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except
as to the Places of chusing Senators.

(cited from the Constitution of the United States)

It cannot be granted to the President or to Tom Ridge.  There is no power in the
Constitution for Congress to "grant" authority to the Executive Branch.  Tom
Ridge has no Constitutional authority to postpone an Election.  Congress has no
Constitutional authority to grant him that power.  Nor is such a grant to
postpone the right of the people even necessary.  FEMA has all the capacity
necessary to ensure a free Election, unless, of course, they have another Agenda
in mind...

My friends, we have a crisis.  It began when Nazis moved to take over the
American CIA and to destroy our governmental system from within.  It now appears
to have germinated.  The takeover is happening now.  The problem is not
President Bush.  He has been reduced to a figurehead.

The enemy is also not Corporate America.  Corporate America is comprised of a
bunch of jerks who believe in the bottom line, and are willing to outsource
American jobs to Third World countries that regularly exploit workers.  However,
the real enemy hates Corporate America as much as it hates workers.  It exists
WITHIN Corporate America, but it ultimately hates American businessmen as a
parasite hates its host.  Most businessmen are too materialistic to understand
that the dark spiritual forces ("Armilus") have arrived.  They are creeps and,
frankly, the class enemies of the working class that atheist apostate Karl Marx
said they were.  They are not murderers.

Understand, my friends, that the suspension of elections is not a Constitutional
power of the Executive.  Congress and the States hold that power, and only for
so long before they operate in defiance of the Constitution.  The House must be
elected every two years, each Senator every six years, and the Executive every
four years.  Congress has no power to over-ride this formula, only to modify the
Election date slightly to accomodate need.  It certainly has no power to GRANT
that dangerous and potentially despotic power to the Executive Branch.  The
power to suspend the Election in the case of a terrorist incident is too
dangerous to entrust to any but the Constitutional Branch of government, not to
Ridge, and should be strictly limited by statute.

Even if Tom Ridge is demanding LIMITED power, then I oppose it.  However, I
suspect that what he is calling for is potentially unlimited power to suspend
Elections.  That I truly oppose.  I strongly suspect that it is the latter.
However, in either case, the precedent is set for a surrender of the rights of
the people to an unelected government in the name of "security".

Now, I want to be clear on something.  I am not telling you what to do.  I know
what the Declaration of Independence says when it comes to the duty of the
people to overthrow despotism, even the "potential" despotism of King George III
and Parliament.  However, I come from a Torah perspective and not that of
(deist) Thomas Jefferson.

I believe that it is the right of the people to rise up if the Commandment of
Just Courts is violated under a government that does not respect it.  This is
the right to resist genocidal tyranny, a Biblical right.  However, the concept
that the people have a right to overthrow an unelected government, simply
because it is not elected, has not clearly spelled out in the Torah.  Perhaps it
can be inferred from Torah, but I cannot say for sure that the people have that
right or duty from Torah itself.

Indeed, the original draft of Thomas Jefferson began thus:

A Declaration By the Representatives of the United States of America, in General
Congress Assembled.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a people to advance
from that subordination in which they have hitherto remained, and to assume
among powers of the earth the equal and independent station to which the laws of
nature and of nature's god entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the



(cited July 12, 2004 C.E.)

Note that Jefferson used a lower-case "g" for "god", a capitalization that was
changed by Charles Thomson and not Jefferson, Adams, or Franklin.  Jefferson did
not begin from a Torah perpsective.  His theology was apostate even by Christian
standards.  I do not call for us to imitate 1776 (necessarily).  It may have
been a one-time event.  Europe had a revolution every 20 years just as Jefferson
suggested, and look at its history of violence and upheavel.

No, I do not know how to address this.  It MAY BE that the people have the right
to take up arms, but I must address this from a Torah perspective and not a
political perspective.  I must warn the people that their obligation to uphold
the Law, to uphold Just Courts, is called upon somehow, in the context of
possible suspended Elections.  It is an obligation of Gentiles, not Jews in
Exile.  In other words, it is your problem to address and not mine.  You lived
the good life and now you must face this.  I have tried to warn people for ten
years or more that this was coming, and I do not plan to do anything now that it
has, except to keep warning people. I have been called too many names and
suffered too much to believe that I now have a duty to save you from yourselves.

Indeed, I must tackle this from a Torah perspective more than an Americanist
perspective.  America and Europe are Hellenist nations, and have repeated the
Hellenist cycles of freedom leading to decadence, decadence leading to
dictatorship.  You see, you believed in a-moral sex educators who told you that
everything was OK, that "democracy" was about sex with anyone, everyone, office
hook-ups, watching "Friends" and showers with friends.  You listended to
religious leaders tell you that the Ten Commandments did not bind on you because
you were under a "New Covenant".  Well, they do not bind on the non-Jew exactly,
but their main points do ("Seven Laws of Noah"), yet you ignore them and call
them "Satanic" like your sick religious leaders say that they are.  You listened
to their "Grace only" nonsense, and decided that adultery, fornication, and
brazen behavior was OK, that only "unbelief" was a sin.

Now, the whirlwind is reaped, by secular apostate Jews and corrupted Gentiles
alike.  We both worshipped the g*ddess of liberty, and now liberty has been
taken from us because G-d first destroys the idols of a Nation he is about to
chastise.  Jews are foremost sinners in this.  You say that we refuse to become
Americans, that we are "clannish", whereas it is the opposite.  We assimilated.
It was no crime to insult Torah or the quaint heritage of the Ghetto. However,
to insult the separation of church and state was another matter.  We did not
realize that our freedom was a freedom to be Jews, and chose to assimilate.  We
had our priorities.  Now, these priorities are about to be taken from us.
Elections and choice, so long valued over G-d's Laws by Jews, Christians, Deists
and pagans, are now about to be taken from us because we refused to ground them
in Divine Law.

I do not plan to do anything, because I have done my part in warning people.  I
will only say that this scenerio is coming.  You will have to make a decision as
to what to do based on a proper understanding of Divine Law.  For myself, I plan
to submit, not out of cowardice but out of the realization that I am an
Israelite in Exile.  I would fight the suspension of Elections through legal
means, but that is it.  I am part of the Torah Nation, a Patriot of that Nation,
and without Jurisdiction to mettle in the affairs of the Nations.

However, the rest of you may have a duty to do.  It depends.  You must FIRST
accept Divine Law:

1)One G-d
2)No Idols
3)No Murder
4)No Stealing
5)No Fornication
6)No Blood in Meat
7)Just Courts

Then, you become a citizen of Heaven.  At that point, G-d directs your decision.
If enough people do this, then the terrorists and the government both know to
back off, that the Light is too powerful.   Your government may be illegitimate,
but your King is not.  The conspiracy, a product of darkness, will be defeated
in the Light.

You'd all better do this---NOW, before making a decision to submit or resist,
either way.  I cannot make your decisions for you, and I may not be allowed to
speak freely much longer.  You must make your decision for yourself, your wives,
and your children.  You must meditate and listen to HaShem, directly.  I believe
that it is too late to influence society, a lost cause that, to my own personal
opinion, precludes the option of resisting.  However, I do believe that each of
you can decide for yourselves.  Please do so and choose Life.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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