-Caveat Lector-


26 Tammuz, 5764.  General Bates Intelligence Update.

Hello.  It is good to be with each and every single one of you, again.  This is NOT 
the important List, the NLA List, and those of you who are burdened are free not to 
subscribe to it.  The NLA List is the most important List.

On this List, I discuss Conspiracy from the perspective of the Commandment of Just 
Courts, found in both Torah and the Noachide Commandments.  Particularly, I discuss 
the nature of the occult Skull and Bones/Bilderberger network.  I may or may not pay 
attention to the covert struggle between Merovingian and Templar factions, better put 
as the struggle the Hapsburgs and the Anglo-American oligarchy, since it is heady and 
rather irrelevant to the matter of our civil rights.

The real issue is the matter of Just Courts.  The Commandment to establish Just Courts 
is found in the Torah, and was interpreted as the basis of the Independent Judiciary 
we enjoy in the United States as few other societies in the world enjoy.  We do not 
have Just Courts as long as we are not under the Common Law, the heritage of Freedom 
that has sustained America from her beginning.  It is the duty of the Torah soldier to 
restore them.

Since the Constitutional System in America is dependent upon elections, we must make 
sure that we discuss possible threats to them from Al Qaeda, and the manipulation of 
that threat by other forces who would stand to benefit.  Some of you have been 
critical of me for focusing on politics.  However, politics and Judaism are 
inseparable.  Judaism must inform politics for politics to have any Wisdom to it at 

The Administration has warned us that we WILL face a terrorist attack before November. 
 One key Administration figure, De Forest Soaries, has proposed that the 
Administration have the power to suspend elections in case of attack.  Now, we have 
the scenario of terrorism, as well as the very real threat of a Communist regeneration 
in Russia that we are seeing now under Putin.  Hence, the Administration knows that 
"something" is coming.  They have undoubtedly made contingency plans in case it 
happens before November, a possiblity to be sure.

What has been proposed is unprecedented and un-Constitutional.  We know that Congress 
sets the time of elections, and has no power to cede that to the President.  We also 
know that the brave and strong America of WWII and the Civil War generations never saw 
elections rescheduled.  We are, after all, Americans.  We do not "reschedule" or 
"postpone" elections.  Secretary Rice has disclaimed the notion that we would ever 
cancel elections.  The President, however, remains strangely silent.  That is truly 

Now, NLA and General Bates Intelligence Update regulars know that both Presidential 
candidates are Skull and Bones.  Hence, we can assume that both are closer to one 
another than it might appear on the surface. John Kerry favors the invasion of 
Venezuela, and does not condemn the illegal invasion of Haiti and the kidnapping of 
the democratically elected Aristide government.  He is, in no sense, a "peacenik".

Hence, it should appear on the surface that the election is no threat to anyone, that 
there is no benefit from cancelling it.  Indeed, the situation is made even more 
complicated by the fact that there is no Constitutional need for an election.  The 
States can simply send electors and be done with it.  This is how the elitists among 
the Founders designed things.  Few "democrats" were present in 1787, as dedicated as 
the Founders were in founding a Republic.  However, democracy within the bounds of the 
Republic has been the tradition in America, and cancelling it would lead to revolution 
and chaos, in turn leading to the invasion of America and Israel prophesied in Ezekiel 
38 and 39.

In other words, there is no reason to cancel elections, on the surface.  However, I 
ask you List old-timers to think back a ways.  Remember when I said that the elite 
prefers John Kerry, BUT, if I'm wrong, then I said that we would get an Administration 
dominated by Dick Cheney, not President Bush.  In other words, we would have Kerry or 
Cheney, not Bush or Cheney.

Now, understand that if the election is un-Constitutionally "postponed", then by 
January 20 we would have PRESIDENT Cheney:

Article [XX.]

Section 1. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th 
day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of 
January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not 
been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.

(citing the Constitution of the United States.  July 14, 2004 C.E.)

If the election is "canceled", Vice President Cheney would become President.  This 
appears to be a choice under consideration.  If not, then at least the power to 
postpone elections is under consideration to be used by a more favored Administration. 
 Either way, we are in real trouble.  The fact that the Constitution could be so 
brazenly ignored without a rebuke from the President is disturbing.  The relative 
silence of the Media is even more disturbing.

The war on terrorism is a war that is winnable.  I am not an advocate of Michael 
Moore's philosophy, but I agree with him on two things.  One is his exposing of the 
Bush-Saudi coziness.  The other is his claim that the war on terrorism is being used 
to undermine our civil liberties.  (Neither has to do with the war in Iraq)  Once the 
Muslim and Communist forces are brought in to our own government as a "compromise" to 
end terrorism, the real enemy becomes the Patriot.  This reversal can only be affected 
by a perpetual war.  I would pre-empt this possibility by actually WINNING the war.

Here is how I would win the war on terrorism, saving elections, saving America, and 
getting my telegenic face on every magazine in America (humor me).  We will NOT pass 
any new Patriot Acts, so-called.  We will NOT reschedule elections or act like wimps.  
We are Americans.  We will take a firm stand against terrorism by not capitulating.  
We will support Israel in her effort to survive, knowing that through blessing 
Jerusalem, the Eternal Capital of Israel, we are blessing ourselves.  We will move our 
Embassy to Jerusalem and rejoice in the blessings of HaShem that acrue from that.  The 
Islamists will see that we are strong, that we cannot be manipulated by them.

We will uphold the Noahide Laws on our shores.  If you do not wish to be part of them, 
then move to another country.  This is a Judeo-Christian country.  We want the Ten 
Commandments on the courthouse.  Is you do not like it, move to Cuba.  See how long 
the Cubans tolerate you.

We will topple any terrorist harboring regime, anywhere.  That means that we get out 
of Iraq.  We have the election there and let them have their country.  No colonialism. 
Just remove the tyrant and be done with it.  Sorry we supported him to begin with.  
Now, we remove him.  Thank us and we move on.  It is their country.  Now, go to Syria 
and Iran.  Go to Saudi Arabia if necessary.  Do not punish Americans for the acts of 
terrorists by taking away our Freedom.  Go and destroy despotism on its own soil.  
Advance Freedom abroad, not despotism at home.

Finally, we must route out the evil influences in our own government.  We cannot allow 
anti-Constitutional influences to be harbored in the Halls of Congress, the 
Whitehouse, or the Supreme Court.  Many of our problems date back to the death of JFK, 
and the secret government that was allowed to accumulate a vast degree of power.  The 
people must do everything in its power through the elected process to route these 
influences out.

The election on November 2 is a target of Al Qaeda because they hate our freedom.  
There are other forces, powerful forces, that hate our freedom also.  If America stays 
strong, neither of them will win.  Be strong, and be free.  That is not your right.  
It is your duty.

OK, enough for this week.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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