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-Caveat Lector-

On the phone with Ralph Nader

     Salon editor David Talbot and the presidential
     contender have a frank and honest exchange of

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July 14, 2004  |  Last Friday, Ralph Nader's campaign
spokesman Kevin Zeese e-mailed Salon, saying that Nader
wanted to speak with Salon editor David Talbot "about
recent articles that have appeared in Salon concerning
him and his candidacy." The following is a transcript of
the ensuing three-way phone conversation among Nader,
Zeese and Talbot. It ranged over Rupert Murdoch (whose
company published Nader's new book), Democratic "dirty
tricks" against the independent candidate's presidential
bid, and Nader's acceptance of conservative money and

Nader opened the conversation by charging that Salon had
not solicited a response from him when preparing two
recent critical pieces about him -- "The Dark Side of
Ralph Nader," by Lisa Chamberlain, and "Strange
Alliance," by Eric Boehlert. For the record, Chamberlain
made repeated phone calls to Nader's campaign office and
Zeese's cellphone seeking a comment from Nader or his
spokesman but received no replies. And Boehlert spoke to
Zeese on the phone, quoting him in his piece.

Nader: Why didn't your reporters call for a response?

Talbot: They did.

Nader: Since [Lisa Chamberlain] was writing about the
campaign, wouldn't you have the decency to call our
campaign office?

Talbot: It's always Salon's procedure, whenever we do a
critical article on anyone -- whether it's the Bush
administration or you or anyone -- to give them a chance
to respond. That's always our policy.

Nader: Look, I've been in journalism too, and when I was
doing a critical piece on someone, I would call.

Talbot: Look, Ralph, I'm just not buying your premise
that our reporter didn't try to reach you. Someone in
your organization is not giving you the right

Nader: Wait, wait, wait! No, I'm telling you, if you
make a call and you don't get through, and you're not
working under deadline because you're working on the
damned thing for three or four weeks, you write a
letter. You write a letter! That's what I do. You write
a letter!

Talbot: Our track record with you is that you've ducked
every request we've made for an interview. We've called
your office, we've gone through your friends, old Nader
Raiders, people you trust and like. We've tried a number
of ways to speak with you. And you've repeatedly avoided
us. So what we decided when we contacted you again
recently -- and again tried unsuccessfully to get you on
the phone -- was that we were getting the same old
runaround. You obviously weren't going to talk with us.

Nader: See, it's funny because Kevin doesn't have any
recollection you called this office.

Zeese: Well, I'll check my notes and look for it and see
what I can...

Talbot: I'll have Lisa call you and give you chapter and
verse on when she called you, Kevin, and tried to speak
with Ralph.

Nader: How about the second piece ["Strange Alliance:
Why Is Rupert Murdoch's Media Empire Publishing Ralph
Nader's Latest Tome?"] -- this complete smear? I mean,
this one doesn't even pass the laugh test. Where's your
banking done? Do you know any major publisher that isn't
owned by a pig conglomerate?

Talbot: Rupert Murdoch is not a typical media mogul. You
and I know what his agenda is and what his impact has
been on American politics and culture.

Nader: Hey, wait a minute! If he had censored my book,
you would've written an article saying, "Hey, now we can
prove that these conglomerate CEOs are censorious and
anti-democratic because they rejected Nader's book!" Six
of one, half dozen of the other. You had it both ways,
didn't you?

Talbot: You of all people, Ralph, know -- because we
quoted you on this very subject -- what an unusual and
unusually noxious role Mr. Murdoch has played in the
American media landscape. And for you, of all people, to
deny that and say, "Oh he's just another run-of-the-mill
media mogul" is disingenuous.

Nader: Wait, wait, let me clarify this. Give me a few
seconds, will you? Number one, I've gone after Murdoch
mercilessly in my speeches; number two, we've challenged
his acquisitions when he tried to own the papers in
Boston and New York and so forth. So that wasn't just
talk. And his messing around with China and kowtowing to

But to follow your principle would be for me to say, "I
don't want anything to do with NBC. It's owned by a pig
company called GE. And I certainly don't want anything
to do with MSNBC because it's owned by both GE and
Microsoft." They are worse than Rupert Murdoch, and I
will tell you why -- Rupert Murdoch does not produce
death-dealing weapons and sell them to dictatorships.

Talbot: No, he just supports and promotes those

Nader: Yes, but there's quite a difference isn't there,
between bullets and support? He doesn't build nuclear
plants; he doesn't pollute the Hudson River.

Talbot: He just played the leading role in creating the
propagandistic atmosphere for the war in Iraq. His media
company played and continues to play that role. You know
that, Ralph. It's just disingenuous of you to downplay
what Rupert Murdoch is all about.

Nader: Of course! They're all odious. Who do you think
owns St. Martin's [Nader's previous publisher]? Who do
you think owns all the others? Who do you think owns the
Washington Post?

Talbot: Well, you and I will have to agree to disagree
on the uniquely noxious role that Rupert Murdoch plays
in the American media.

Nader: Well, let me trap you. Will you let me trap you?
What if your brilliant Salon articles were reported on
Murdoch's television programs -- would you object to
that? Would you? What if they said, "Salon reported
today etc., etc.," and they carried your message to
millions of people that you don't reach. Would you
object to that?

Talbot: This is different. He is paying you a good
advance to publish your book because he has political
interests in what you're doing in the presidential

Nader: He's paying me money to fight the likes of him
and everyone else!

Talbot: That's not what his interest is this time,
Ralph. He's interested in having you sabotage the
Democratic effort to unseat President Bush.

Nader: If you read the book, which I hope you'll do and
then review it, you'll see it's not a campaign book.

Talbot: I'll go you one better than that: I'll read your
book and then interview you.

Nader: Well, fine. I can't wait to get an actual call
from David Talbot.

Talbot: [Laughs.] Believe me, I've made many to you. And
I'd love to actually sit down and interview you, Ralph.
So let's try to set that up. Do I have a commitment from
you that you'll give me an interview?

Nader: What's the nature of the interview?

Talbot: Your candidacy. Because here's the story -- and
for some reason you feel stung by this -- we take your
campaign seriously. Salon, perhaps alone among the
national media, thinks you and your campaign should be
given the scrutiny that every serious presidential
candidate is given.

Nader: [Laughs.] Are you serious? Do you hear Kevin
laughing? We're skewered to the wall every day, every
hour, by every conceivable media. Don't make yourself
something special.

If you really take our campaign seriously, why don't you
support our right to be on the ballot and not dirty-
tricked by the Democrats?

Talbot: I support your right to be on the ballot, Ralph,
if you don't get dirty money to do it. That's one
question I'd like to pursue with you. Your own running
mate, Peter Camejo, has just said that he doesn't think
you should take money from GOP fat cats.

Nader: Have you written articles about Democratic
candidates over the last 10 years accepting hundreds of
millions of dollars from Republican fat cats playing
both sides of the aisle?

Talbot: I thought you were supposed to have higher

Nader: No, I want you to answer my question before we
get down to specifics.

Talbot: We've gone after the Democrats again and again.
Look at the story we ran today ["The Wimpiness of the
Democrats: Part 46].

Nader: All right, let me get you in another corner. In
2002, there were eight companies that pleaded guilty to
criminal violations -- Chevron and Pfizer and Warner-
Lambert -- either to environmental violations or
antitrust violations. They gave $9 million to the
Republican and Democratic parties in 2002, when they
could give soft money. Did you criticize the Democrats
for that?

Talbot: We've consistently criticized the Democrats and
Republicans for the corrupt way that politics is

Nader: So you'll check it out because it's still a good
story, right? So then do you want all political
candidates to interview all potential contributors to
see if they've farted in the wrong place?

Talbot: Look, you know and I know who we're talking
about here. The San Francisco Chronicle just named
several Republican high-rollers who are funding you and
yet have no interest in your consumer rights agenda.

Nader: Really? Will you ask the Democrats to give back
all the money they've gotten from Republicans?

Talbot: Why are these groups giving you money and trying
to get you on the ballot? They have no interest in your
political agenda. They're working to get Bush elected so
he can keep the war going and keep supporting his rich

Nader: Wait, wait, wait. Working to get someone on the
ballot is working to give someone their free speech. I
have no problem with that.

Talbot: I have no problem with that either. But I think
you need to question who some of your political
bedfellows are, and ask why they're helping you. The
press should do that with any candidate.

Nader: No, no. The criteria [for making a campaign
contribution] is that you're an American citizen and
it's within the limits of the law. Period. We are not
going to let Salon...

Talbot: Hold on, let me finish. We have a right to point
out that if you are in bed with people and groups who
are anti-gay, antiabortion, anti-immigration...

Nader: Oh Jesus, you're really degrading yourself.

Talbot: Well, that's the truth.

Nader: These are press releases by these idiot groups.
Look at our gay rights position -- it's much better than

Talbot: Why are these conservative groups helping you

Nader: Because they're mischievous, that's why! They
want to get their name in the paper and trick people
like Salon.

Talbot: They're mischievous because they think they can
sabotage the Kerry campaign...

Nader: But they haven't done it, they haven't done it.

Talbot: ...by helping you.

Nader: What about the Democrats hiring three corporate
law firms to harass us and drive us off the Arizona
ballot? Does that bother you? In other words, what you
don't like are Republicans getting us on the ballot so
we can express our free speech.

Talbot: I don't support any effort to block you from
legally getting on a state ballot.

Nader: All right. And are you telling them about the
Republicans helping the Democrats? Do you know that the
top... tell him, Kevin.

Zeese: The most recent numbers are 25 percent of Bush's
supporters are also supporting Kerry.

Talbot: And why are they doing that?

Zeese: Because they're corporate paymasters! They're
buying access...

Talbot: They're buying access to Kerry -- a man you have
met with and honored, and said he's significantly better
than Al Gore. But the reason they're giving money to you
is not to buy access -- it's to keep Bush, a man you say
[has been a disaster for the country], in the White

Nader: This is ridiculous. You're treating Republicans
like they're all criminals. Did you ever hear of
Republicans who might work with us on issues over the
years, who might believe in civil liberties even though
they might prefer a Republican ticket?

Talbot: Look, you and I know that those kinds of
Republicans are few and far between. And I challenge you
to show me that the bulk of this money you're getting
from conservatives is meant to advance the cause of
American consumers. I just don't believe that. And if
that's not the case, why is your own running mate, Peter
Camejo, saying that you should give back this money?

Nader: Ask him now. Look, why are you so concerned about
a tiny fraction of our support in our humble attempt to
go past $1 million? Most of our money is under $100 [per

Talbot: They're not just giving money. These
conservative groups are working behind the scenes to get
you on state ballots. You're basically saying it's all
right to work with the devil, Ralph, because you've lost
your perspective.

Nader: OK, now I've flushed you out. Now you've come
out. I'm an expert in flushing out bias, prejudice and
prejudgment. And you've demonstrated all three. Until
you go after the Democrats for obstructing us with dirty
tricks and using both Republican and Democratic money --
they used a Republican law firm, by the way, among their
three law firms -- until you're even-handed, I will
declare you hopelessly prejudiced.

Talbot: Well, we're obviously not going to sort this all
out here. But I would like to sit down with you and have
a formal interview.

Nader: You have already interviewed me. You have already
prejudged me. You have already indicated your
predisposition. And you have lied.

Talbot: How have I lied?

Nader: On the anti-gay thing: That's a declared lie. You
want to explain it to him, Kevin?

Zeese: The obvious thing is that Ralph stands for strong
issues on gay rights.

Talbot: But you are working with groups that are opposed
to gay rights.

Zeese: We're not working with them at all.

Talbot: What agenda do you share with the Reform Party?

Zeese: Oh my God. Have you looked at their platform?
They're against the war, they're for repealing the
Patriot Act...

Talbot: Are you with them on abortion rights and

Nader: Not on immigration...

Zeese: We're running on Ralph's agenda, not the Reform
Party's. We made that clear to the Reform Party. We do
not kowtow to everything they wanted. We said, endorse
us if you want to -- that's your choice. But we have an
85 percent area of agreement.

Nader: We're not going to play the fascist game of the
two-party monopoly barricading itself from any
competition, with all kinds of statutory obstruction
that cost third parties immense time and money if they
can surmount them. This is a dictatorship, which you
don't seem to understand...

Talbot: I...

Nader: I've got another phone call, I've got to go. Bye-



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