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>At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, âI trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldnât do my job<<

Bush quietly meets with Amish here; they offer their prayers
By Jack Brubaker
Lancaster New Era
Published: Jul 16, 2004 12:55 PM EST
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LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - President Bush met privately with a group of Old Order Amish during his visit to Lancaster County last Friday. He discussed their farms and their hats and his religion.

He asked them to vote for him in November.

<changed>The Amish told the president that not all members of the church vote but they would pray

<changed>Bush had tears in his eyes when he replied. He said the president needs their prayers. He also said that having a strong belief in God is the only way he can do

<changed>This story has not been reported before. You might think an observant press follows the president everywhere, especially during a re-election campaign, but no reporter attended this

<changed>Sam Stoltzfus, an Old Order historian and writer who lives in Gordonville, spoke with a number of people present at the session with the p

<changed>He related what happened to the Scribbler, saying the Amish âcaught Bushâs

<changed>The 20-minute meeting with Bush occurred immediately after the president addressed a select audience at Lapp Electric Service in Smoketown Friday a

<changed>An Amish woman who lives on a farm across Witmer Road from Lapp Electric that morning had presented a quilt to the president with a card thanking him for his leadership of the

<changed>Bush said he would like to talk to the quilter and he

<changed>So the Secret Service invited the family to meet the president. Friends wanted to come along, and the entire assembly eventually numbered about 60. They were evenly divided between adults and children of

<changed>The group walked together across the road to Lapp

<changed>Stoltzfus reports: âIt took a while to get them through the metal detectors as these were farmers and shop men, with vice grips, pocket knives, and nuts and bolts in their pockets. Some ladies had baby gear. All pockets had to be e

<changed>When the Amish were âfound not to be a serious threat to national security,ââ they were allowed inside the office area of Lapp Electric and waited about 30 minutes for the president t

<changed>âBabies got restless. Children squirmed,ââ Stoltzfus reports. âSuddenly the president and five Secret Service men stepped into the room. One housewife said, âAre you George

<changed>The president replied in the affirmative and shook hands all around, asking the names of all. He especially thanked the âquilt frau,ââ who operates her own business selling quilts an

<changed>âHe seemed relaxed and just like an old neighbor,ââ says S

<changed>Bush said he had never met any Amish before and was curious about why the men were wearing straw hats rather than black wool hats. The Amish explained that they wear cooler straw in summer. Bush tried

<changed>The president commented on the appearance of Amish farms, and an Amish man spoke apologetically about how he and his friends were not expecting to see the president and were wearing soiled work clothes. Bush said he did not m

<changed>Another man remarked that he has twin daughters, as does Bush. The man said one of his twins had dreamed the night before that she was shaking hands with the president and now she actually had d

<changed>âOne of the young girls wanted to give Bush a whoopie pie cookie,ââ Stoltzfus says. âBush declined it. The Secret Service man took it, as presidents arenât supposed to eat unteste

<changed>At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, âI trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldnât do

<changed>As the president left the room, one Amish man wished him good luck in

<changed>âThe Amish group headed back to their farms and shops,ââ reports Stoltzfus. âMothers took their children home for a nap and went back to their sewing and g

<changed>Bush moved along to an appearance in York County, leaving behind a group of Old Order admirers who have tales to tell for the rest of the

<changed>The Scribbler column runs Tuesdays and Fridays in the

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Somehow I find the image of Amish going through metal detectors amusing. I know that violence doesn't limit itself to particular people groups, but an assassination attempt by Amish? What were the SS men thinking?


Well, the Amish have had to pass through metal detectors since May of 2001 to enter the courthouse.


Q: Gandalf, What goes clip-clop...clip,clop...clip,clop...clip,clop bang,bang,bang...clip,clop...clip,clop........?

A: An Amish drive-by shooting.


Time for the armless jacket and the rubber room. Is this guy for real? "god speaks through me"?

And BTW I thought Amish didn't use electricity...?


Hard to believe that the God fearing "war President" and his alter ego Karl Rove would let a presidential session with an Amish group go completely unnoticed. No one reported what the Amish had to say about the 900 young men the "war President" had killed in Iraq because of his big lie about WMD and nonexistent Iraqi connection to 9/11. Did the Amish men hurry home to beat their wives and children?


The SS men of Bush now thats interesting .

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