-Caveat Lector-


Dear CTRL Members:

Hello.  It is good to be with each and every single one of you, again.  This is NOT 
NLA or General Bates Intelligence Update.  I have decided that CTRL is too high volume 
for me ("wimp!").  Thus, I will be leaving you.  However, I invite anyone who desires 
to discuss Conspiracy from a Torah perspective to join my List, the Noachide 
Liberation Army.  It is a low volume e-mail List (not discussion, but I am fair about 
forwarding responses for those who ask).  You are invited to do just that.  Let me 
leave you with a subject that is TOO HOT TO HANDLE.

I have scanned some of the anti-Israel propaganda that has surfaced over the years.  
There is little of it that does not come from a UN controlled collectivist standpoint. 
 Most call for UN "world law" of the type foisted on us by totalitarians such as H.G. 
Wells, the Fabian Society, Falk, Sohn and the Rockfeller/Carnegie/Ford Foundations.  
This is as true of "Old Right" criticism as the other perspectives.  Has anyone ever 
wondered why it is that the Spotlight and LaRouche are able to "infiltrate" the 
Bilderberg while no one else can?  Perhaps it is because they are really Commu-Nazi 
fronts who are ALLOWED to do just that!

I believe that behind the governments of the world is a group of men with loyalty to 
no Nation.  The Bilderberg/Skull and Bones elite has no real loyalty to any Nation.  
The very idea that a Presidential and a Vice-Presidential team could be selected by 
foreign Royalty, with strong ties to Nazism, is appalling.  I like John Edwards, but I 
would never vote for him knowing that the Bilderbergers are behind the selection of 
him as John Edward's running mate.  We need heroes in the White House, not people 
selected by foreign Royalty!

There have only been two Nations ever to proclaim loyalty to G-d's Law (Torah).  One 
is Israel, the other is America (1991).  The Skull and Bones/Bilderberg folks have 
always wanted to neutralize this, hence the deliberate germination of "Protocols of 
the Elders of PNAC" rhetoric among the Left and Right.  Can anyone seriously believe 
that a joker like Netanyahu would be allowed to make American foreign policy, that the 
real big boys would roll over for the likes of him?

I intend to discuss 9-11 from a deep politics standpoint.  I have never done so on my 
List.  I will do so now, as my last post to CTRL.  First of all, I do not believe that 
the event in question was done by our Government, or by any other Government in the 
world.  I do not believe that Iraq or Saudi Arabia directed the attack.  I do not 
believe that Bush or the "Neo-cons" facilitated the attack.  Nor do I believe that the 
Chinese committed the attack.  I certainly do not believe that Netanyahu committed the 

The attack was carried out by Islamic terrorists with strong ties to the still 
operative "Underground Reich", a Virtual State that has survived World War II and that 
has worked in parallel to the Skull and Bones/Bilderberg elite in certain profound 
respects.  The only difference is that the SB/B elite desires a unified world 
government under the United States and Western Europe, whereas the Underground Reich 
would probably want to destroy America and rule the world from Germany, if it could.

Indeed, I am not alleging that the Skull and Bones was behind the 9-11 attack. Nor am 
I necessarily saying that the Bilderberg/Hapsburg faction is behind the event.  I do 
not make that allegation, nor am I even "hinting" at it.  I understand how the attack 
has been used to foist un-Constitutional "Patriot Acts" and indefinite detentions, but 
that was not the purpose of the event.  I also understand that the event brought the 
American military in to the Middle East, which has vast pools of oil, but so does 
Alaska, Venezuela, and Russia.  That was not the reason for the attack.

The real deep politics behind the attack was best pointed out by F. Tupper Saussy in 
his book, "Rulers of Evil".  Tupper is strongly anti-Catholic, a perspective that I do 
not agree with.  However, I believe that there is a strong clergy-laity split within 
Catholicism.  The machinations of the Catholic clergy does not relfect on the Church 
as a whole.  I believe that Catholicism is an attempt to mix Monotheism with paganism. 
 However, so are Orthodoxy, Calvinism, and other forms of watered down Judaism.  
Catholicism has been strongly tied with anti-Semitism, but it is not alone in that 
respect, nor can it alone be  blamed.  Even so, I believe that much of what Saussy has 
to say must be examined, including ties between certain Catholic factions and extreme 
Right pagan factions that have resisted Monotheism ever since the (formal) conversion 
of Europe from paganism.

The Jesuits have been active as a conspiratorial front for some time.  They are NOT 
behind 9-11.  No, Bin Laden was, in probable cahoots with Nazi factions that survived 
World War II and who have been operative in the Middle East, as well as the CIA and 
various intelligence agencies.  The Jesuits were NOT behind 9-11.  However, they have 
active links to Islamic factions that are working against Israel and America.  This is 
factual.  The Jesuits have been trying to undo the Protestant Reformation for some 
time.  Jesuits have had ties to Islam, Nazism, and some schools of Third World Maoism 
for some time in order to overthrow Protestantism, Judaism, and Capitalism.

The main purpose of Jesuitism seems to be the sponsorship of divisions within the 
Protestant world.  Jacobite Freemasonry was originally Jesuit.  If Saussy is correct, 
then Jesuits seem to have been operative on both sides of the American Revolution.  
Christian Americans fought Christian Englishmen, all under a Masonic leadership that 
was undoubtedly infiltrated by Jesuits, who were never as opposed to Freemasonry as we 
have been led to believe, just as Monotheistic Jews and Monotheistic Arabs fight in 
the Middle East today at the behest of a larger agenda.  Divisions within the Jewish, 
Muslim and Protestant worlds have been fomented by Jesuits, whether or not that is 
their main purpose or not.  I would venture to guess that the fall of the British 
Empire, both in 1776 and in the 1960's, had strong Jesuit help and assistance.

Honest Catholics, of whom there are a great majority, as well as honest Catholic 
Priests, are part of the manipulation and NOT the manipulators.  They too are being 
used as part of the "Old Right" strategy.  Lyndon LaRouche has a great deal of good 
information on the grand agendas, but much of his perspecive is Jesuit and 
(one-sidedly) anti Royal Family.  The Royal Family is not innocent by any means.  
However, LaRouche has been part of the manipulation of honest Catholics in the laity, 
Priesthood, Vatican, and the Pope himself, an honest man who has taken moral stands on 
freedom and justice.  LaRouche will not discuss the Merovingian cult and its agenda, 
part of which has been the removal of the House of Winsor, just as LaRouche advocates, 
and the subjugation of free England to some form of personal rule!

9-11 has fomented divisions between Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  This was the 
reason that the Underground Reich, the surviving Nazi element around Otto Von 
Skhorzeny, along with its allies within the CIA and the Communist world, unbeknownst 
to the governments of both the capitalist and communist worlds, has fomented the 9-11 
attack through their Islamic agents.  They are the link between Saddam Hussein and Bin 
Laden.  Bush probably understands that, his own family having been implicated in 
support for the eugenics movements that paralleled Nazism.  He cannot help what his 
family has been involved in.  He was RIGHT to point to a conntection between Bin Laden 
and Hussein, as well as WMD's.  Pray for him as he faces a possible coup from within 
his own Administration and blood-line class.

The Jesuits did not cause 9-11, but they are culpable for having aided the Islamicist 
movement in their attempt to check the power of Protestantism and Judaism.  The entire 
Church is palpable for having aided and abetted anti-Semitism, both "old" and "new".  
This is not anti-Catholicism, nor do I have hatred in my heart for Catholics.  I 
respect many of the stands that the Church has taken on many social issues.  However, 
their support for the so-called "Palestinian" movement is one-sided.  It may have less 
to do with Israel as a Jewish Nation and more to do with Israel having been founded as 
a secular socialist state, but even so it is still against the Promise that G-d made 
with Abraham.  The Sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday, by the way.  G-d never changes.

The Jesuits are not the main force behind world politics today.  That power is held by 
multi-national corporations and their fronts.  However, they play a role and it has 
led, in part, to the terroist problem we see before us.  I do not call them "evil" in 
the way that F. Tupper Saussy does, in the way that Goldhagen does, or in the way that 
the militant Protestants do.  I do not believe that they are evil.  However, I believe 
that their alliance with the Islamicists which has destablized several government, 
from the odious dictatorship that recently ruled Nigeria to the former Soviet Union, 
another odious dictatorship to be sure, threatens the Free World as well as dictators. 
 It will not triumph in the End, nor do I call it "evil", but it will help to set the 
stage for a destablization of the world that allows what is truly dark, and what truly 
can be called "evil", to triumph.

If I have offended Catholics in any way, I am sorry.  However, I believe that Jesuiit 
propaganda is prevalent on this List, manipulating some honest Patriots who really do 
want to cleanse America of Skull and Bones/Bilderberg elements, and who listen to 
whatever seems to oppose that (undiscerningly).  I warn you that you are playing in to 
the hands of what you believe you are opposing.  Those of you who are honest Patriots, 
Catholics, and even those of you who are Jesuit agents are welcome to join my List.  I 
do not consider you evil. However, I do not believe that Monotheism and the "Trinity" 
can be reconciled.  Argue with me  privately, since I will not be on CTRL any longer 
(due to its high volume, not my disagreement with it).  Come and reason with me.

Be careful, however, I might prove pursuasive.

General Bates, Noachide Liberation Army

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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