-Caveat Lector-
Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species.   NOTE:  This is an especially interesting day at   http://www.flyingsnail.com/Dahbud/ ; you may wish to check out more of it.   --  kl, pp


 Wednesday  July 21, 2004

George Bush, Riggs Bank, and Joe Allbritton
Bush Family Associates
9/11Terrorist Connections
Bush's Uncle Caught Laundering Money to Terrorists


Joe Allbritton, owner of WJLA-TV who is attempting  to censor the LaRouche ABC telecast in the Washington area, is a secretive banking associate  of George Bush. The Bush clique has aided Allbritton to become one of the world's richest men.

Albritton was Chairman of Houston Citizens Bank in 1976 when arrangements were completed with then-CIA director George  Bush to buy out the Allbritton bank as a vehicle for Bush's private operations. The First International Bancshares (FIB) of Dallas bought Allbritton's Houston bank. Allbritton went on the board of the parent company FIB, and the Houston bank was renamed ``First International Bank in Houston''.  George Bush, leaving the CIA, was brought in as chairman of the executive  committee of the Houston bank, which continued to be run by the men who served as bank officers under Allbritton.

The Houston bank now served Bush (totally secretive and out of the limelight) as one of his two global operations bases, the other being London--where Bush was on  the board of the bank's London subsidiary. Meanwhile, Allbritton, flush from the buyout and retaining these contacts in the Texas clique  headed by James Baker III and George Bush, also became a London-based banker. At the same time, Allbritton increasingly bought stock in Riggs Bank in Washington.

In 1981, when George Bush returned to D.C.  as US Vice President, his crony Allbritton took over as controlling owner of Riggs Bank.

In 1986, Riggs Bank got the first contract ever  given a private bank to monitor the electronic funds transfers of the U.S. government  -- this lucrative and sensitive contract came thanks to Secretary of the Treasury James Baker III. Despite this background, Allbritton is known publicly as a leader among wealthy Democrats -- thus, a leader of the  "Bush Democrats.''

Allbritton, who maintains a home in London as well as Virginia, now owns WJLA, the  Washington, D.C. ABC affilliate. He is well known as a thoroughbred horse owner entered in high-stakes races.  With George Bush now U.S. President and James Baker his Secretary of State,  Allbritton no doubt has important "reasons of state'' to stop the LaRouche  broadcast from taking place Saturday night.

The Bush-Riggs Connection

The decision last week by federal regulators to fine Riggs Bank $25 million for a "willful, systemic" violation of anti-money-laundering laws is raising new questions about whether the Bush administration's ties to powerful moneyed interests is unduly influencing U.S. foreign and national security policy. Riggs Bank is headed by longtime Bush family friend Joe Allbritton, employs President Bush's uncle Jonathan as a top executive, and other executives have been financial donors to the Bush campaign. The bank  is at the center of a controversy, according to the Wall Street Journal, for failing to monitor "tens of millions of dollars in cash withdrawals from accounts related to the Saudi Arabian and Equatorial Guinean embassy," including "suspicious incidents involving dozens of sequentially numbered cashier's checks and international drafts written by Saudi officials, including Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan." Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) "said members of the bank's board of directors should be held to account for failing to exercise their watchdog role over Riggs's operations" and said refusal to follow money laundering laws "allows terrorists to funnel their blood money through the system."

Thanks to
RHINO'S  BLOG (7/21/04) for the lead!


The Mastermind Behind 911?
Stephen St. John

Bush, Torture and American Values in Iraq

Frank  Wallis - Counterbias.com


The Bush  Tax Cut Oil Scam ?
Dahbud Mensch

Oil price hits $41 all-time high

"There's no denying that this is an oil  administration, you can't talk about the career of any George Bush -- father  or son -- without talking about oil." -
Peter  Eisner [November 19, 2001]

I have seen scams before, but  this one is brilliant. First, you offer a bunch of dumb apathetics a very  small government tax cut; while offering the rich a massive one, then you  redirect a War on Terror into an illegal War on Iraq; making sure you upset OPEC; who in turn, slow oil production, causing high gas prices, and ask:

Who  Is Making a Fortune on Oil & Gas?

'You are looking at the biggest oil refinery  in the world,' indicates LaNell Anderson. She refers to the edifice that is the 3,000-acre Exxon Mobil plant at Baytown, near Houston, producer of 507,800 barrels a day. Here begins a story of both dynasty and destiny, for it was on this spot in 1917 that the Bush family's oil connection was forged - where the Humble Oil company, which struck black gold in the Houston suburb of that name, took root, later to become the Exxon behemoth. Humble's founder, William Stamps Farish, went on to become president of Standard  Oil. His daughter became a friend of George Bush Sr and his grandson William Jr was taken in 'almost like family' (said Barbara Bush) while campaigning for George Sr's entrée into Washington Senatorial politics in 1964.  Farish Jr claims to have been the first man to whom Bush Sr confided his  ambition to be president one day, and was last year named US Ambassador to London. [article -
Dark  heart of the American dream]

Shortly after Desert Storm, the Associated Press reported Cheney's desire to broaden the United States' military role in the region to hedge future threats to gulf oil resources. Cheney is CEO of Dallas-based Halliburton Co., the biggest oil-services company in the  world. Because of the instability in the Persian Gulf, Cheney and his fellow oilmen have zeroed in on the world's other major source of oil--the Caspian Sea. Its rich oil and gas resources are estimated at $4 trillion by U.S.  News and World Report. [ article - August 10, 2000
Cheney's  Black Gold: Oil Interests May Drive US Foreign Policy]

The tax cuts were a mean trick  and scam for Bush Family Associates and corporate oil businessmen. Between winter fuel and today's gas prices, my tax cut has turned into a deficit and it appears government tax money was shifted into BIG OIL. [article - Small  gas stations say big companies undercut them on price]

"If a president is willing to lie about the most basic governmental and  political facts, civic debate becomes impossible, and the public becomes incapable of informed judgment. Because of the great weight that any president's words have with the public, the  president of the United States must not be a liar. One of the grounds correctly included in Richard Nixon's articles  of impeachment was that he  lied to the American public." - says TONY  BLANKLEY.

At Least
, NIXON Had The Bollix To Resign When He Was Caught Lying !

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