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All The Unreported Bush Scandals


UNreported Bush Scandals with Supporting Web Links

The media is soooo slanted to the RIGHT and soooo LAME in their coverage, that I have given-up and STOPPED WATCHING ANY "NEWS" on ANY STATION with the exception of C-Span and PBS. I also depend ENTIRELY ON reading my own INTERNET NEWS that I find by non-television Internet websites.

Proof of UNreported Bush Scandals by The Media CorpSE vs how the media jumps all over Democratic problems:

They are all over DEMOCRATIC Sandy Berger, non-stop, 24/7, with lame source info: "he stuffed info into his socks and pants (and we're not talking pant pockets), etc". Remember ALL the "Monica 24/7" coverage? Any country could have dropped an atomic bomb on The United States back then, and Monica would still get top billing.

But when is the last time the major media channels went IN-DEPTH about ANY of these news Bush-Gates?

1) Novak-Gate: It is going on a year now, with little or NO COVERAGE. I suggest The Media CorpSE check out in FindLaw's Cases & Codes Section. Look at Title 50, Chapter 15, Subchapter IV, Section 421 of The United States Code. That Section only deals with the "protection of CIA Agents", so their cover does not get blown by jerks like Novak. Sure sounds like Novak, The White House and the media corpSE could give a damn about that law.

Does Congress remember that THEY passed these laws? Ask yourself HOW FAST would the media and The Republican Congress be all over Clinton IF HIS White House Administration DID THIS to GET BACK AT O'Reilly, Coulter, Limbaugh or Hannity and they had a wife or husband working as a Covert CIA Agent? Yet the media yawns and Novak is still employed by CNN and newspapers to this very day!!

Laws On The Books Against People Like Novak

2) FBI-Ashcroft-Gate: Sibel Edmonds worked as translator for FBI. She uncovered The FBI's plan to "get more workers" at The FBI after 9/11, by making the people work slowly. You heard me right!!! If you were a conscience worker who did your translation as fast as possible to help get the bastards who bombed us with civil aircraft, your translations would get deleted by your boss. Your boss would then tell you the next day: "Let that be a lesson to you". Translated, take long coffee and lunch breaks and "translation work be damn".

Edmonds also told Congress about The FBI's very poor and sloppy background checks for new workers. New translators got into the FBI who were members of "the other side". There are words for this, and it is known as ENEMIES doing ESPIONAGE.

She complained to Senators Leahy and Grassley, who had the information about Sibel on their computers and papers in their offices. Both Senators are on the committee, which oversees The FBI. When Sibel got fired from the FBI for complaining, she took The FBI to court. Ashcroft re-classified all the documents that Leahy and Grassley had as Classified Material and the information was promptly removed from their computers and offices.

Ashcroft has just had the case thrown out by a Republican Judge, and all the documents are still classified. This is known, for you in the media corpSE, as a COVER-UP!!

The 9/11 Commission Report only has Sibel Edmonds in their report in footnote number 25. Check out all stories and interviews regarding this and start covering the real news.

Do a Google search on "Sibel Edmonds" and look at all your hits. Then go to any Major Newspaper website around the country and do the same search of the newspaper's website. Likewise, go to the so-called News Media corpSE and check out how many stories they have on "Sibel Edmonds". Most of them are for the web and un-reported on television because Scott Peterson and Kobe Bryant are "more important".

60 Minutes Transcript - Lost In Translation

FBI Informant Sibel Edmonds Articles

Whistleblowers Who Tried To Prevent 9/11

Sibel Edmonds Calls 9/11 Investigation Inadequate

3) NO WMD-Gate: Bush thinks he is funny by making a joke about NO WMD by looking under his desk and says "Nope, No WMD Under Here Either" at this year's Correspondence Dinner. Tim Russert and many other journalists thought it was a "good joke".

How many soldiers has BUSH killed with LIES? How many families have had to attend unwanted funerals? The Bush-Reporters at FOX must have been laughing their stitches out, at his NO WMD HERE jokes.

Gee, I wonder if Bush would give Lila, who lost her son in the F-9/11 movie, a tape of his Correspondence Dinner laughing show?

No WMD Joke Backfires On Bush

Media Reacts To Bush's No WMD Joke

4) Iran-Code-GATE: Chalabi gets told that The United States has broken "Iran's Secret Code". So much for the "secret". Chalabi pays us back by telling Iran. Slow, investigations and NO REPORTING by The Media CorpSE continue through today.

I'm putting all my money on Iran, as our next NON-SCRUTINIZED WAR by BOTH Reporters and Republicans - and that Bush will make sick jokes about that war after thousands are killed.

Why should Bush care? It's not HIS DAUGHTERS on the FRONT LINES with an M-16 in their hands, firing at the enemy and getting blown-up by hidden bombs in the roadway.

Iraq's Chalabi Tells Iran That US Broke Their Code

What Really Happen to Chalabi?

5) Nuke-Gate: There have been THREE (3) LEAKS of Classified Information from Los Alamos, in New Mexico, in the past EIGHT (8) MONTHS!!!

For those of you who are young or do not follow the news or history, Los Alamos is where they do Atomic Research and made two small weapons, also known as Atomic Bombs, that President Harry Truman dropped on Japan to end WWII. Nothing To PANIC About!!!

And Bush is worrying about "Nuclear Problems" with Iraq, Iran and Korea? Sounds like Bush, The Media CorpSE and The Voters had better get their act together, and start worrying about the leakers within our OWN country.

You don't think that Al-Quida have gotten into Los Alamos, do you? What the hell, if they could infiltrate The FBI, what is stopping them from Los Alamos? Perhaps this is why Ridge DID NOT raise the "color level", but he did make a speech that sounded like we were in trouble a few weeks ago. You remember don't you? It was just as Kerry picked Edwards for his running mate. Coincidence?

So lets see here. We have a CIA Agent OUTED by The White House via Novak. Then Al-Quida INFILTRATES The FBI and Ashcroft hushed up the Sibel Edmonds story. Then someone tells Chalabi that we broke Iran's code and Chalabi tells Iran. And now, we have nuke secrets out there somewhere, three times in eight months.

I'm "not worried" about the way Bush is handling our "top-secrets". Are You??

Computerworld Reports on Third Security Breach at Los Alamos in Eight Months

6) Anthrax-Gate: It was back in 2001 that we had the anthrax attacks. Yet, in 2004, the person accused, Steven Hatfill, still has not had his fair trial.

Is my memory slipping, or has Ashcroft ransacked the "Due Process Under The Law" that you are supposed to have, when you are accused and arrested?

Does this mean that YOU could be next to get thrown in jail without "due process" by Johnny?

Steven Hatfill Still Not Tried For Anthrax Charges by Ashcroft in 2001

7) Forgotten-Gate: Say the name "bin Laden" to Bush, and he would say, "bin Laden "WHO"?

9/11 Commission Says No Link Between Iraq and Al Quida

I seem to remember this guy who claims to be our President, once saying the following sentence about Bin Laden: "And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive".

Bush Makes "Dead or Alive" Statement on 9/17/2001

So instead we go after the guy in Iraq "who tried to kill my dad".

Now Pakistan has been ORDERED by BUSH to catch bin Laden, during the summer of 2004. Why now? Why, THREE YEARS after 9/11, would Bush suddenly want to go after bin Laden this year - BY THE END OF SUMMER?

Bush Orders Bin Laden Captured by Election

Back when Clinton was facing Impeachment (for sex) and he went after Bin Laden, we had the Media CorpSE and Every Republicans in Congress all yelling about "WAG THE DOG". Why aren't the Republicans and lame media corpSE all over this "sudden change of direction" in Bush's war plan?

8) Voter-Purge-Gate: Here we go again. States are purging "felons" off the voter lists again. Problem is many of the voters, mostly blacks, are NOT felons. One "FUTURE FELON" has a crime date in January 30, 2007!!! What's Wrong With This Picture??

Try another election gimmick Bush; and there is going to be an outbreak of WAR, here on the streets in The United States. It will make the riots of 1968's Democratic Convention and the Kent State protest on May 1-4, 1970, for those of you who can remember back then, look like they were tame, quiet and peaceful.

Florida will become the new "Kent State" or "Vietnam War Riots" in America's history books if "Innocent" or "Future Crime" voting purges occur in Florida again.

Thank goodness for investigative reporters Greg Palast and Fintan Dunne. America won't carry their articles. I wonder why?

Future Felon Purged off Florida Voting List

Greg Palast Articles on The Theft of A Presidency

The Protest At Kent State on May 1-4, 1970

Protests and Uproar of Vietnam War

9) Judicial-Gate: Republicans break into Democratic Judiciary Office / Computer for over a year, and find out how Senator Leahy and Democrats are going to fight Bush Judicial Nominations.

Media Replies with a big yawn. It's must be their addiction to sleeping pills.

Republicans Infiltrate Democratic Judicial Senate Files For A Year

Republican Judicial Committee Memo Gate

10) Halliburton-Gate: Name says it all and it would take a "War and Peace" book to write to you about all of it. Media skims over and Halliburton on its Cheney stories, and then it's onto more important stories about Kobe Bryant and Scott Peterson. I know the American Press is LAME when I have to go to The Moscow Times (2nd link) to get current articles on Bush Scandals.

Independent Media Looks At Cheney Scandals

Cheney, Halliburton and His Iraq Deals

Halliburton Faces Trial For Iran Links

11) Religion Gate: Republicans cross the "Church vs State" boundaries by signing up voters in church.

And the "UNbiased" media is "worried" about a "Catholic" becoming President again?

Push for Bush Voter Registration in Churches Could Cost it Tax Breaks

12) Compassionate-Gate: Republican Mouthpiece LimBORE says, "the soldiers were just blowing off some steam", when the soldiers were taking pics of nude Iraq people.

Then The Vice-President then tells Senator Leahy, in The Senate Chamber to "F Himself".

Bush then sends soldiers off into battle, and proceeds to cut their pay and VA Benefits. I guess that takes care of the "compassionate side" within The Republican Party.

Potty Mouth Cheney

Thanks for Serving Because I'm Slashing Your Benefits

13) Conservative-Gate: Last time I knew what Conservatives stood for, it meant being a tightwad with money.

So what has this Republican White House, Republican House and Republican Senate given to us with their tightwad spending habits?

The "Conservative" Republicans have given us a Two-Trillion Dollar Deficit. It sure looks like the Republican media corpSE got their big tax-cuts and could give a damn about reporting how LARGE the deficit has grown under Bush and The Republicans.

All of "Liberal", Democratic President Clinton Surplus went right down the drain. It could have been used on the military, education and health benefits but people like Cheney needed their $800,000 tax cut.

The Republican Spending Explosion

The Amazing Disappearing Budget Surplus

If Bush Is Elected, All Agencies Will Get Budget Cuts


So what's wrong with today's media corpSE? Why have they been so MUTE about ALL these UN-reported and UN-investigated "Bush-Gates"? WHY?? Did Bush threaten to take their White House Reporting Privileges away, if they openly report about any of these scandals?

Very Polite Press Corp Has No Guts Today

Back during Watergate, when Nixon would hold a press conference, Sam Donaldson and Helen Thomas, along with others, would ask Nixon tough questions. Once Nixon tried to get around an answer, and Donaldson responded to Nixon, "Hold on Mr. President"!!

Donaldson didn't just go after Republican Nixon. He also went after President Carter, President Reagan, President Bush #1 and President Clinton. He held each President's "feet" to the fire. Today's media corpSE could learn plenty form Donaldson, but they refuse.

Only in Ireland do they try that today. When Bush had a one-on-one interview with an Irish reporter, on his trip to Europe in 2004, the women reporter (Carole Coleman) was not afraid to stop Bush in mid-sentence when she heard a lie.

Irish Reporter Throws Real Hardball Questions At Bush

Irish Reporter Didn't Get Memo To Ask Puffball Questions

Today, when Bush holds one of his few press conferences, the media corpSE reporters have to submit their ONE Question that they will be asking, in advance, so Bush's "answer trainers" can tell him what to say. The media agrees to do so. Now when is the last time you ever heard of such a wimpy media in a time of war and Presidential Election year??

It is simply incredible!!!

I guess there is not enough "sex" involved in any of the above scandals I listed above to get the media's juices flowing" again, like they did against President Clinton. Back then; the media was tripping over themselves. You see, it wasn't about the sex as it was about lying. Gee, I wonder if Bush has lied? If so, where is the Congressional and Reporter Uproar?

Special Prosecutor Ken Starr Says It's About Clinton Lying and Not About The Sex

There's also not enough Col. Oliver North, Arms-For-Hostages sales to The Iran-Contras, like Reagan ordered type scandal, for today's media to cover about The Bush Administration.

History of Arms Sales For Hostages to The Iran-Contra

You be the judge on the above scandals as to how the media corpSE has or has not done their job. You know where I stand.

My feelings are proven in a new DVD named "Orwell Rolls In His Grave" that www.buzzflash.com is selling. It is worth every penny to watch, on how today's inept news media corpSE does not do their job.

Thank God for C-Span and "Non-Major News Channel" Internet sites.

Tom Wieliczka
Windsor Locks, CT



I just got my copy of the 60 Minutes tape, about Sibel Edmonds, in the mail. After watching it, I have become ever more angry with The FBI and Ashcroft's Cover-Up.

I suggest every BuzzFlash reader and contributor go to the 60 Minutes website and look for the October 27, 2002 show that has the Sibel Edmonds in it and buy the VHS tape. The show is named "Lost in Translation".

It would be great if you could work out a deal with CBS to copy and sell the tape to BuzzFlash readers, or add a link to buy it from CBS.

Every member of Congress should get called from their "vacations," and get forced to see what Ashcroft does not want anybody to know. Outrageous!!!

We all need to expose the Sibel Edmonds story which the networks and major newspapers refuse to cover in depth - - and then get after Congress about it!!!


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