-Caveat Lector-

thank you, webfairy.  i accept your apology.


On Aug 13, 2004, at 12:16 AM, The Webfairy wrote:


I said something factually incorrect:
"This is the first I've heard of any allegedly principled stand.
I am glad that you take at least selective notice of his hate

It is certainly proof that I am just as capable as anybody else of
blanking out in information that does not fit my current theoretical

I was wrong, and I apologize.

Nico said:

In defense of Salter:

He was never actively involved in the smear campaign against the "pod
people" at the 9/11 Truth Alliance.

This was more or less an intense solo trip by Robinowitz, later
supported by
Bill Douglas, Nic Levis, Vic Ashley and some other members.

I also think, that Salter is not connected with the personal hack on
letsroll911 or in any form behind the "FEMA-roomate-smear" or
like of Dan Mcghee aka

However, there are indications, that Robinowitz might know more about
FEMA-Roomate-smear, since the first postings were mirrored immediately
empirewatch.org (picked up from libertyforum), some NY Friends of
and Peak Oil supporters.

Strangely, empirewatch.org was registered by XoMoX nyc, which was
bought in
June 2001 by Crane Aerospace & Electronics, also connected with STC
MICROWAVE SYSTEMS  ( Electronic Warfare)


Here is the message I claimed didn't exist.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:      Re: Nico Haupt on 911truth cointelpro
Date:         Thu, 29 Jul 2004 14:17:38 +0700
From:         Brian Salter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


i can imagine that one of the things you like about those statements
from nico concerning john gray and other ongoing issues is that they
could be interpreted as an accusation that anyone and everyone who is
critical of no-plane/pod/911 video theories is part of a cointelpro

but if this is what you're thinking, nothing could be further from the
truth, because in fact i have recently been taking the lead on the
911truthalliance list to dig up the dirt on john gray, even continuing
to press the issue there after nico had temporarily dropped it.  i have
also been consistently criticizing the nasty and divisive tactics used
by mark robinowitz (oilempire.us) that nico complains about.  nico and
i have been in touch on this and are in agreement about this particular
problem even though we respectfully disagree on the overall value of
the WTC video analysis school.  if you like i could forward a couple of
my posts to the truthalliance where i condemn unconstructive,
ridicule-based attacks on these issues.

in fact, i should note that nico specifically stated on the
truthalliance list that he considered eric's 911 video critiques to be
fair and legitimate in their approach, in contrast to robinowitz et al.
 take note of this, as well as the fact that i have been linking to
some of nico and woodybox's research (e.g. "the lost war drill" and
"cleveland airport" series) on QQ.net.

the following is a recent post of mine to the 911truthalliance list,
after the hopsicker piece came out, with some of my research into gray
/ khashoggi.  it's out of context vis a vis some earlier debate so some
of the side issues might not be clear, but the critical info should be
clear enough.  nico has privately expressed to me his appreciation for
my support for him on the john gray issue.

this post of mine was enough to change the minds of several key people
who had previously been very defensive and had accused nico and other
john gray critics of a smear campaign.  i would also point out that i
am more cautious and a bit softer on the toronto inquiry organizers and
911truth people because i do not personally have access to some of the
inside observers that nico does.  but i take all of his concerns very



From:           Brian Salter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      Subject:        Re: [911truthalliance] Barrie Zwicker in detail on John Gray
      Date:   July 21, 2004 1:37:03 PM GMT+07:00
      To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Cc:       [EMAIL PROTECTED] Truthalliance

the new flap over hopsicker's john gray piece makes me feel compelled
to send an email to the list that i had written up about a week ago but
kept in my out box because there was too much other stuff going on.
but i have done some additional research that i think needs to be seen
and considered.  i believe that the explanations about grey's
background that have been offered by nic, ruppert, and zwicker are not
convincing and do not address all of the apparent facts.  there are
some claims make by hopsicker for which i am not aware of any direct
evidence for, and these are hopsicker's claims alone.  among these are:
a) that gray is currently 'working for' adnan khashoggi or serving as a
money conduit.  b) that gray is controlling any aspect of 911truth, the
toronoto inquiry, etc.  c) that anyone working with gray is operating
on bad intentions.   i am also not aware of any genesis-related case
where gray is named as a defendant (but also, i did not read all of the
court complaints, of which there are quite a few).

HOWEVER, i feel that it can be proven that gray DOES have a background
involving khashoggi that goes far beyond the threadbare "explanations"
that have been offered in his defence so far.  i submit my case that
this matter deserves, at a minimum, much closer scrutiny and real
documentation, not verbal assurances.  what follows is what i wrote
previously, with some annotations in regards to hopsicker's new
allegations.  for the record, i'm not in contact with either hopsicker
or chossudovsky about these matters so this represents only my own
research and my own opinions, and this does not represent an
endorsement of the claims by hopsicker that i specified above.

(approx 14 July 04)

a week in bed with the flu has left me behind with my emails, but this
is one i need to address and have been thinking about quite a bit.
there seems to be a consensus now that the dispute over john gray is
past, but i do not share in this consensus.  in fact, i continue to be
mystified by the threadbare and inconsistent nature of the explanations
offered by his supporters and have even more questions now.  i might
have let this one rest except for the fact that i and others have been
scurrilously accused by bill, lori, nic, zwicker, et. al. of being
"disruption" agents.  so, let me explain.

the story we have on the table about gray's past run-in with the
GenesisIntermedia (GENI) fiasco and khashoggi goes something like this:
gray hooked up with genesis early on and made a deal with them to
develop and market a video & audio product line based on his books.
then, years later, international con man khashoggi moved in on genesis
and more or less hijacked the company late in the game, running various
scams manipulating the company's stock and victimizing many including
gray, who lost a lot of money though all this, including his sale of
his genesis stock to khashoggi (whom he apparently never even met).

now this really seems to put everything in the clear, but actually it's
not the whole story.  as a kind of litmus test for how this matter is
being handled by gray's defenders, i have been waiting for someone to
mention a certain name: ramy el-batrawi.   and explain his role.  but
no one has.  and i find this the most perturbing part yet, because it
is el-batrawi who was the lynchpin and connector between genesis and

who is el-batrawi?  he is a long-time business partner and friend of
khashoggi.  the two first worked together in 1988, and had already done
several business deals together when el-batrawi formed genesis in 1993.
 he was with the company from its inception and served as its chairman
and CEO from 1993 until 2001 when he stepped down as a result of the
stock scandal.

GenesisIntermedia Chief Executive Ramy El-Batrawi told Bloomberg News
that he has worked with Kashoggi on deals dating back to 1988 and
speaks with him "almost every day."

21. At relevant times, defendant Ramy El-Batrawi (“El-
Batrawi”) was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the Company.
El-Batrawi has known defendant Khashoggi for fifteen years and
worked with him on deals for years before the events alleged in
this complaint. During the Class Period, he and Khashoggi spoke
almost every day.

4. Defendant Ramy El-Batrawi ... served as Chairman of the Board and
as the Company's Chief Executive Officer from its inception in October
1993 until his
resignation in October 2001.

[note: hopsicker alleges that attorney michael roy fugler was involved
with the incorporation of the company.]

in addition, genesisintermedia was apparently just one of several
el-batrawi / khashoggi joint projects which were launched in the early
to mid-90s.  from research previously posted by nico:

Genesis is a code used by Khashoggi associated with a
number of businesses he and Rami El-Batrawi created in the Tampa, FL
area (I
think of Tampa as home of Sami Al-Arian) in the mid-1990s, including

thus it is amply documented that genesisintermedia was closely within khashoggi's orbit from the very start.

with this fact in mind, consider the version of events communicated by
gray to mike ruppert in their face to face conversation in toronto,
quoted here from ruppert's email:

 "He said that he had never met Khashoggi and that he had lost a great
deal of money as a result of Khashoggi's manipulations of the company
which had been handling his products. He said that Khashoggi was a
late-comer in that K's arrival in the company happened AFTER Gray had
started doing business with the company.

the fact of khashoggi being a "late-comer" is almost meaningless -- in fact, it is outright misleading -- without mention of el-batrawi's role in the stock scam -- but he has apparently left it conveniently unmentioned based on what we've seen so far. nor does he mention that he had been doing business for years with el-batrawi, who had FOUNDED genesis, and that this business had occured during a period where el-batrawi and khashoggi were working actively together on other projects. in fact, at some point, gray had become a part owner of genesis[!]. (i have not been able to find out when this occured but tentatively i think it's reasonable to assume it was early on, when gray and batrawi first made the licensing / marketing deal). this leads obviously to the question, what kind of relationship did gray have with el-batrawi when he was working with genesis?

first, observe that el-batrawi was the dominant figure in genesis'
day-to-day business activities:

50. Prior to June 1999, GENI was a privately held California-based
marketing and promotions company controlled by Defendant Ramy
which was trying to break into the market for interactive multimedia
technologies and
the internet. As the Prospectus for its Initial Public Offering dated
June 14, 1999,
disclosed, however, GENI had achieved little success from its efforts
and most of its
revenue was derived from related-party transactions. In essence, it
was little more
than its founder, Mr. El-Batrawi, and some ideas.

the media division of genesis, set up by el-batrawi, created and
published gray's new video series, which was hit the market in 1994
(which is when genesis really began its business activities).

el-batrawi was an also an executive producer of gray's 1997 CD, "Men
are from Mars, Women are from Venus - Songs for Loving Couples"

gray's products were a critical revenue source for GENI:

33.  Incorporated on October 28, 1993, GenesisIntermedia.com, Inc. did
not commence substantial operations until 1994. From inception through
June 1997, the Company devoted substantially all its resources to
selling products the Company owned or had purchased rights to sell
through conventional marketing methods. The Company sold these
products to the general public through the use of infomercials, radio
advertisements, print media and retail outlets. A substantial portion
of the Company's product revenue has come from its Men Are From Mars,
Women Are From Venus product series authored by John Gray, Ph.D.

thus, it is amply documented that gray and el-batrawi had a close
working relationship, that this was central to genesis business-wise,
and they must have known each other well during this period.

it is also interesting to note that the relationship between gray and
el-batrawi went beyond "just business" -- in the acknowledgements of
his 1997 book "Mars and Venus on a Date", gray credits el-batrawi in a
section which begins: "I thank the following family members and friends
for their suggestions and valuable feedback to the ideas in this

note that this book was not a genesis product -- it was published by
harper-collins. therefore, it is documented that there was a positive
personal relationship between gray and khashoggi's partner el-batrawi,
over and above their business relationship at genesis.

this brings us to the next stage in the story -- the genesis IPO and
the entry of khashoggi soon after.  khashoggi did not come into the
picture as a con-man out of the blue who ruined a perfectly good,
successful company.  in fact, genesis was already on the rocks after a
trumped-up IPO in july 1999, desperate for cash and with its stock
price down to $1.33 from an initial offering of $8.50.  khashoggi saved
the company with an infusion of cash loaned to his friend el-batrawi,
and his assistance in bringing in resources for the scam which would
inflate genesis stock to over $25.

a good summary of this stage is christopher byron's july 2001 article
from the new york observer:

note especially how byron shows how gray's friend and confidante
el-batrawi was already playing games with the funds raised from the
july 1999 IPO, BEFORE khashoggi came in and began his active
involvement at the end of 1999.

the entire affair and its aftermath are summed up in this businessweek

now, to return to gray's assertion of being a victim of khashoggi:
 "He said that he had never met Khashoggi and that he had lost a great
deal of money as a result of Khashoggi's manipulations of the company
which had been handling his products. He said that Khashoggi was a
late-comer in that K's arrival in the company happened AFTER Gray had
started doing business with the company."

there are two problematic issues here. first, gray is saying that he lost money through lost sales of his products, allegedly as a result of khashoggi's manipulations. however, numerous sources confirm that genesis had not met with success in diversifying its revenue sources at the time of its IPO, and did not add any new revenue sources of any significance in the subsequent period. but overall revenues remained relatively steady during the 2000-01 period, which can be verified here: http://www.forbes.com/finance/mktguideapps/compinfo/ CompanyTearsheet.jhtml?tkr=GENI

thus, since gray's products were a main revenue source for genesis, but
its overall revenues did not decline, i would hope we could see some
real documentation of what gray said he lost.  i think this is
reasonable to ask.  for example, his royalties should show a clearly
anomalous decline in sales of his CDs and videos marketed by genesis
during the relevant period.  (note also that by 1998 at the latest,
gray was working with other publishers for his new videos, and there
were no new genesis products that i could find).

the second issue is that gray was also a PART OWNER of genesis, thus
the rise in the stock price engineered by el-batrawi and khashoggi
beginning in late 1999 was in his interest insofar as his stock
ownership was concerned.  we need to know how many GENI shares he
owned, when he aquired them, and when he sold them and for what price.
the victims of el-batrawi and khashoggi's scam were those who were left
holding GENI stock after 9/11, when its value finally collapsed (which
also ties in to the important fact that the GENI scam has been
implicated in connection with pre-9/11 INSIDER TRADING).  this included
individual stockholders as well as the brokerages which had borrowed
GENI stock in exchange for cash collateral, which was the central
mechanism of the scam.  GENI part owner john gray, on the other hand,
was one of the lucky ones who cashed out early, as noted in nico's

John Gray was paid by Adnan Khashoggi a significant amount for all of
stock in GenesisIntermedia the month before the attack on America.  He
remained close to Michael Roy Fugler (another B Team player) who filed
lawsuit against Daniel (Hopsicker) to attempt to have his book on
Barry Seal
"Barry & the boys" snuffed...."

so, i can see why gray would mention alleged problems with his product revenues but not mention his ownership and sale of GENI stock. if the info above is not correct, then let's see a documented refutation asap.

on top of this, one of the legal complaints contains a very alarming

the suit filed by ruined broker MJK indicates that SOME STOCK PURCHASES

94. For example, in August 2001, Mr. El-Batrawi himself bought more
than $23 million in GENI stock,[9] and Mr. D Angelo that same month
bought $30
million in GENI stock, at the same time he was selling about $27
million in GENI
stock. In fact, from June through September 2001, Mr. D Angelo
bought more than $67.2 million and sold $68.7 million in GENI stock.10
On more
than one occasion during that time, Mr. D Angelo proudly maintained
that he alone
was the market for GENI...
[footnote] 9 This number includes purchases made through accounts in
Mr. El-Batrawi s name, in the name of
GenesisIntermedia.com, in the name of Genesis Diversified, and in the
name of John Gray, a part owner of GENI.

now this requires some explaining.  and gray certainly hasn't explained
it, because all he has mentioned is losing money through mismanaged
product sales, but this has nothing to do with product sales.
futhermore, since el-batrawi was totally involved in the illegal
activities which supposedly victimized gray, the latter should have had
plenty of opportunities as both a licensor of genesis' main product
line and stockholder to seek legal remedy for this betrayal.  but i've
not been able to find any indication that he has done so.  if this is
the case, then why?

and indeed, if gray was truly relieved and eager to talk about how
khashoggi came out of the blue and ruined his business relationship
with genesis, why isn't he also chomping at the bit to mention how the
person who really would bear the guilt for conning him was not so much
khashoggi as his longtime friend and business partner ramy el-batrawi,
who had been with genesis from the start and had run the show all
along?  if gray was eager for this to be known and understood, then why
has he put forth the technically true but misleading story that
khashoggi was a "latecomer" whom he had never met, when in fact it was
his longtime partner el-batrawi who was running most of the nuts and

and so, why haven't any of gray's defenders given an explanation which
accounts for his relationship with khashoggi's henchman, el-batrawi?
anyone who wants to work with gray should have had this answered

one thing is for sure, we're not going to hear much from gray's
supposedly "ex" friend and business partner el-batrawi himself.  as
noted in the businessweek article, he's just as elusive as khashoggi:
"El-Batrawi could not be located and has not responded to the suits.
One of his attorneys declined to comment."

what it looks like to me is that no one has really done "due
dilligence" on gray before deciding to work with him.  i certainly see
no evidence of this being done.  all we have been offered are
word-of-mouth assurances which have not been verified.  now, mark my
words -- i can certainly imagine possibile explanations where gray
still comes out being the innocent victim, and i'm still completely
open and ready to hear a credible and COMPLETE explanation.  and i
don't see any evidence that anyone who is working with gray is
operating with ulterior motives, so i'm not implying such an
accusation.  i just see extreme lack of effort to check him out -- and
a very weird defensiveness at the same time.

at this point, blind faith and verbal assurances are not going to be
adequate.  this needs to be looked at seriously, and documented,
third-party-verifiable proof of gray's version of the story ought to be
presented.  those who insist that an issue like this must be settled on
"trust" are actually the ones violating the trust we need in this
movement.  sometimes, trust requires verification.  of course this will
take some effort so i wouldn't expect such a thing to happen
immediately while we all have so many things on our plates and are busy
with various urgent projects.  but at some point, it needs to, and i
will continue paying close attention to what is being said, and if
further explanations about gray's background manage to address all the
facts, or continue to be full of holes.


ps: following below are some responses to zwicker's comments:

On Jul 3, 2004, at 6:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Have just seen some of this back 'n' forth about John Gray. Without -- I emphasize -- having read Nico's email in detail, let me make the following observations:

without having read in detail? so zwicker admits he's not taking this seriously.

1 -- Each of us has followd a different path to where we are, and will have a different journey as we continue our becoming.

so, does this postmodern, new age pablum means we aren't allowed to challenge each other on judgements which could affect this entire movement?

2 -- Although I suspect there's something of a "guru industry," I
sit in judgment as to the validity of the insights of Ram Das or John
Gray or others who chose a path of serious "truth seeking," through
study or discipleship.

this is not about "truth seeking"... i don't care if someone wants to follow a guru, but this is about someone having spent a decade of his life as personal secretary to the rockefeller of gurus, who runs a notoriously exploitative and money-grubbing organization. an organization that has been implicated in massive systemic child neglect & abuse, and whose leaked secret documents have shown it to be a classic "secret society" type structure whose inner elite core completely misrepresent their real ideology to lay members and outsiders (see for example http://www.trancenet.org/secrets/soma/index.shtml for some sworn court transcripts on the subject). the maharishi is one of the world's richest men, controlling an empire of 3-5 billion dollars, a great deal of which he has made through real estate speculation, and once formed a close allegiance with former philippines dictator ferdinand marcos. i don't know what gray's current attitude is towards maharishi and his org, but he is clearly not concerned with being associated with them since he co-headlined a 2002 new age conference with marharishi's US political front man john hagelin. this stuff matters, especially since so far we are being asked to believe gray's side of the story based on just second hand verbal assurances.

3 -- John Gray's work, quite a few books, is available for any of us
peruse. In my view he has helpful insights to offer. As far as I know,
he is contributing a lot more healing and benign education helping
people get along with each other than the vast majority of us ever

this is just opinion. personally, i side with numerous critics who have pointed out how gray's work reinforces regressive and limiting gender stereotypes.

4 -- John has a personal life history which I think helps explain why
would become a 9/11 skeptic. He has reason to be deeply suspicious of
the power elite. His father, a Texas oil millionaire, tried to warn
authorities in Dallas, prior to Nov. 22, 1963, that JFK's life was in
danger. He had heard the rumours circulating. Later, John's father
divested himself of all his oil industry assets and told his children
wanted them to promise never to have anything to do with the oil
industry, which he called the dirtiest and most corrupt and murderous
industry on the face of the Earth.

if gray is trying to carry on his father's effort to stop the kind of political elements that did in JFK, he's going about it in some very strange ways. for example, he has given his personal endorsement to gary smalley, a leading spokesman and central figure in the "promise keepers" movement, a notorious front organization for social engineering and mass brainwashing with numerous ties to the extremist christian right, and whose main financial angel is -- guess who! -- nelson bunker hunt. strange endorsement for someone who is supposed to be continuing the fight against JFK's killers and their ilk.

incidentally, it's commonly noted by those who follow PK that gray's
philosophy about gender & relationships is largely compatible with what
is taught in by PK, with the exception of their religious orientation.

5 -- I asked John personally about what connection, if any, he has or
had with Adnan Khashoggi. Khashoggi, I have been aware since the early
1980's is one of the most disgusting international con men, and there
plenty of competition in that category. K is clearly a "merchant of
death." John satisfied me that he is aware of the anti-life nature of
Khashoggi's activities, that he has not associated with him and would
never want to, that he was caught up in the aftermath of dirty
by Khashoggi and other dot com crooks and in fact was one of their
victims. I studied a court document and an article from Business Week
and some other materials that were sent to me and could not see how
was in league with Khashoggi or the others.

i'll let this statement stand on it's own merits in light of the info i provided above. but i'd like to know what the "other materials" were since he admitted not reading nico's carefully.

6 -- It's hard to see how John has anything to gain, in any way, from
helping the 9/11 skeptics' movement. It seems fairly clear he risks
losing considerably. He has a career, a reputation, and the associated
income, which could be at risk. To see the flak that Michael Moore is
taking, is to see what can happen to anyone willing to stand up and
difficult questions. But for Moore the publicity helps sell books and
get people into cinemas. That would not necessarily apply to a
non-political celebrity.

making a comparison to michael moore is already starting off on the wrong foot in my particular view, given that i'm not convinced that moore's fabulously lucrative limited-hang-out ("we should have invaded saudi arabia instead") is really doing more good than harm in the long run.

the argument that gray is risking it all is purely speculative.  there
are so very many examples from the past which show that one cannot rely
on this argument on faith.  when daniel ellsberg leaked the pentagon
papers, one could say that he was a self-sacrificing hero, risking it
all and throwing his fate to the wind.  but research by douglas
valentine and others has since shown that this leak was actually
desired and vetted by higher powers in the establishment who wanted to
divert scrutiny away from the CIA and towards the pentagon.  ellsberg
may or may not have known this, but he and several others involved in
the leak all went on to become members of the CFR and hold other
establishment positions.  hmm.  similarly, one could have imagined that
a young john kerry was risking it all and giving the finger to his
boston brahmin roots when he became a major figure in the vietman
anti-war movement.  but look where he is now!  there are lingering
questions about what the young skull-and-bones member's motives really
were.  and there are many today who still buy into the myth that
popular philosopher and author bertrand russell became an estranged
black sheep from the aristocracy when he took up his "pacifist"
activism.  they have never read the "fine print" of russell's career to
find out what he really represented:
many in the 9/11 truth movement think that russell should be its
model... just goes to show how frighteningly behind the curve people
are in understanding how subtle the manipulation and infiltration of
popular movements can be, and how exacting and unbending our watchdog
efforts need to be in turn.

[note: i would also add the gray's quite recent harrassment lawsuits
against journalists who have published articles questioning his
'credentials' do not in my eyes indicate someone who is currently in a
mood to throw his career to the wind...]

7 -- I for one welcome those people who have "names" who are willing
step up to the plate. If they are not perfectly informed (who among us
is?), if their bona fides are not exactly as we would wish (if John's
Ph.D. can be questioned, how about those of us with no degrees?), I
don't see these as reasons their help should not be welcomed.

i would not associate myself with someone who is lacking in moral integrity to the point that he not only misrepresents his credentials to a mass audience WHO ARE CHANGING THEIR OWN BEHAVIOR AND RELATIONSHIPS BASED ON THE ASSURANCE OF HIS EXPERTISE, but also launches bullying harrassment lawsuits against small-time independent journalists and writers who discuss the facts. here is gray displaying his benign "truth seeker" mindset concerning his critics:


but unfortunately, this nasty tenaciousness doesn't seem to apply to
the deep political and economic system implicated in the 9/11 scandal
-- gray says we should be preparing to "forgive the government" after
weeding about a few bad apples with bad male brain chemistry.

a view that i don't see as "helping" our movement.  on the contrary,
it's horribly disempowering.

8 -- John is helping out financially with various aspects of the 9/11
skeptics movement. In my own case there are no gifts. The money has to
be paid back. But there is risk involved. Those willing to invest in
risky ventures are normally accorded accolades in our
entrepreneurial-oriented economy.


9 -- In the last while I see what could be construed as a campaign to
divide 9/11 skeptics. It may not be an orchestrated campaign, but it
might as well be.

so zwicker feels that all the checking he needs to do to settle any questions about gray is to skim a couple articles and say "i just can't see it", but it's ok to accuse gray's critics of sinister ill intent based on no evidence at all. what a marvelous double-standard.

10 -- My own approach is to avoid attacking others who are going in
same general direction, unless and until they prove themselves
inauthentic and/or destructively disruptive. We need to keep our
energies focussed on moving ahead...whether we are Michael Moore, or
of those reading this, or John Gray.

here is the same crypto-totalitarian mantra -- no internal criticism is allowed, and will smeared as "attacks"; those who rock the boat are trying to divide us, and the only way we can succeed is by dropping criticism and watchdog efforts, and adopt a muddy-headed standard "everybody is right as long as we all feel good".

11 -- We can, I hope, stand questioning among ourselves as to
and tactics and philosophies. Our backgrounds and who we associate
are also not necessarily irrelevant.

yes, indeed. so why do points 1-10 contradict this ethic in so many ways?

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