-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/4/04 4:30:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector-

I have seen many articles that say the "oath that Bush took in Skull and
Bones supercedes all other oaths."  So I have been trying to find out the
exact wording of this Oath and have come up empty handed.  We know the
exact wording of many other Secret Society Oaths such as the Jesuit Oath,
the various Oaths taken at different levels of Freemasonry, the Templar
Oaths, but I can find nothing on the Skull and Bones Oath.
Do you have the wording to the Skull and Bones Oath and if so, could you
post it?

No, I do not. In the written materials that are in public hands there are no oaths. In writings of Yale students there are no oaths given. In writings of members there is very little and definately no oaths.  What information there is , is gleaned  mostly from breakins and looking at what physically is found inside the temple.

Sutton gives some history and such, but no oath. Scroll & Key's member, Alexandra Robbins gives us some information but no oath.  And
Ron Rosenbaum gives us information and an interesting chant but no oath.

Also, generally with secret societies as one goes through the ranks one takes more oaths.

According to what we know S&B has two levels Knight & Patriarch.  One becomes a Knight upon iniation and a Patriarch upon graduation, Or that maybe the story for consumption.

For my money S&B is a vestige of Knights Templar/Hosipitalers and S&B Yale, among other things, is used to recruit DNA into the group.

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