-Caveat Lector-

Not important? Think again
September 10, 2004
If plutocrats came from Pluto, it would explain a lot
Bush: his lead is 2 points, not 11
The markets and the press have been agog at the turnaround of the Republicans in the polls. Behind before the Republican convention, President Bush is now supposed to be enjoying an 11 point lead over John Kerry. Given that conventionâs celebration of extremism and flight from the facts with respect to both the war and the economy, this âachievementâ has a quality of divine revelation about it, the political equivalent of Moses parting the waters.
Unencumbered by either modesty or empathy, the President would undoubtedly endorse that conclusion; after all, this is the man who told us that God told him to smite Iraq. Sadly for him, God does not seem to be at work here, although Republican covert ops may. As with so much else about this administration, this too is not so much smoke and mirrors, but poor polling methodology, if not fraud, at work. As we learn from pollster John Zogby, Bush got a post-convention bounce alright, but only holds a 2 or maybe 3 point lead. The difference between Zogbyâs results and Newsweekâs (and perhaps Timeâs) lies in the weighting of Democrats used in the polls. No surprise here: Newsweek weighted Republicans as 38% versus 31% for Democrats although in the last two presidential elections the proportions were 34% for each.
Kerry: will he throw it?
We have long predicted that Bush would lose this election. Of course, he may steal it, but in a contest that even remotely reflected the views of a majority of the United States population, there is little doubt in our minds that he would lose. It is true that the view seems to have taken hold that there is not much difference when push comes to shove between Bush and Kerry, just as has the view that Kerry is running a terrible campaign.
Both are plutocrats and both are insiders with a huge stake in the successful prosecution of the war. However, one big difference between the two is foreign support. Kerry would win a landslide if foreign voters could cast a ballot. Kerry was ridiculed for saying last winter that foreigners prefer him, but the numbers clearly show that he is correct. This casts the contest between the two men in a different light. Bush representing a sort of nativist revanchism (never mind policies, this is an emotional thing, not a rational one) and Kerry an internationalist cosmopolitan outlook. In this sense, there is therefore the possibility that a Kerry presidency could make a tangible policy difference. It might not mean an end to the war (indeed, that is most unlikely) but it could make a big difference as to how it is conducted. Kerryâs real electoral problem is that he cannot run a campaign that really appeals the majority of the Democratic base that is liberal (in the American sense of the term). The reason for this is what must never, never be spoken: it is the function of the Democratic Leadership council to neutralise that liberal majority, the better to manage labour as a variable cost downward.Â
The extermination of the intellectuals
The war itself is going badly for everyone concerned. We have written in past columns about the campaign of assassination of key intellectuals and business leaders in Iraq. It goes on. In our view this is most emphatically not the work of Iraqi insurgents or Islamic Jihadis neither of whom have anything to gain from such a strategy. This has a more Operation Phoenix air about it.
In spite of its offensives in the Sunni centre of the country and in the Shiâa south, the US is entirely unable to impose order. The siege of Najaf ended predictably in a tactical American defeat. More and more Iraqi urban centres have become no-go areas for the Americans and their puppets, and both the tempo of combat and American casualties are rising. The US suffered more than 1000 casualties in August alone. Deaths are now running just in excess of 2 per day, while insurgent attacks have skyrocketed.
Royal Navy âupgradesâ to Windows 2000
Finally, anyone who thinks that national security trumps profit in the Anglo-American condominium ought to look at these three articles from the indispensable
Register in the UK. The Royal Navy is moving to Windows 2000-based combat command and control systems. You couldnât make this up
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2000/09/22/windows_for_warfare_more_info/ www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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