-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector- This wraps up googling Gohel.

I'm working to tie his aliases together and to tie real and fake legends for 911
or alqaeda moneyman to Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, and 911 mastermind
to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

"Subsequent fatwa signing" alluded to again--traced to Gohel so far for Barbara--
(I'm only after aliases and descriptions of the two archtypes "911 moneyman" and
"911 mastermind")--
"Sheikh and the HuM to which HUA has reverted, become signatories to the Bin
Laden Fatwa calling for jehadis to kill Americans, including American civilians.



Joining us now to talk about that is MJ Gohel, director for international security at London's Asia Pacific Foundation.

Thanks so much for being with us.

What kind of conclusions do you draw from what we've learned today?

MJ GOHEL, ASIA PACIFIC FOUNDATION: ...we have to look at the fact that this obviously is local cells, because they're British Pakistanis. But they obviously have international influence, perhaps international financing, linked to the global jihad movement, and these groups cannot have operated independently. They must have been given the assistance from a wider source.

MANN: Does the fact that these men are believed to be, as you mention, of Pakistani descent, identify the cause that they're fighting for? Or would you simply say they're just part of or they're apparently part of some kind of loose al Qaeda network?

GOHEL: Well, what we have to understand is that al Qaeda is but one component of what is a global jihad movement. We're looking at various disbursed terror cell groups that operate throughout the world. They have their own training, their own leadership, and may operate independently, but they're all bonded by the same cause, the same ideologies, that is they wish to create the Islamic super-state, particularly in Europe, and they wish to target the secular democratic Western world.

And I think it's not surprising in many ways that these were British Pakistanis. Let's not forget that Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the individual who is behind the death of Daniel Pearl, he was British Pakistani, and there have been others, the suicide bombers in Israel. So there have been instances of this before.


Omar Sheikh: Profile of a kidnapper
By Subroto Mukherjee

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh is a man with many names  but one purpose: waging a war of terror against Indian and American targets.

A profile on Omar Sheikh (also Sheikh Syed, Mustafa Muhammad Ahmed, Chaudhry Bashir Ahmed Shabir and Imtiaz Siddique) prepared by M.J.Gohel, chairman of the Asia Pacific Foundation paints the picture of the youth from East London who rose swiftly to terrorist heights.

Following is a profile of Sheikh's rise to terror:

1968: Sheikh's parents, Saeed Ahmed Sheikh and Qaissia, both Pakistanis, migrate to the UK. 

1973: Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh born 23 December, in Wanstead, east London, UK. He later has a younger brother Awais Sheikh and sister Hajira Sheikh.

Sheikh does his schooling in the UK at Nightingale Primary School and later at Forest School at Snaresbrook where he has a short lived romance with an English girl known as 'Sarah'. England Cricket Captain Nasser Hussain is a classmate at Snaresbrook.

1977: Sheikh's family purchase house in London and establish garment business: Perfect Fashions, annual turn-over of £500,00 ($800,000).

1991: Sheikh obtains admission to London School of Economics to study mathematics and statistics. While at LSE, Sheikh starts a  shares and equities business, earning up to £1000 pounds ($1,500) a day from a chain of retail customers he had set up using his father's business base. Sheikh also shows a keen interest in chess and arm wrestling. But then Sheikh suddenly drops out of the LSE.

1992: Sheikh, influenced by UK extremist Islamic groups and a film on Bosnia (Destruction of a Nation) goes on a trip to Bosnia with an organisation called Convoy of Mercy and comes into contact with jehadi groups. Later that year Sheikh attends the World Arm Wrestling Championship in Geneva, Switzerland.

At this time Sheikh is in contact with Maulana Ismail of Clifton Mosque in North London, who it is believed inspired him to join Harkat ul Mujahideen (HuM) and to go to Kashmir in India for jehad, and to secure the release of Maulana Masood Azhar.  Sheikh becomes a member of the HuM.

1993: Sheikh slips into India and organises  arson and bombing attacks in a campaign to secure the release of Maulana Masood Azhar, and masterminds the kidnapping of four western hostages, three of whom are British - Rhys Partridge, Paul Rideout and Christopher Myles, and an American, Bela Nuss. He befriends them and lures them into a trap.

Indian police trace him to the hideout and in the ensuing gunfight Sheikh is shot and captured by New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh State police.

Sheikh is taken to Ghaziabad hospital for treatment, he punches a deputy superintendent of police, and threatens to track down and kill the constable who had slapped him back.

Later at the Meerut jail, he kicks the jail superintendent, and is shifted to high security Tihar jail in New Delhi, after the Uttar Pradesh State Police categorised him as 'dreaded'. 

1995: Sheikh's group, now the Harkat ul Ansar (HuA), operating under the name Al-Faran kidnaps six western tourists in the hill resort of Pahalgam in southern Kashmir, India. The six are John Childs, 41 (American), Donald Hutchings, 42 (American), Paul Wells, 23 (British), Keith Mangan, 33 (British), Dirk Hasert, 36 (German), and Hans Christian Ostro, 27 (Norwegian).

Childs manages to escape but the beheaded body of Ostro is discovered in August  with a note from the HuA demanding the release within two days of 15 jailed Islamic terrorists, including Sheikh, and Maulana Masood Azhar.  No news has been heard to date of the other western hostages, all believed to have been killed in December.

Later in the year Sheikh and the HuM to which HUA has reverted, become signatories to the Bin Laden Fatwa calling for jehadis to kill Americans, including American civilians.

1999: On 24 December Indian Airlines Airbus, Flight IC 814 en route to Kathmandu is hijacked by five HuM terrorists, but it is suspected to be an operation ordered by Al-Qaeda for the specific purpose of demanding the release of Sheikh and Azhar. 

Sheikh, Maulana Masood Azhar, and Mushtaq Zargar (Al Umar terrorist group) are released. The released trio surface in Pakistan. International security agencies request Pakistan to locate and arrest the trio. Sheikh disappears from Pakistan and surfaces in Afghanistan with Taliban/Al-Qaeda fighters.

2001: Sheikh suspected by western intelligence of wiring $100,000 (£71,000) from Dubai to 11 September US attack leader Mohammed Atta and co-conspirator Marwan al Shehhi, another Saudi citizen.

US Special Forces in Afghanistan discover boarding passes for the hijacked Indian Airlines Airbus, Flight IC-814, and other evidence of Al-Qaeda links to HuM and JeM from the search of abandoned terrorist camps.

Media reports, quoting FBI sources, state that Lt-Gen Ahmad lost his job because of the evidence, consisting of cell phone conversations, indicating his links to Sheikh, and that the US authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that the $100,000 wired to Atta and al Shehhi by Sheikh was at the instance of Lt-Gen Ahmad.

Aftab Ansari (aka Farhan Malik), a Pakistani citizen, and living in Dubai telephones newspapers and claims responsibility for the attack on the US Centre in Calcutta (Kolkata). The caller said he was from Harkat-ul Jehad-ul Islami (HUGI) and said the attack was in protest against "the evil empire of America".

Ansari, originally a resident of Varanasi, was taken to Pakistan last year (2001) by Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI, and put in contact with Sheikh. 


On February 5 under mounting US pressure on Islamabad to find Daniel Pearl, Sheikh's relatives in Pakistan are taken into custody and his aunt in Pakistan speaks to him on his cell phone with a message to give himself up: "I think your game is out and we didn't know you were indulging in this. You better hand over yourself."

On February 9 Aftab Ansari is arrested by Dubai police and deported to India.

On February 10 Ansari admits to his involvement in the attack on the USIS Centre and about his links with terrorists and jehadi groups in Pakistan, and especially with Sheikh and the HuM.

On February 12, Pakistan, announces that Sheikh has been arrested in Lahore, Pakistan. The news of the arrest came just prior to a scheduled meeting in Washington between US President  George Bush and Pakistani military ruler General Musharraf, on a visit to the US to seek financial aid for his country.


Pearl Murder Case Briton Was a Double Agent

by Nick Fielding
The Sunday Times
April 21, 2002

Omar Sheikh, the former British public-school boy on trial in Pakistan for the kidnap and murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, may have been an agent for both Pakistani intelligence and Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda organisation.

A Sunday Times investigation into Sheikh’s slide from privilege to religious zealotry and terrorism found evidence that he was sheltered and supported for several years by the Pakistani authorities.

Documents also show that Sheikh was close to the radical Pakistani cleric Maulana Masood Azhar — a close associate of Bin Laden’s.

Sheikh, who faces the death penalty if convicted over Pearl’s kidnap and murder, is no newcomer to terrorism.

He denies the charges now made against him but admits he was involved in a string of outrages including kidnappings dating back to 1994 and the attack on the Indian parliament last December that almost led to India and Pakistan going to war.

“Sheikh is a vital key that can open the doors to the Al-Qaeda network (and) to the links between the Pakistani military intelligence establishment and the terror groups,” said MJ Gohel of the Asia Pacific Foundation, a group that has been investigating Pearl’s murder.

Witnesses say Sheikh led Pearl to a car after arranging to meet the journalist in Pakistan’s southern port, Karachi, in January.

Three of Sheikh’s co-accused admit that he passed them photos of the kidnapped journalist, plus a series of demands to be fed to the media, including better treatment for Al-Qaeda terrorists in Camp X-Ray in Cuba.

It is thought unlikely Sheikh was present when Pearl was filmed having his throat cut, but the Pakistani authorities are sure he instigated the outrage.

It remains unclear whether the kidnapping was Sheikh’s idea or whether he was acting for a higher terrorist authority. But what is clear is that he had close connections to Azhar, who in turn has been linked to Bin Laden.

Sheikh was first introduced to Azhar nine years ago in a training camp for Islamic guerrillas in Afghanistan. The two spent five years in prison in India together for terrorist activities.

The cleric was even introduced to Sheikh’s father while on a visit to Britain in 1994. His group Harakat ul-Ansar was not then illegal in Britain, although it has since been proscribed.

Azhar now leads the radical Jaish-e-Mohammed organisation and is under house arrest in Pakistan. He is close to Bin Laden, and visited Somalia in 1993 on behalf of Al-Qaeda in order to convince different factions to patch up their differences. Within weeks US forces in the country came under attack and suffered casualties.

Sheikh’s father Saeed, who runs a clothing business in east London, is in Pakistan for his son’s trial and has refused to condemn his actions. “He will be acquitted,” he said last week.


Credible allegations of links b/w Sheikh and Azhar with ISI

London,Wednesday, November 27, 2002: Europe and UK are being used as breeding grounds for terrorists and there are credible allegations of links between Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI and prime suspects in the attack on the Indian Parliament last year Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and Maulana Masood Azhar.

Describing the current US-led war against terrorists as "too bin Laden and Al-Qaeda-centric," M J Gohel, Chief Executive of the Asia-Pacific Foundation said: "We are breeding terrorists right here in the UK and Europe and yet the public - the best source of intelligence - are being asked to focus on Osama bin Laden, dead or alive, hiding in some cave or location in Pakistan or Afghanistan."

Speaking at a two-day Conference on 'Militant Islam in Asia - the Challenges', "Case Study: Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and the Global Jehad Network", Gohel said: "What represents a longer and more dangerous threat is the fact that young British or European born individuals are being recruited into the terror network.

"What is even more worrying is that there are credible allegations of links that Sheikh and Azhar have with elements in Pakistan's military intelligence establishment, in particular the intelligence agency, the ISI," he said.

Among the UK based extremists listed by Gohel is Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, Syrian born asylum seeker of the Al-Muhajiroun Group, a group which was founded in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 1983.

Massod Azhar is the leader of banned outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad and one of the three militants freed by India to end the Kandahar hijacking of an Indian Airlines aircraft in 1999.


Speaking at a two-day Conference on Militant Islam in Asia—the Challenges, "Case Study: Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and the Global Jehad Network", Gohel said, "What represents a longer and more dangerous threat is the fact that young British or European born individuals are being recruited into the terror network.

"What is even more worrying is that there are credible allegations of links that Sheikh and Azhar have with elements in Pakistan's military intelligence establishment, in particular the intelligence agency, the ISI," he said.
Among the UK based extremists listed by Gohel is Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, Syrian born asylum seeker of the al-Muhajiroun Group, a group which was founded in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 1983.

Massod Azhar is the leader of banned outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad and one of the three militants freed by India to end the Kandahar hijacking of an Indian Airlines aircraft in 1999.

Then there is Abu Qatada, the Jordanian-born Palestinian, who also lives in London and has been described as a key contact for the terror network.

It was in this kind of environment that [Ahmed Omar Saeed] Sheikh started moving in, and Sheikh developed strong anti-western, anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish sentiments.

In 1992, after seeing a film on Bosnia at the Islamic society at the prestigious London School of Economics (LSE) he decided to go to Bosnia and there he came into further contact with Jehadi Groups.

"At some point, perhaps 1993 or 1994 he is persuaded to join the Pakistani based terror group Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, also known as the Harkat-ul-Ansar.

"The Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, or HUM, and banned by the British and American Governments is a signatory to the 1998 bin Laden Fatwa calling for a Jehad against the crusaders and against Jewish people.

"Sheikh drops out of the LSE and disappears like a lot of others born and brought up in the UK and Europe have done.

"Sheikh is not heard of again until 1994 in New Delhi, which he had entered for the purposes of general terrorist activity and specifically for freeing Maulana Masood Azhar", Goel said.

Azhar, a Pakistani citizen, and a key figure of the Harkat-ul Mujahedin, who is implicated in the murder of 18 US soldiers in Somalia, entered India illegally in 1992 for terrorist activity in Kashmir and had been captured by the police.

Sheikh's mission was to secure Azhar's freedom. He befriends four western tourists, three British and one American, and kidnaps them.

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