-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 3:59 AM
Subject: Re


To whom it may concern


I am sure many of you will agree with me that the recent developments in Russia are VERY DANGEROUS and THREATENING.

We have watched the RAPE and DISMEMBERING of YUGOSLAVIA in silent horrified shock.

We have started screaming and kicking TOO L-A-T-E! TOO LATE!

All of us are burdened with that TRAGIC GUILT of having been helpless witnesses of a GRANDIOUS CRIME.

We have left THE KILLERS of COUNTRIES, NATIONS and CHILDREN to be steps in front of us!

We have left them – we have watched them - demonize a whole country – its leaders – its people – in silent consternation.

And all of us have the pretences of being intelligent HUMAN BEINGS!

Neither history nor the next generations – if there are such - will forgive us.

Now – still in our lifetime! – THE INSATIABLE VAMPIRES have hungrily dug their blood-dripping fangs into another country.

It is clear that the turn of RUSSIA has come.

They are starting RUSSIA’s RAPE and DISMEMBERING in the same way – the parallels are breath-taking.




Place of provoked conflict: Kosovo



Local players:

Kosovo Albanian separatists

Chechen separatists



From the Crisis Planners for Political and Economic Global Dominance from beyond the ocean

From the Crisis Planners for Global Political and Economic Dominance from beyond the ocean


Supervising and monitoring the artificial crisis at place:

Carried out by the Usraeli military experts and specialists working mainly in the neighboring regions (Albania)

Supervising and monitoring the artificial crisis:

Carried out by the USraeli military experts and specialists working in the neighboring regions (Georgia)


Organized provocations in Kosovo: killing Serb policemen, both Serbs and Albanians, kidnapping people, burning police stations, houses, shooting Serb teenagers in cafes…

Organized provocations both in Chechnia and Russia: killing Russian troops, both Russians and Chechens, kidnapping people, carrying out terrorist attacks, blowing up schools, directly shooting children –


The so-called “international community” forced the YUGOSLAV Government to let the spies of OSCE/CARE etc. to pour into Kosovo – and that was the beginning of the END…

The USA is starting - directly this time! - the pressure to force the RUSSIAN Government to let -directly this time! - the so-called “international peacemakers” to pour into Chechnia – and that will be the END ITSELF…

EuroNews is supporting the assault…


Then infamous Rambouillet came – YUGOSLAV Government refused to let the MONSTERS eat out and turn their country into dust without resistance.


The RUSSIAN Government?


Belgrade and whole YUGOSLAVIA were bombed and terrorized for 78 days.

Children were killed – infrastructures and plants destroyed…

How do They plan to proceed with Moscow and RUSSIA if the RUSSIAN Government do not comply with their demands?

Any guesses?


Where is YUGOSLAVIA today?

What about RUSSIA tomorrow?

Will it be?

Kosovo in YUGOSLAVIA - Chechnia in RUSSIA…

The most awful part for me is the position to the Chechen problem of people with pretences of being LEFT and PROGRESSIVE, screaming about the true nature of 11.09.2001, the lies in connection with the USraeli Second War on Iraq!

But not about the US Administration PR manipulations regarding Chechnia and Russia!


Then almost all believed the STUPID stories about BAD SERBS who are carrying “a brutal war” (N. Chomsky) on GOOD ALBANIANS, whose HUMAN RIGHTS were broken and needed protection – courageous Albanian Liberty Fighters for Independence, aw-waw! Bla-bla-bla!

Look at Palestine and Kosovo in 1998 when the violence in Kosovo was started by the murderous planners beyond the ocean!

In the first case you have A PASSIONATE PEOPLE FIGHTING FOR LIBERTY AND INDEPENDENCE for tens of years on a run!

In the second – a handful of well equipped, well trained, well instructed Albanian cutthroats, paid by the US taxpayers and working – i.e. KILLING! – diligently for the ultimate geo-strategical plans and aims of the present Empire of Evil!

Now it is the SAME!

RUSSIANS are BAD, they break the HUMAN RIGHTS of the Chechens, and they DARE to fight GOOD CHECHENS, they carry a “brutal war in Chechnia” against the courageous Chechen Liberty Fighters for Independence, aw-waw! Bla-bla-bla!

Look at Palestine – look at IRAQ in 2003-2004! - and at Chechnia from the very start of the so-called war for independence till now: don’t you see that the violence in Chechnia was also concocted, organized, started and carried out with the support of the murderous planners beyond the ocean? It would NOT happen without that!

In the first case you have A PASSIONATE PEOPLE FIGHTING FOR LIBERTY AND INDEPENDENCE for tens of years on a run!


In the second – a handful of well equipped, well trained, well instructed Chechen cutthroats, paid by the US taxpayers and working – i.e. KILLING! – diligently for the ultimate Caucasus geostrategical plans and aims of the present Empire of Evil!

It is high time to recognize the simple truth:


Having in mind what has happened after the victorious bombing war on YUGOSLAVIA yesterday, it will be easy to imagine what is in store for RUSSIA tomorrow.

Look at the table below.




Thousands of Kosovo Serbs, Albanians, gypsies, Turks Gorani, Egyptians, Ashkali were most cruelly killed and hundreds of thousands were forced to leave Kosovo.


Thousands of Russians, Chechens, and other nationalities will be killed and hundreds of thousands will be forced to leave Chechnia for good.



Kosovo has proved to be NOT ENOUGH for the USraeli planners and their highly paid Kosovo Albanian cutthroats: they started to attack and demand also the neighboring Presevo valley from Serbia.

Chechnia WILL PROVE to be NOT ENOUGH for the USraeli planners and their highly paid Chechen cutthroats: they WILL start to attack and demand also the neighboring regions from RUSSIA!…


At the beginning of 2001 the USraeli highly paid Kosovo Albanian mercenaries started – following their Masters’ instructions! - the attacks on a neighboring country – Macedonia.

The attacks resulted into a practical dismembering of that country too…

“Independent” Chechnia (that WILL BE FULLY DEPENDENT of USrael!) will start terrorizing the neighboring countries - following their Masters’ instructions! - with territorial demands, causing permanent destabilization of the Caucasus region.

It will be good for the Global Masters/Slave Owners and their Supreme Aim, namely MAXIMUM PROFIT FOR MINIMUM TIME from all over the Globe…


I appeal to you all to dig out again ALL THE TRUTHS and ALL THE LIES accompanying the RAPE and DISMEMBERING of YUGOSLAVIA.

Start writing – remind the people of what The Globo Vampires have done to YUGOSLAVIA – and HOW they have done it!

Remind the people how they had been cheated into believing the STUPID PR stories of DISHONEST CRIMINALS OF EMBEDDED JOURNALISTS AND PHONY MURDEROUS INTELLECTUALS serving all the time the official line of the bloodthirsty greedy USraeli Empire!

Remind people how badly and bitter they felt when they had understood they had helped in fact the Greedy Killers of the present Empire of Evil to carry out its MURDEROUS PLANS!

Ask them to find strength in themselves not to allow to be used in the same way now, when the KILLING and DISMEMBERING of another country is already practically underway!

In regard to Chechnia ask them some simple questions:

1/ Where do the Chechen separatists get their weapons and bombs?

2/ Where do they find money for them?

3/ Where are they trained?

4/ Who trains them and instructs – and who pays him?

5/ How do they – and on whose money – provide the necessary transport (cars, trucks) or cover the transport expenses (bus, train. airplane tickets)? Who organizes the logistic support?

6/ On whose money do they and their families live?

7/ On whose money does notorious Zakaev live in London?

8/ Who will be the winner at the end – who will profiteer from the impending Murder of RUSSIA?

It surely will be neither the ordinary Chechen nor the ordinary USA tax-payer!

I have read many articles and some books by progressive USA citizens, denouncing the shameless lies of their government in connection with the USraeli First War on Iraq*, the brazen fraud called “911”, the arrogant lies starting the USraeli Second War on Iraq.

But when the final step of the ANNIHILATION OF YUGOSLAVIA started in 1999 it was painfully different.

Then the mass of the people in the USA – and even some respected intellectuals as Noam Chomsky!!!* – believed the PR stories of the USA Administration regarding Kosovo – Milosevic The Demon – Serbs The Demons – Albanians The Angel-like Victims, and the other outrageous STUPIDITIES that were poured from the official media non-stop!

I appeal to popular today, respected, honest writers and journalists in USA to turn back to and study in detail the USraeli War On YUGOSLAVIA, to dig out for themselves the lies preceding it, to study carefully all the PR accusation and what actually happened.

To dive into the swamp, taste the poison and squalor and come back to the surface armed with enough rage, hatred and disgust to be able to fight the same WAR CRIMINALS for the right of another country to be!

We fight writing. Let’s not postpone our attack till it becomes too late – as it happened with YUGOSLAVIA!

Let’s try to stop them!

Let’s do at least what we could do!

Blagovesta Doncheva



Find and read

Edward S. Herman’s "BODY COUNTS" IN IMPERIAL SERVICE: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Elsewhere” -


* See http://www.swans.com/library/art8/ga138.html: III - The infamous "incubators" story” from Gilles d'Aymery’s “The 1991 Gulf War Rationale”

* Noam Chomsky believes to that day maybe that Milosevic the Demon and Serbs the Brutes have carried attrocities in Kosovo, and that there was “a masacre” at Racak. That’s what the CIA/OSCE etc. documents and data said, he wrote. No comment.

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