-Caveat Lector-

Prof. Raymond K. Kent
12. 09. 04

To the so-called "Tribunal"To the so-called "Tribunal" trying Slobodan Milosevic as a war criminal implicated in "genocide." trying Slobodan Milosevic as a war criminal implicated in "genocide."

The writer of the ensuing words. after half a dozen texts made public, should not be a stranger to this "Tribunal, "established by Madeleine Albright with initial funds from two Muslim states. >From its inital South African prosecutor, through his Canadian successor, down ro the current Swiss parody, called Carla del Ponte, the "tribunal" has already "convicted" Slobodan Milosevic IN THE PUBLIC MEDIA THROUGHOUT THE WEST FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS NOW. It has even denied him the most basic right of the COLLECTIVE Western Civilisation, namely self-defense.Under the cover of a transparent CHARADE about "concern" for his health, the "Tribunal" has declared, magister dixit, "that he is unable to defend himself," despite and because of the AMPLE DEMONSTRATION TO THE CONTRARY over a SUSTAINED period of time.
My first question is WHY TRY HIM AT ALL? Just incarcerte him for the maximum, keep presenting "the Serbs" as neo-Nazi butchers of the Twentieth century's last decade, attack anyone who defends him as eitrher a neo-Communist, an Orthodox Greek, a pro-Milosevic Serb,or any other variety of "incorrect" persons.Just end this travesty of sick, insane, misguided, stupid, asinine, deplorable, disgusting, politically filthy, juridically contemptible, NATO-serving (with its cluster-bombs and depleted uranium war-crime) aggressions against civilians in the Serbian part of Bosnia, at Kosovo and in Serbia proper. Oh, yes, and have a nice day at the "Court."
What you do not wish to know, is that all of you at the "Tribunal" are really watched, named and catalogued as footnotes to infamy that destroyed internatioanl law, and behaved in criminal, racist and Fascisto-Stalinist kangaroo ways toward the accused and his own ethnicity. You will be neither forgotten nor forgiven. Cancer has already taken "Judge" May, that non-entity from the bottom-ladder of the British court system (in the Midlands - no Sir Ifor Evans is he). Some other form of cosmic retribution will strike every one of you, sooner or later. Predictably, and at the very least, your guilty individual brains (assuming you have any left) will suffer individually from Catatonic Narcolepsy with all of its pernicious and unpredictable consequences. "Darkness at Noon" seemed like a novel but the Tribunal has gone beyond, into the Twilight Zone while it believed that it controls the vertical and the horizontal as a well-paid, perks-replete puppet. One last word to the "judges" at the Tribunal.: For a fistfull of dollars your souls are already in the Satan's twitching hand. Sleep well as you dehumanize yourselves with the pitiful amount of power granted from elsewhere. You can also laugh this text off but the last laugh will not be on thee.

History Department, U. of Califormia
Without respect,
at Berkeley (510/642-1971)
Raymond K. Kent(Emeritus)

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