-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.



The Rockefeller Empire is an outgrowth of the Standard Oil Company.
Rockefeller had built up with tremendous skill the powerful oil monopoly. By
1915, the Company produced almost one third of the oil yield of the United
States. Complete monopoly of the oil business in the United States and
throughout the world loomed as a conceivable goal and became the objective.

The dominant position in oil had been gained by gangsterism, that would make
Al Capone blush. Special railroad rates and rebates extracted from railroads
also played an important role in wiping out competition. In the process there
had been used the unsavory methods, ranging from theft to slaughter, which
were the custom of the time in business. Those methods did not differ
materially from those of the respected Morgans, Vanderbilts, Goulds and a
host of others of that time. Rockefeller's chief offense was his inordinate
success and his tactiturnity and independence.

Rivals who were less successful in the application of the identical methods
used by the Standard Oil Company, organized the "liberals" and the "socially
minded," the social service cliques of that era, together with the
demagogues, politicians, and crooked newspapers, for another type of battle
on their successful competitor—commercial blackmail.

As resentment against the Oil Trust grew, the Rockefeller Standard Oil
interests were held up by the poli ticians through the device of "strike
bills", and bad. gered by investigations and court actions. The muckrakers,
church organizations and social service groups exposed the ugly situation and
further finned public resentment. President Theodore Roosevelt, who had
succeeded Rockefeller's hand-picked ally, President McKinley, played to the
gallery by attacking the Standard Oil Company while indirectly he demanded
in. creased Standard Oil contributions to his campaign funds.

The situation reached its climax in 1907 with the decree handed down by Judge
Kenesaw Landis against the Standard Oil Company imposing a fine of twenty.
nine million dollars. Two weeks later the panic of 1907 was precipitated. In
1911 the dissolution of the Standard Oil Company was ordered by the Supreme

Rockefeller fiercely resented what he regarded as government interference in
his private business. He regarded its conduct as his own affair. It could
hardly be expected that he would not fight back. He respond. ed as keenly and
as incisively to the virulent and well organized slander and persecution as
he had to the other problems that had confronted him in his business. Two
modes of approach to such a problem were habitual; first was to compromise
with a powerful en. emy and to join forces with him; the second was to
engineer in the meantime to master and destroy him.

The enemies who confronted Rockefeller and who were responsible for the
situation were three-the Wall Street crowd whom he had bested, the welfare
and "liberal" crowd and the government. His score with Wall Street he paid
rapidly. Within two weeks after the handing down of the decree, there broke
loose the 1907 panic.

The effectiveness with which the welfare and "liberal" crowd had been used in
the campaign against him and his Company impressed Rockefeller. They could be
made to fit into the pattern of "philanthro. py,". They were cheaply bought
off; and he took them over lock stock and barrel. Among these "welfare"
agencies were the radical church element, the Federa. tion of Churches.

The social service and "uplift" organizations and their allies were taken in
hand and later organized through the New York Tuberculosis and Health
Association, under the directorship of Harry L. Hopkins, into a nation-wide
Social Service Trust. The control of social service and church organizations
served a dual purpose. It muzzled the sanctimonious and self-righteous
elements and covered all activities thus engaged in with a cloak of
respectability. But what was even more important, they tapped the pocketbook
of the gullible to the tune of four billion dollars a year in normal times.
That money could be put to many important uses.

Not one cent, for instance, of the money collected by the New York
Tuberculosis and Health Association from the sale of Xmas seals under the
direction of Harry L. Hopkins ever went to a person with tuberculosis or an
institution for his care. It was spent in building up the Social Service
Trust, in political activities, in building up a press censorship and for the
personal use of its bosses especially Hopkins. (Your Life Is Their Toy,
Chedney Press 1940, pp. 22-24). Harry Hopkins became one of the principal
Rockefeller almoners. Frances Perkins also ranked high.

The Rockefeller "philanthropies" were conceived for the dual purpose of
taking the curse off the Rockefeller name and enabling the
Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests to carry on without interference from a
hostile public or the government. One could hardly expect a man of
Rockefeller's efficiency and financial ability to fail to expect to profit
handsomely from the disarming advantages of a "philanthropic" front. That
Rockefeller realized the profitable business possibilities of a
"philanthropic" set-up is indicated by an interesting and revelatory story
told of the inception of the plan to buy over public opinion and confound his
detractors. It was conceived by Rev. Frederick Taylor Gates who had won
John's D.'s respect by his sharpness clothed with piety. Rockefeller had
profited handsome. ly from deals engineered by Gates through religious
activities as an executive officer of the American Baptist Education Society.
Especially appreciated was his aid -in gaining control for a pittance of the
Mesabi Mines, one of the richest iron deposits in the country. It netted many
millions of dollars when later incorporated in. to the U. S. Steel
Corporation. In "John D. A Portrait In Oil" John K. Winkler quotes
Rockefeller Sr. as follows:

"Fred Gates was a wonderful business man,' says John D. with satisfaction.
'His work for the American Baptist Education Society required him to travel
exten. sively. Once, as he was going south, I asked him to look into an iron
mill in which I had an interest. His report was a model of clarity!

"Then I asked him to make some investigation of other property in the west. I
had been told this particular company was rolling in wealth. Mr. Gates'
report showed that I had been deceived.

  "Now I realize that I had met a commercial genius. I persuaded Mr. Gates to
become a man of business."

Mayhap one can judge with reasonable correctness that if religion helped net
Reverend Frederick T. Gates inordinately large profits in his dealings with
his fellow men, the manipulation of millions certainly would not fail to do
so. The "philanthropies" established by this "wonderful business man" could
be expected to be highly profitable, directly or indirectly. They have been
more profitable than investments of identical sums in even the Standard Oil

The objective that lay at the back of Gate's and Rockefeller's minds at the
inception of these "philanthropies" were clearly stated by Gates in the first
pub. lication of the General Education Fund, the, "Occasional Paper No. I,"
as follows:

"In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves
with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational
conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own
good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make
these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning,
or of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, editors,
poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists,
painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen
of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple
as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a
perfectly ideal life just where they are. So we will organize our children
into a little community and teach them to do in a perfect way the things
their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the
shop and on the farm."

It is noteworthy that the ultimate object of the "educational philanthropy"
is the opposite of its current "windowdressing" activities.

The degree in which their objective has been attained is illustrated by the
unanimity of views between all political parties aired by Assistant Attorney
General Thurman Arnold which already has been mentioned. This unanimity is
traceable to the influence of the Rockefeller interests on the educational
institutions of the country and to the power which their interests exercise
in the councils of all major political parties.

The objective was fundamentally propaganda of the type that is now regarded
as essential for the establishment of a dictatorship or a totalitarian
regime, such as was the goal envisioned by Bismarck a generation prior. In
some respects the goal sought was tantamount to the restoration of the caste
system that characterizes feud. alism and medievalism.

The school of thought which this objective represents found its fullest
expression in Hoffman Nickerson's masterpiese[sic] "The American Rich," which
anticipated Hitler's regime and advocated a similar form of government for
the United States. He suggested the abolition of universal franchise,
restriction of the vote to wealthy property owners, elimination of education
because of the spirit of inquiry which it creates so that there may be
restored the medieval mind and its submissiveness, and ends with a plea for
establishment of a de facto monarchy in the U. S. A.

Gates shrewdly realized the advantages of poisoning and perverting public
opinion at its fountainhead, the schools, colleges and universities. Gates
took full ad. vantage of the cloak of piety and the support offered by his
position in the Baptist Church in accomplishing his purpose. He had
Rockefeller endow the University of Chicago, as the first step in gaining
control of education.

In 1901, Rockefeller established and endowed the Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research. The Rockefeller interest in medicine is explainable on a
number of grounds. First is the realization that there is no more vital
interest for mankind than health; and those who offer to promote health are
naturally regarded as ben. efactors. Folks are generally willing to spend all
they have to recover their health. This makes the business aspects of
medicine very profitable. Rockefeller was well aware of this because his
father "Doc" William Rockefeller had earned his livelihood as a quack doc.
tor selling petroleum oil as a fake patent medicine "cure" for cancer. The
Rockefeller interest in oil had in fact arisen out of their interest in
patent medicine.

A few benefits have accrued to mankind from the activities of the Rockefeller
endowed medical research organizations. These have been surprisingly few in
comparison with the large sums expended. Most of them that have had any real
value have been sanitation projects that bore some relation to commercial or
in. dustrial developments. It is notable that in era of vast strides in the
chemistry of medicine, no basic discover. ies and few significant ones have
emanated from the

Rockefeller group. Some outside investigators have been subsidized, however,
after they made significant discoveries.

A large proportion of the discoveries announced, on the other hand, have
proved unfounded. Among them are the following:

The discovery of the organism that causes infantile paralysis.

The discovery of the organism that cause smallpox.

The discovery of the organism causing mumps.

The discovery of the organism causing measles.

The discovery of a curative serum of pneumonia.

The discovery of a preventive vaccine and curative serum for yellow fever,
and numerous others.

Tremendous medico-political pressure has been brought to bear to protect the
reputations of these supposed discoverers and of the Institute.

The vast funds of the Rockefeller endowed Institutions have been utilized for
the purpose of gaming con. trol of educational institutions, hospitals and
other medical and research facilities. It has created vested interests and
rackets in medical research. Institution. al and personal jealousies,
intensified by tremendous power acquired by small cliques with the funds of
the Foundation, have resulted in the suppression of needed researches by
really capable, independent workers. It has barred many of them from the
opportunity to engage in research. It has served to enable its employees to
reestablish medieval dogmatism in medicine in order to protect their
reputations and interests. Their efforts to protect their jobs have served to
retard medical advance and to injure the interests of the public.

The Rockefeller Institute was founded for the a. vowed purpose of directing
medical practise in channels desired for various reasons by Gates and
Rockefeller. It was designed for the purpose of control of medi. cine. Gates
was convinced that the medical tradition built up through the ages was
unsound and must be replaced by an arrogant "Medical Science" which insists
that what it does not know is untrue. This ignorant dogmatism coupled with
research politics has resulted in the Institute retarding the advance of
medical knowledge, prostituting it to commercial interests, and has cost many

 Discoveries such as the improvement of the method of preparation of
tryparsamide have been patented by the Institute and licensed to
manufacturers. Whether the anti-pneumococcus serum processes, many of which
were developed in the Institute, are patented or licensed has not been made
public. But at least one of the firms which exploits the serum has been
identified in the public mind with the Rockefeller interests.

The Institute denies that it receives any royalties on its patents. It does
not state whether it, or its sponsor, owns any stocks in the companies
involved. It also refuses to make public its stock holdings. This refusal is
surprising in view of the full and detailed publication made by the
Foundation of all its holdings.

The Rockefellers have large interests in the chemical and pharmaceutical
industries. They also have very large holdings in the German Dye Trust, 1. G.
Farbenindustrie, on the directorate of which the Standard Oil of New Jersey
was represented by its president, the late Walter Teagle. The Chase National
Bank, with which the Rockefellers are closely identified, has floated Dye
Trust securities on the American market; and its attorneys, Milbank, Tweed,
Hope and Webb, head. ed by A. G. Milbank, Chairman of the Board of the Borden
Company and the Milbank Memorial Fund, have acted for these interests.

It is reasonable to suppose that an institution operated with the efficiency
and in the spirit of the Rockefeller "philanthropies" would not be so
unbusinesslike as to cast to the winds the large profits which have devolved
from some of the Institute's products. Gates undoubtedly was a "business
genius" of the rarest fore. sight and perspicacity.

There is at hand evidence that profits rather than charity or humanitarianism
were the prime objectives of the Rockefeller medical "philanthropies." An in.
stance of commercial advantage of "research" endow. ment leading to the
disregard of human values is the million dollar endowed "research" on ethyl
gas and the danger of lead-poisoning that it inflicts on the nation. The U.
S. Public Health Service and the U. S. Government had barred the use of
ethyl-lead gasoline after a series of poisonings and deaths of workers who
made the mixture.

Then a munificently endowed research led the Government and the U. S. Public
Health Service to withdraw its prohibition of this type of gasoline. As a
result, the entire nation is now exposed to the danger of chronic lead
poisoning by lead-filled, automobile-exhaust gases. In due time the mental
and physical health of the people is certain to suffer.

Another instance is the tryparsamide patent licensed to Merck and Company by
the Rockefeller Institute, Tryparsamide is a dangerous drug that not
infrequently causes complete and permanent blindness. Nevertheless the
anti-venereal disease campaign that has been conducted by the government
under Rockefeller controlled Surgeon General of the United States Public
Health Service, Dr. Thomas Parran, has compelled the use of this blinding
remedy in the treatment of often benign and quiescent cases of syphilis. Many
persons have been totally and completely blinded by the use of this
Rockefeller Institute licensed patent drug.

Enormous profits are being made in drugs and chem. icals that exceed even
those made from oil. In more recent years oil and gas are being used to
supply the raw materials for drugs. The Rockefeller interests are known to
have extensive holdings in the drug industries. They control among others
American Home Products, Sterling Products, Winthrop Chemical Company,
American Cyanamide and its subsidiary Lederle Laboratories, and numerous
other highly profitable enterprises in the drug field. It is probably safe to
say that the Rockefeller profits from drugs and chemicals match their profits
from oil.

The Rockefeller interests in the medical and allied industries has been
reinforced by the control which they have acquired over medical education
through the agency of the Institute and their other "philanthropies".

In the field of medical education, they met with early and easy success. They
joined forces with the American Medical Association and its rackets. Medical
education is one of the more lucrative medical commercial rackets which the
A. M. A. bosses sought to monopolize by destroying their competitors. Alone
they could not manage to put the competing schools out of business. But with
the aid of the Rockefeller power they forced through legislation in all parts
of the country that drove their rivals out of business, after public opinion
had been prepared by a specially designed report on medical education by
Abraham Flexner.

More than half of the medical schools in the country were driven out of
existence; and the Rockefeller interests gained control over medical
education and over medical business that eventually enhanced materially the
possibilities of profits inherent in the "philanthropies". By some odd quirk
the quest for profits in medi. cine has led them to support the cause of
"socialization" of medicine. They do not seem to have stopped to consider
that the "socialization" of -medicine will point the way to the
"socialization" of industry and of "philanthropies" as well. They have
saddled on the medical school Bismarxian or Communist propagandists and
agitators, in the case of Johns Hopkins University Medical School in the
guise of "professor of the history of medicine."

Professor Henry Sigerist, their protege whom they have planted in that school
has signed, with Earl Browder and Robert Minor, all the important manifestoes
issued by the Communist Party, including that approving of the alliance of
Russia with Hitler. He is a ranking agitator for "Socialized Medicine", a key
Communist program.

 The General Education Fund which is by far the most important of the
Rockefeller propaganda agencies was founded in 1903, by John D. Rockefeller
Jr. and a group that included as collaborator, George Foster Peabody. This is
the same George Foster Peabody who later turned over Georgia Warm Springs to
Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the maneuvers that prepared the way for his
serving the Rockefeller interests as President of the United States of
America. Initiated as a Baptist Church endeaver[sic] to promote education
among the Negroes, the General Education Fund was granted a charter by
Congress through a bill introduced by Rockefeller's agent in the Senate,
Senator Nelson W. Aldrich. The charter was virtually unlimited in its scope
in the field of any activity that might be construed as remotely resembling

The General Education Board was the chief agency employed in the drive for
the destruction of democracy and the establishment of a dictatorship in the
United States. For this purpose it fosters, as did Bismarck, Communism as the
shortest route to dictatorship in a Democracy, and has converted the U. S.
educational system into Communist propaganda agencies.

The progress made by the Board was disclosed in an article in the New York
Globe on March 28, 1919, by Dr. W. S. Spillman, formerly Federal Farm
Management Chief, as follows:

" . . . I was approached by an agent of Mr. Rockefeller with the statement
that his object in establishing the General Education Board was to gain
control of the educational institutions of the country so that all men
employed in them might be 'right.' I was then informed that the Board has
been successful with smaller institutions but that the larger institutions
had refused to accept the Rockefeller money with strings tied to it. My
informant said that Rockefeller was going to add $100,000,000 to the
Foundation for the express purpose of forcing his money on the big

The Board eventually succeeded in gaining control of almost every school,
college and university in the country. They found it hard to resist the lure
of the jingle of ready cash. They were forced to turn over to the Board power
of dictation of their personnel and curriculum. Senator Kenyon, of Iowa,
reported this to the U. S. Senate in January 1917.

The Board has saddled on our educational system, in the guise of teachers and
professors of the "social sciences," the high priests of class war and
revolution, professional agitators and the chanters of the abacadabra of the
"social philosophies" a la Bismarck and Marx. It has made them the haven of
Socialists, Communists, distributors of wealth and other crack-pot New
Dealers. It has helped make the foundation source of prostituted "professors"
and "authorities" for the agents provocateurs (also known as "leaders") of
labor. These professorial propagandists make most of their incomes as
front-men, partners, catspaws and agents of labor union racketeers and as
"neutral arbitrators" of labor disputes under the Wagner Act. To-day there
are few professors in the larger American Colleges who are not thoroughly
Marxist or openly Communist. Particularly the professors of social sciences,
who are so often appointed by Presidents and other public officials to
commissions as representatives of the public, can be depended upon to support
the Communist or radical la. bor elements. The Commissions thus appointed
under the New Deal, are "loaded" and biassed. They can be depended upon to
betray the public. They are on the payroll of the unions.

In this respect, the General Education Board has been most damaging and
dangerous. It has used its power over the schools, colleges and universities
throughout the country to place on their teaching staffs hosts of advocates
of radical isms and outright propagandists of alien doctrines. It has placed
its resources at the disposal of enemies of our country and its government

Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, in 1917 foresaw and sounded a warning of this
danger in the U. S. Senate. He stated:

"The Carnegie-Rockefeller influence is bad. In two generations they can
change the minds of the people to make them conform to the cult of
Rockefeller or to the cult of Carnegie, rather than to the fundamental
principles of American democracy."

His prophecy is already fulfilled.

The direct dividends derived from the activities of the General Education
Board were many, including:

Favorable publicity for the founders and advertising of their interests that
was worth millions.

The power to influence public opinion and the policies of the Government by
propaganda distributed through the schools, colleges and universities.

Control of researches and discoveries, and their application and profits.

The power of voting the stock holdings of the institutions which they control
and of dictating the expenditure of their funds.

The power of appointment of personnel of the institutions which can be
converted to the uses of nepotism and favoritism.

Directly following the Supreme Court decision in 1911, ordering the
dissolution of the Standard Oil Company, Rockefeller sought of Congress a
charter for the Rockefeller Foundation "to promote the well-being of
mankind". Congress twice refused a charter to hold one hundred million
dollars, on the grounds that it was a device for evasion of payment of taxes,
that it was primarily intended for propaganda for seduction of public opinion
and influencing politics, and that it would be a menace to the nation. The
Foundation succeeded in securing from New York State in 1913 a charter to
hold five hundred million dollars.

The bill chartering the Rockefeller Foundation was introduced into New York
State Legislature by a man who has discreetly served the Rockefeller
interests though he has never permitted himself to be too closely identified
with them in the public eye Senator Robert F. Wagner.

The Foundation has supplemented the activities of the Institute and the
General Education Board and has extended them into as many quarters of the
world as go the ramifications of the Standard Oil Company sub. sidiaries and
successors. It combines the functions of a tax-exempt business relations
agency and super-diplomatic corps. Through its well-advertised and publicized
subsidies it has gained entry into many governmental circles from which the
interests which it represents would be excluded.

Through a Director of its International Health Divi. sion, Dr. Thomas Parran,
Surgeon General of the U. S. Public Health Service, for instance, the
Foundation is directly represented in a division of our government that is
important for its sponsors. He also interlocks the directorship of the
Milbank Memorial Fund and a host of other agencies. Significant names on the
direc. torate of the Foundation are: Arthur Hays Sulzberger, the publisher of
the New York Times, John Foster Dulles and John J. McCloy.

The creation of the Foundation followed closely on John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s
shift in religious attitude toward the "new" or "liberal" theology which
pragmatically decried fundamentalism and sectarianism In Protestantism. It is
interesting to note that the fundamentalist ministers such as John Roach
Stratton ac. cused him of seeking to standardize education and religion
through German rationalization.

The Foundation supplanted the activities which had formerly occupied Baptist
missions. It is the diplomatic corps that prepares the way for commercial
conquests. By elimination of inter-denominational antagonisms attached to
missionary work it no doubt proved more efficient. In China the medical
missions prepared the way for the conquest by Standard Oil of the kero. sene
and oil market. They also lent impetus to the creation of modem China. The
Bible-selling oil merchant, Soong, was the father of the commercial dynasty
which now leads China. Oil is also an important factor in the background of
the Chinese-Japanese wars.

        The Rockefeller Foundation liberally supported Or-ganized Social
Service, especially the organizations that have been devoted to the
exploitation of disease under the guiding genius of Harry L. Hopkins. For a
period of more than a decade John D. Jr. might have been termed the "angel"
of Harry L. Hopkins. This implies that the Rockefellers have sponsored the
political ma-chine financed with funds gathered for social service
activities, which eventually created the "New Deal." The Rockefeller
interests are well represented on the directorate of most of the more
important social ser-vice agencies.

It has been related that German-born Senator Robert F. Wagner, whose name is
synonymous with all the specious doctrines and the most destructive measures
of the "New Deal," has been identified with the Rockefeller interests and
originally secured the New York State charter for the Foundation. Harry L.
Hopkins acknowledged his debt to the Rockfellers, when he was appointed
Secretary of Commerce, by offering the post of Assistant Secretary to Nelson
Rockefeller. This was reported by Walter Winchell, who later announced that
the Rockefeller publicity staff had vetoed Nelson Rockefeller's acceptance of
the post. The reason may be discerned in the quiet but persistent propaganda
conducted by the Rockefeller publicity men in the press, especially in the
Rockefeller controlled or dominated papers such as the Hearst publications
and in the New York Times, to pose John D. Rockefeller Jr. as a
business-men's candidate for the job of President of the United States. It is
noteworthy that the "New Deal" has dealt most kindly with the Rockefeller

Absurd and dangerous doctrines have been promul. gated and incorporated into
the law for the deliberate purpose of creating chaos for sinister ulterior
motives. This explains why the resources of the General Education Board and
of the Foundation have not been used to promulgate and to influence the
adoption of a more rational concept of economic and social structure.

With the aid of the machinery of the Foundation it would not take much effort
to teach the nation that the menace to its security does not lie in
accumulations of wealth, however large they may be; that on the contrary such
accumulations constitute a factor of safety for the nation as well as for the
individual. The real menace lies in the stupidly conceived and irrational
monetary system which so limits the amount of money in circulation that
accumulation of reserves by the nation and by individuals results in
paralysis of exchange; and bars the setting up of reserves of essential
commodities, the raw materials of the necessities of life.

Little more than a century ago the distinguished economist Malthus
enunciated, on the basis of a tremendous amount of statistical research, what
was named the "Law of Malthus." The "Law" states that population increases by
geometric progression and must outstrip the production of food, which it says
increases only by arithmetic progression.

        From this economic "Law," Malthus deduced the idea that the world
would become over-populated and consequently reduced to starvation. Instead
we are now
ploughing under crops in order to prevent destruction of their value by
supposed over-production. Man's in-genuity in improving production and in
creating ma-chinery of production was disregarded by Malthus. And they proved
his "Law" an absurd fallacy.

An equally fallacious economic "law," that of "supply and demand" and
"marginal utility" (a euphuism for speculation, which is the real determining
factor) bars us from remedying the reverse condition of that predicted by
Malthus—an apparent over-production of food for our present-day populace. If
one were to resort to the practice of framing fallacious thinking into
'laws," the modern version would read as follows;

"The population and commodity production of the world grow to exceed the
dimensions of its monetary system. For survival of that monetary system
population and commodities must be destroyed. And that is being done by means
of wars.

In final analysis the economy of the world requires one of two choices:
Either the population and material wealth of the world must be destroyed to
the point of bringing it within the scope of our present monetary system by a
process of war and starvation, in confor. mity with the above-stated
modernization of the "law of Malthus;" or the currency and medium of exchange
must be rationally based and soundly expanded to match expansion of
population and real wealth.

It is the first plan that rules throughout the world at the present
time—identically in Russia as in the United States. It is taught dogmatically
and without question in all our schools and universities, whether
conservative or radical. Karl Marx in his "Socialism" has justified its
application to fixing the value of human beings and their labor. It is the
mainspring of the so-called "New Deal" and is the fundamental premise of all
social service "philosophy" and thought.

It is apparent that there has been a deliberate fos. tering of these
fallacious views in the classroom, in the land and in the rest of the world,
for the insane purpose of precipitating a smashup of the world's economy that
will result in absolute concentration of all the wealth and power of the
world in a single hand.

The insanity of such an objective is obvious to anyone who stops to think or
to  consider history. Stability or security, which, in final analysis, all
men seek in the brief span of life, can never exist in the presence of a
system that breeds starvation and violence. In such a system the master is as
likely to succumb to the forces which he has set loose as are the mastered.

There was far greater wisdom in John D. Jr.'s Sunday School homilies which
taught that wealth is not essentially evil but a blessing. They did not point
out that it is the stupid economic organization to which society clings that
converts that blessing into the semblance of a curse.

The General Education Fund has suppressed such views as those of the son of
its founder. It has done much to crush the originality of thought that might
have enunciated and popularized such rational views. Instead the Rockefeller
"philanthropies" have dogmatized the teachings of institutions of learning,
and they have fostered destructive Bismarxian propaganda.

It is significant that the Foundation was conceived at the time of the
dissolution of the Standard Oil Company. Undoubtedly it had become apparent
to the Rockefellers that in order to avoid interference with their
enterprises by governments they must take them over more directly and
completely than they had thus far done. Taking over governments would not
insure absolute submissiveness. This required that the form of the
governments of the world must be changed to absolute dictatorships and that
all concepts of democracy must be wiped out. That purpose is the obvious
explanation of the objective of the Rockefeller interests in giving unlimited
support to Communism, Nazism, Fascism, New Dealism and any other type of

The international activities of the Foundation were invaluable in paving the
way for the formation of a world-wide oil monopoly. Rockefeller personally
directed these maneuvers. This is clear from the report made by Chairman
Walsh of the United State Commission on Industrial Relations, who reported:

        ". . . Mr. Rockefeller is the Foundation. The tes-timony shows that
the trustees exercised no author-ity that does not come from him."

The Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests have fostered dictatorships and used
them as pawns on their game of international diplomacy. Their all important
game since gaining control of the oil reserves of the Americas has been the
play for oil lands in the East and the Near East, Caucasus, Iran, Iraq and
Saudi Arabia with which to supply their European and Mediterranean markets.
Their chief competitors and adversaries have been the British, the Royal
Dutch and Shell Companies. The British government has been closely tied up
with the companies and adamant in blocking the Rockefeller interests from the
oil reserves in their sphere of influence. It was evident that nothing short
of destruction of the British Empire would serve to open its territories to
the Standard Oil. The Rockefeller interests proceeded to destroy the British
Empire in World Wars I and II.

The objective of Kaiser Wilhelm's Berlin to Bagdad Railroad plan, that was
one of the principal precipitat. ing causes of World War I, was to wrest Near
Eastern oil from the control of the British. The fine hand of Standard Oil
can be seen in this move that precipitated war. It was only when the British
agreed to let down the barriers to Standard Oil that the U.S.. was pushed
into the "War to Save Democracy"—a rather high-sounding title for oil.
Following the war, Standard Oil obtained concessions in Roumania, Bulgaria,
Ethopia, Sumatra, Persia, Kamchatka, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. It also
obtained oil monopolies in France in which the French Government was a
partner, in Czecho-Slovakia and in China.

After World War I the British took over the Baku oil fields from the Turks
and Germans, who had seized them. -After their withdrawal they supported the
Denikin Army. In the meantime in 1920 the Standard Oil of New Jersey
purchased the Baku oil holdings of Nobel Oil Co. For eight years the
Rockefeller Standard Oil group battled Royal Dutch and Shell for Baku oil, in
the diplomatic field. The Rockefeller-Standard Oil group came out the winner.
They offered to grant recognition of the Soviet Government by the United
States and the support of Communism in the U. S. in return for oil. After
placing Roosevelt in office, they did effect recognition. In 1935, the Socony
Vacuum announced that it had bought oil heavily from Russia since 1927.

In the meantime the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests were busy developing
another source of oil in the Mediterranean. A subsidiary, the Anglo-American
Oil Company had obtained in 1933 an exclusive concession in the northern half
of the Harrar Province in Ethiopia. There is no record of any effective
development of the concession, no doubt due to British pressure.

In 1933 there was organized, the African Exploration and Development Company
affiliated with Socony Vacuum for exploration of Ethopian oil. Sir Francis
Rickett, Rockefeller-Standard Oil negotiator made no headway with Haile
Selassie. He turned to Rome and offered Mussolini. a deal on Abyssinian oil.
In return for invasion of Abyssinia he offered the assurance of the
Rockefeller Empire that no sanctions would be ex. ercised by the
Rockefeller-controlled League of Nations of which Raymond B. Fosdick, a
Rockefeller employee, was executive. The Standard Oil undertook to supply
Mussolini. with Roumanian oil in return for a thirty year monopoly of the
Italian oil market. And after the war started, Socony Vacuum built two
refineries in Naples for him. After two months of war, in December 1935,
peace was offered Haile Selassie 'in return for the cession to Italy of the
oil-rich Fafan Valley and the lands west of it. The Rockefeller inter. ests
did not get complete control of Ethiopian reserves until 1947, when a
concession was granted Sinclair Oil, a subsidiary of Standard Oil of Indiana.

In the Chaco in 1933 Standard-British rivalry precipitated the war between
Bolivia, backed by the Rockefellers, and Paraguay, by the British. Paraguay
openly brought charges against the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey which in
the meantime increased its leases in the war area from 386,000 to 2,703,000

The invisible Rockefeller Empire is a super-government that is rapidly
encompassing the entire globe. It has entered into partnership or other
deals, and has dominated the governments of numerous countries throughout the
world including France, Italy, Roumania, Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, Iran,
Iraq, Saudi Ara. bia, Turkey, China, Abyssinia, Japan and Soviet Russia; and
in the Western Hemisphere, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, and

For the past thirty-five years, the government of the United States has been
a completely dominated and minor dependent bureau of the Rockefeller Empire
that has always done its bidding. For more than half a century, the
Rockefeller Empire has controlled by its contributions the nominations in the
major political parties. Under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, their agent, the
Rockefeller Empire entered into open rule of the United States.

pps. 65-85
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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