-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Party of Citizens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 5:18 PM
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] UN's Illegal War

> The US does not like losing wars. Vietnam would probably be a much happier
and wealthier country today if it had lost the Vietnam War.
> Anan should talk about "illegal wars". The UN has more blood on its hands
than any country despite its hypocritical rhetoric. Wasn't it the Belgians
who tore up their blue berets when they returned home after having their
comrades slaughtered by UN incomptency? Incompetency either feigned or
deliberate. What happened to General Dallaire, one of Canada's military
heros? The UN destroyed his mental health with its incompetency. Who could
tell what Blix was up to except for treachery? Blix/UN were responsible for
the misinformation which caused the Iraq War. The "iffy" statements they
kept issuing about WMDs would have made anybody doubt ... Bush and the CIA
did doubt. Then they acted. What else would Blix and the UN have expected?
Dallaire said to saturate Iraq with UN inspectors and that would prevent
war. But the UN and Blix had convinced Saddam that war was inevitable so
Iraq did not do the one thing which could have prevented war. The UN keeps
war and misery going. How else could pompous buffoons like Anan find
> Now let's think like Dallaire on military strategy. In Rwanda he said,
First we put the people we are here to protect in safe places we can defend
for a while. He realized that the soccer stadiums of Rwanda would do the
job. Then we fight it out with the combatants and WIN, he said. The UN would
let him do neither.
> OK, now in Iraq, the US could fight the war city-by-city. For each city
the citizens are first told they must leave for a safe place ... a UN tent
city. If they stay they will be treated as enemy combatants unless they are
hostages. Then the US military sends in tele-robotically controlled machines
to fight in the streets. When the US wins the city, the surrendering
soldiers are relocated to an internment camp prior to rehabilitation and
release. Also under UN control to assure humane treatment. The civilians
return to the city from the UN camp. The perimeter of the pacified city is
guarded by US military. And the war is taken to the next city.
> http://www.geocities.com/partyofcitizens
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Smacko
> Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 12:11 AM
> Subject: [HumanRobotics] Pentagon seeks ideas to fight 'urban' wars
> Pentagon seeks ideas to fight 'urban' wars
> By Jennifer Harper, Washington Times
> September 12, 2004
> Urban-canyon flying vehicles, persistent staring reconnaissance and
perching machines may one day prove the weapons of choice among American
troops doing battle in dim city streets far from home.
> That is, if someone comes up with a workable design.
> A public call for ideas to help soldiers on the unpredictable, unorthodox
"urban battlefield" has been issued by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency, or DARPA -- the unabashedly inventive arm of the Defense
Department that specializes in "revolutionary, high-payoff research,"
according to its mission statement.
> DARPA is looking for what it calls "force multipliers" in 11 separate
disciplines, seeking ways to bolster the smaller numbers of U.S. forces
commonly on patrol in the likes of Fallujah or Kabul.
> The official solicitation offers a wish list of futuristic technology,
which includes devices that literally can see through walls or perhaps
spirit a soldier out of a hazardous position.
> "Systems of interest include capabilities to detect and characterize
personnel and equipment in severe urban clutter and through external and
internal building walls; flying/perching machines able to carry and operate
communications and sensor payloads; survivable urban-canyon flying
vehicles," the DARPA notice says.
> An initial round of proposals already has arrived, said DARPA spokeswoman
Jan Walker. She would not comment on the nature of the offerings to date,
other than to note, "We're very satisfied with what we've received so far."
> The agency is prepared to offer initial grants ranging from $50,000 to
$400,000 to potential suppliers who think they have the right stuff for an
urban battlefield.
> Some of the specifications from the DARPA notice sound like they're from
science fiction, but the agency considers them all emerging "asymmetrical
warfare countermeasures."
> Among other innovations, the group is keenly interested in sensor devices
that "discriminate combatants from non-combatants," or detect the presence
of rocket-propelled grenades, crude improvised explosives or the odd weapons
of "suicide fighters."
> DARPA would like to see troops defeat their urban enemies with a minimal
disruption of the besieged neighborhood itself.
> "The objective is to develop on-demand, infantry-operated,
ultra-precision, beyond line-of-sight lethal and non-lethal weaponry that
has high maneuverability for use in the congested, three-dimensional urban
environment," the solicitation says.
> It also seeks novel ways to deliver supplies, communicate, gather and
analyze intelligence, control crowds and stabilize a community in the throes
of combat.
> DARPA envisions some unusual training methods for urban "warfighters,"
specifically those methods that "enhance sensitivity to local non-combatants
through the use of large, multi-player games tailored to the region of
interest's culture, that can educate about governance, economic development,
government services, etc."
> Hopeful designers have until Oct. 6 for initial proposals; DARPA will
continue to accept final ideas until June 5.
> http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040912-125607-8635r.htm
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