-Caveat Lector-

Computer Experts Warn Of New Virus

By Dick Satran

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A virus that can wipe out all the data on a
personal computer's hard drive and even make it impossible to start
programs up is set to hit next Monday, security experts warned.

The virus is a malicious piece of software code that has been turning up
in PCs for months, but the version that will strike Monday is the
most-feared variation.

The so-called CIH or "space filler" virus originated in Asia last summer
and hits on the 26th of each month. The CIH 1.2 that appears only once a
year in April is the "most prevalent and dangerous" form of the virus,
said Sal Viveros, marketing vice president for Network Associates Inc.,
the largest computer security company.

The CIH virus is far more dangerous to individual computers than
Melissa, the much publicized bug that spread relatively benign problems
far and wide on the Internet last month.

The CIH virus can irretrievably destroy data on a user's computer, and
even make the machine inoperable, while Melissa only really caused
embarrassment, by sending a list of porn sites from a target computer's
e-mail address book, and tied up some corporate e-mail systems with

The CIH gets the name "space filler" because it uses a special technique
that secretly fills file space on computers and thwarts many of the
anti-virus softwares in place before its arrival. The virus is also
called the Chernobyl virus because it's timed to go off on the
anniversary of the Russian nuclear accident, one of technology's worst

The virus is designed to hide from view by inserting itself into empty
coding slots on a computer's software utilities. Viruses are often
detected because they use up extra space on hard drives, but the "space
filler" helps CIH avoid that traditional method of detection. It can lie
dormant for months before causing damage.

The April version of the virus is particularly damaging because it can
also keep a computer from starting up by infecting the software on which
all the PC's programs depend, the basic input/output system, or BIOS. If
the BIOS is infected, the computer will not start.

Most up-to-date anti-virus software will spot the bug, if it's there,
and many corporate computers have recently upgraded their protection due
to the Melissa scare, said Network Associates' Viveros.

The biggest impact is likely to be on home computers, said Viveros, who
said computer users can download an antivirus program free of charge
from his company's site (http://www.nai.com/avertlabs). The virus can be
spread by e-mail over the Internet or in pirated software. It infects
Windows 95 and Windows 98 files.

"People should make sure they have the latest antivirus software run on
their computers," said Bill Pollak, of Carnegie Mellon's Software
Engineering Institute, which runs the Computer Emergency Response Team,
or CERT. The center has already prepared an "incident" note that it will
put on its site (http://www.cert.org).

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