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-Caveat Lector-

Media: Reuters outsourcing journalism

By Randeep Ramesh - © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004

October 8, 2004, The Hindu


BANGALORE, OCT. 7. Reuters, the financial news service, today
officially unveiled an office here. The office will see 20
journalists cover 2,000 small to medium-sized American
companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

The operation, based in Bangalore, has been running for six
months with a six-strong editorial team reporting on
companies' earnings, press releases and filings with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission as well as analysts' stock

This is just the beginning for Reuters in Bangalore. The
company's data unit, which archives material for 30,000
global firms, already employs 300 people and will grow by
another 300 next year. The average age in the office is 25.

In outsourcing journalism and data processing, Reuters has
become the first large media company to base U.S. corporate
reporting functions offshore.

The job of financial news reporter is just the latest in a
long line of positions, ranging from call centre operator to
legal researcher, which have been sent abroad in recent
years. Part of the reason is improved global communications;
the other is that work can be done more cheaply in poorer

Reuters admits costs are 60 per cent less in Bangalore than
its "onshore" centres in New York, Britain and Singapore.
But sensitive to the charge that it is cutting back in the
west only to hire abroad, managers deny that this is a reason
for coming to India.

"Bangalore has two main advantages. People here speak English
and we have a large, highly educated workforce, in terms of
the number of MBAs and finance degrees," says Marion Leslie,
head of data operations, who moved from the company's Devon
office to Bangalore earlier this year.

"It is number-heavy work and you need people who can
understand financial markets and make them understandable."

The technology boom has connected Bangalore to the rest of
the world far more rapidly than in other developing

The result, say journalists there, is that it is now possible
to send information around the world as easily as across a

In the far end of the Reuters office, situated on the fourth
floor of a glass and concrete tower in downtown Bangalore,
Matthew Veedon motions to a colleague about a story that
needs writing and a deadline is looming. "Prudential have put
out an upgrade on the stock, and it's important that we get
the story first," says Mr. Veedon, news editor in the
Bangalore bureau.

In two shifts, Mr. Veedon's six-person team is part of an
effort by the company to expand coverage of small and mid-cap
companies listed in New York.

Mr. Veedon says that Bangalore is not yet big enough to
handle breaking news. "Once the story requires interviewing a
company director, or analysts then the New York bureau takes
over. We are just starting up here."

Though Reuters, which has its headquarters in London, is
perhaps best known as an international news agency, the bulk
of its revenue comes from the 400,000 people in the City of
London, on Wall Street and in other financial centres who use
its information products.

These rely on first extracting information and then
manipulating it to create the graphs and tables that are
building blocks of the expensive packages on the desks of
corporate financiers.

Tracking the boardroom shuffles and share offers of thousands
of companies across the world is a labour-intensive affair.
For Reuters, young workers in south India appear willing and
able to process large amounts of raw data.

Take company appointments. In the Bangalore office, a team of
seven graduates work through the boardrooms of more than 200
companies a day checking names, ages, departures and the
salaries of top management.

"It's crucial we get this right. During the peak reporting
season we each handle 40 companies a day. After all we have
customers paying for the information and they need to know
it's up to date and accurate," said Anupam Singhi, team
leader in the fundamentals section. With low costs and
numerate employees, Reuters has been able to bring a factory-
style approach to what appears to be white-collar work.
Preetie Bindra, 22, and her colleagues spend every day
checking the earnings estimates of 6,000 multinationals in
Asia, America and Europe, including 1,200 in Britain.

Bangalore is already producing results, with its new package,
Reuters Knowledge, being sold to investment managers. The
package allows a single company's news to be tracked with
each headline graded on whether it will move the stock price.
For Kath Loosemore, who worked on Knowledge, it is proof that
Bangalore "adds value."

"It is not about cutting costs, it is about creating new

(c) Copyright 2000 - 2004 The Hindu


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