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-Caveat Lector-


Documents obtained by The Nation reveal Bush Envoy has
private interest in Iraqi debt.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:     October 12, 2004

CONTACT:   Mike Webb, Publicity Director, 212-209-5426

In a special investigation, The Nation has learned that
former Secretary of State James Baker is both the
Special Presidential Envoy in charge of reducing Iraq's
debt and Senior Counselor at the Carlyle Group, which
is involved in a multibillion-dollar deal to purchase
Iraq's debt to Kuwait  - "a classic conflict of
interest," according to a leading expert on government
ethics and regulations (

Nation columnist and author Naomi Klein reports that on
January 21, 2004, Baker flew to Kuwait to meet with top
government officials, including the Foreign Minister,
ostensibly to discuss whether Kuwait would forgive the
$57 billion in sovereign debt and war reparations owed
by Iraq.  On the very same day, the debt restructuring
proposal--which asks the government of Kuwait to make a
$1 billion investment in Carlyle--was hand-delivered to
Kuwait's Foreign Minister.

Key members of the consortium that put together the
proposal include the Carlyle Group (in which Baker is
an equity partner with an estimated $180 million
stake), and the Albright Group (headed by former
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright).  Under the deal
the consortium would use its "personal connections to
persuade world leaders that Iraq must 'maximize' its
debt payments to Kuwait."  The Consortium's stated goal
directly contradicts the US foreign policy aim of
Baker's mission.

"Baker is on two sides of this transaction: he is
supposed to be representing the interests of the US,
but he is also a partner in Carlyle, and Carlyle wants
to get paid to help Kuwait recover its debts from
Iraq,"  explains Washington University law professor
Kathleen Clark.

After Baker's appointment, President Bush was asked
about a New York Times editorial that
called on Baker to resign his posts at The Carlyle
Group and Baker Botts law firm to preserve the
integrity of his position.  Bush responded, "I don't
read those editorials.  Jim Baker is a man of high
integrity...We're fortunate he decided to take time out
of what is an active life...to step forward and serve
America."   A Carlyle Group spokesman also insisted
that Baker's position "will have no impact on Carlyle
whatsoever," although Carlyle now acknowledges that at
that time, the high-stakes deal was being negotiated.

The entire piece can be read here -
.[and is reprinted in full below]
A special syndicated version of this article will run
in the UK Guardian Wednesday, October 13, 2004.

For further information or to reach Naomi Klein, please
contact Mike Webb.


Mike Webb
Nation Publicity & Syndication Director
212-209-5426 (ph)
212-982-9000 (fx)
917-660-1846 (cel)
33 irving Place, 8th Fl.
New York, NY  10003


James Baker's Double Life
by Naomi Klein
The Nation - article posted October 12, 2004

When President Bush appointed former Secretary of State
James Baker III as his envoy on Iraq's debt on December
5, 2003, he called Baker's job "a noble mission." At
the time, there was widespread concern about whether
Baker's extensive business dealings in the Middle East
would compromise that mission, which is to meet with
heads of state and persuade them to forgive the debts
owed to them by Iraq. Of particular concern was his
relationship with merchant bank and defense contractor
the Carlyle Group, where Baker is senior counselor and
an equity partner with an estimated $180 million stake.

Until now, there has been no concrete evidence that
Baker's loyalties are split, or that his power as
Special Presidential Envoy--an unpaid position--has
been used to benefit any of his corporate clients or
employers. But according to documents obtained by The
Nation, that is precisely what has happened. Carlyle
has sought to secure an extraordinary $1 billion
investment from the Kuwaiti government, with Baker's
influence as debt envoy being used as a crucial lever.

The secret deal involves a complex transaction to
transfer ownership of as much as $57 billion in unpaid
Iraqi debts. The debts, now owed to the government of
Kuwait, would be assigned to a foundation created and
controlled by a consortium in which the key players are
the Carlyle Group, the Albright Group (headed by
another former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright)
and several other well-connected firms. Under the deal,
the government of Kuwait would also give the consortium
$2 billion up front to invest in a private equity fund
devised by the consortium, with half of it going to

The Nation has obtained a copy of the confidential
sixty-five-page "Proposal to Assist the Government of
Kuwait in Protecting and Realizing Claims Against
Iraq," sent in January from the consortium to Kuwait's
foreign ministry, as well as letters back and forth
between the two parties. In a letter dated August 6,
2004, the consortium informed Kuwait's foreign ministry
that the country's unpaid debts from Iraq "are in
imminent jeopardy." World opinion is turning in favor
of debt forgiveness, another letter warned, as
evidenced by "President Bush's appointment...of former
Secretary of State James Baker as his envoy to
negotiate Iraqi debt relief." The consortium's proposal
spells out the threat: Not only is Kuwait unlikely to
see any of its $30 billion from Iraq in sovereign debt,
but the $27 billion in war reparations that Iraq owes
to Kuwait from Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion "may well
be a casualty of this U.S. [debt relief] effort."

In the face of this threat, the consortium offers its
services. Its roster of former high-level US and
European politicians have "personal rapport with the
stakeholders in the anticipated negotiations" and are
able to "reach key decision-makers in the United
Nations and in key capitals," the proposal states. If
Kuwait agrees to transfer the debts to the consortium's
foundation, the consortium will use these personal
connections to persuade world leaders that Iraq must
"maximize" its debt payments to Kuwait, which would be
able to collect the money after ten to fifteen years.
And the more the consortium gets Iraq to pay during
that period, the more Kuwait collects, with the
consortium taking a 5 percent commission or more.

The goal of maximizing Iraq's debt payments directly
contradicts the US foreign policy aim of drastically
reducing Iraq's debt burden. According to Kathleen
Clark, a law professor at Washington University and a
leading expert on government ethics and regulations,
this means that Baker is in a "classic conflict of
interest. Baker is on two sides of this transaction: He
is supposed to be representing the interests of the
United States, but he is also a senior counselor at
Carlyle, and Carlyle wants to get paid to help Kuwait
recover its debts from Iraq." After examining the
documents, Clark called them "extraordinary." She said,
"Carlyle and the other companies are exploiting Baker's
current position to try to land a deal with Kuwait that
would undermine the interests of the US government."

The Nation also showed the documents to Jerome
Levinson, an international lawyer and expert on
political and corporate corruption at American
University. He called it "one of the greatest cons of
all time. The consortium is saying to the Kuwaiti
government, 'Through us, you have the only chance to
realize a substantial part of the debt. Why? Because of
who we are and who we know.' It's influence peddling of
the crassest kind."

In the confidential documents, the consortium appears
acutely aware of the sensitivity of Baker's position as
Carlyle partner and debt envoy. Immediately after
listing the powerful players associated with Carlyle--
including former President George H.W. Bush, former
British prime minister John Major and Baker himself--
the document states: "The extent to which these
individuals can play an instrumental role in fashioning
strategies is now more limited...due to the recent
appointment of Secretary Baker as the President's envoy
on international debt, and the need to avoid an
apparent conflict of interest." [Emphasis in original.]
Yet it goes on to state that this will soon change: "We
believe that with Secretary Baker's retirement from his
temporary position [as debt envoy], that Carlyle and
those leading individuals associated with Carlyle will
then once again be free to play a more decisive

Chris Ullman, vice president and spokesperson for
Carlyle, said that "neither the Carlyle Group nor James
Baker wrote, edited or authorized this proposal to the
Kuwait government." But he acknowledged that Carlyle
knew a proposal was being made to the government of
Kuwait and that Carlyle stood to land a $1 billion
investment. "We were aware of that. But we played no
role in procuring that investment."

Asked if Carlyle was "willing to take the billion but
not to try to get it," Ullman answered, "Correct."

Iraq is the most heavily indebted country in the world,
owing roughly $200 billion in sovereign debts and in
reparations from Saddam's wars. If Iraq were forced to
pay even a quarter of these claims, its debt would
still be more than double its annual GDP, severely
undermining its capacity to pay for reconstruction or
to address the humanitarian needs of its war-ravaged
citizens. "This debt endangers Iraq's long-term
prospects for political health and economic
prosperity," President Bush said when he appointed
Baker last December.

But critics expressed grave concern about whether Baker
was an appropriate choice for such a crucial job. For
instance, one of Iraq's largest creditors is the
government of Saudi Arabia. The Carlyle Group does
extensive business with the Saudi royal family, as does
Baker's law firm, Baker Botts (which is currently
defending them in a $1 trillion lawsuit filed by the
families of September 11 victims). The New York Times
determined that the potential conflicts of interest
were so great that on December 12 it published an
editorial calling on Baker to resign his posts at the
Carlyle Group and Baker Botts to preserve the integrity
of the envoy position.

"Mr. Baker is far too tangled in a matrix of lucrative
private business relationships that leave him looking
like a potentially interested party in any debt-
restructuring formula," stated the editorial. It
concluded that it wasn't enough for Baker to "forgo
earnings from clients with obvious connections to Iraqi
debts.... To perform honorably in his new public job,
Mr. Baker must give up these two private ones."

The White House brushed off calls for Baker to choose
between representing the President and representing
Carlyle investors. "I don't read those editorials,"
President Bush said when asked by a reporter about the
Times piece. Bush assured reporters that "Jim Baker is
a man of high integrity.... We're fortunate he decided
to take time out of what is an active life...to step
forward and serve America." Carlyle was equally
adamant: Chris Ullman assured a Knight-Ridder reporter
that Baker's post "will have no impact on Carlyle

In fact, several months earlier, on July 16, 2003,
Carlyle had attended a high-level London meeting with
Kuwaiti officials about the deal. According to the
document, the Kuwaitis asked Carlyle and the other
consortium members to "prepare a detailed financial
proposal for the protection and monetization" of
reparation debts from Iraq. But at the time Baker was
appointed envoy, the consortium had not yet submitted
its proposed plans to the Kuwait. That means that the
Carlyle Group could have pulled out of the consortium,
citing the potential conflicts of interest. Instead,
Carlyle stayed on and the consortium proceeded to use
Baker's powerful new position to aggressively pitch a
deal that positioned the consortium as the Kuwaiti
government's chief lobbyist on Iraq's debts and that
gave Carlyle a clear stake in the fate of Iraq's debts.

However, several changes were made in the way the
consortium presented itself. The documents state that,
"Prior to [Baker's] appointment [former US Secretary of
Defense Frank] Carlucci had played a convening and
guiding role on behalf of Carlyle." But after the
appointment, according to Carlyle's Chris Ullman, the
firm's role was scaled back. "When James Baker was
named special envoy...Carlyle explicitly restricted its
role to only investing assets on behalf of Kuwait."
Shahameen Sheikh, chairman and CEO of International
Strategy Group, a company created by the consortium to
manage this deal, said that Carlyle told her that "they
are not a lobbying firm." Days before Baker's
appointment, the consortium reached out to another
high-profile Washington firm, the Albright Group, which
eventually signed on as the leading political
strategists and lobbyists for the consortium.

Moreover, Ullman said that Carlyle put "controls in
place" that would insure that Baker "would play no role
in nor benefit from" the proposed $1 billion
investment--an amount that would constitute nearly 10
percent of Carlyle's total equity investments.

But it's not clear that Carlyle has been
straightforward about its dealings so far. The day
before Baker's appointment was announced, John Harris,
managing director and chief financial officer of
Carlyle, submitted a signed statement to White House
Counsel Alberto Gonzales. "Carlyle does not have any
investment in Iraqi public or private debt," he wrote.
He didn't mention that Carlyle had for months been in
negotiations with Kuwait to help secure its unpaid war
debts from Iraq. Asked if the White House had been
informed of the Carlyle Group's dealings with Kuwait at
any point, Ullman replied, "I'll get back to you on
that." He did not.

According to Kathleen Clark, the consortium's
activities may be in violation of both criminal and
regulatory statutes that prohibit government officials
from participating in government business in which they
have a financial interest--including matters that
affect an outside company that employs the official.
Clark notes, "even if Baker is somehow being screened
from profiting from this deal, Carlyle is using Baker's
government position to benefit themselves." She says
it's time for Carlyle and the White House to come
clean. "There's a tremendous need for transparency
here." The White House and James Baker's office did not
respond to repeated requests for comment.

Baker occupies a complicated place in the consortium's
January proposal--he is both problem and solution,
stick and carrot. In the documents, Baker's name comes
up repeatedly, usually in tones of high alarm. "Mr.
Baker's new role and the likely emergence of what will
be understood as a new round of global negotiations
over Iraqi debt--casts all of these issues in a new
light and gives them a new, perhaps even intense, sense
of urgency," states a letter signed by Madeleine
Albright; David Huebner, chairman of the Coudert
Brothers law firm (another consortium member); and
Shahameen Sheikh.

But after establishing Baker's envoy job as the
embodiment of the threat that Kuwait will lose its
reparations payments, the proposal goes on at length
about the powerful individuals connected to the
consortium who will "have the ability to gain access to
the highest levels of the United States Government and
other Security Council governments for a hearing of
Kuwait's views." According to Levinson, "What they are
proposing is to completely undercut Baker's mission--
and they are using their connection with Baker to do

On January 21, 2004, James Baker's dual lives
converged. That morning Baker flew to Kuwait as George
Bush's debt envoy. He met with Kuwait's prime minister,
its foreign minister and several other top officials
with the stated goal of asking them to forgive Iraq's
debts in the name of regional peace and prosperity.

Baker's colleagues in the consortium chose that very
same day to hand-deliver their proposal to Foreign
Minister Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah--the same man
Baker was meeting. The proposal "takes into account the
new dynamics that have developed in the region," states
the cover letter, signed by Albright, Huebner and
Sheikh--dynamics that include "Secretary Baker's
negotiations" on debt relief. If Kuwait accepts the
consortium's offer, they explain, "we will distinguish
Kuwait's claims--legally and morally--from the
sovereign debt for which the United States is now
seeking forgiveness."

Was it a coincidence that the consortium submitted its
proposal on the same day Baker was in Kuwait? And which
James Baker were Kuwait's leaders supposed to take more
seriously--the presidential envoy calling for debt
forgiveness or the businessman named in the proposal as
a potential ally in their quest for debt payment?

Ahamed al-Fahad, undersecretary to the prime minister
of Kuwait, told The Nation, "I have seen it [the
proposal] and I am fully aware of the situation." But
when asked about Baker's dual role in Kuwait, he said,
"It's hard to comment on that issue, especially now. I
hope you fully understand."

Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium head who made the
delivery, says the timing was a coincidence. "It had
nothing to do with Mr. Baker's visit.... I was in the
region so I thought I would stop over on the way to
Europe and deliver the proposal."

We do know this: After meeting with Baker on January
21, Kuwait's foreign minister told reporters that Baker
had shown "understanding of Kuwait's position on war
reparations," confirming that the subject did come up.
He also said that, while sovereign debt might be
forgiven, reparations would not, because "there is an
international decision from the UN."

Three days later, when Baker was back in Washington
giving a speech, he made this distinction for the first
time. "My job is to deal with Iraqi debt to sovereign
creditors, not with war reparations," he said. He also
echoed the exact line of the Kuwaiti government: that
reparations are outside his purview because they are
"under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Security
Council and subject to resolutions it has passed."

This was a curious statement: Why would such a large
portion of Iraq's debts be off the table? It also
seemed to contradict other things Baker said in the
same speech. He said that "any reduction [in Iraq's
debt] must be substantial, or a vast majority of the
total debt." That is impossible without addressing
reparations, which by some measures account for more
than half of Iraq's foreign debts. The Center for
Strategic and International Studies, the center-right
think tank hosting Baker's speech, has said it is
"unwise" to make any debt relief plan "that does not
include reparations."

Baker's statement on reparations also placed him at
odds with several other members of the Bush
Administration, including former chief envoy to Iraq
Paul Bremer. "I think there needs to be a very serious
look at this whole reparations issue," Bremer said in
September 2003. He compared the Iraq situation to that
of Germany after World War I, when the 1921 Reparations
Commission forced the Weimar Republic to pay $33
billion. The massive reparations "contributed directly
to the morass of unrest, instability and despair which
led to Adolf Hitler's election," Bremer warned.

Yet Iraq continues to make regular reparations payments
for Saddam's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. In the eighteen
months since the US invasion, Iraq has paid out a
staggering $1.8 billion in reparations--substantially
more than the battered country's 2004 health and
education budgets combined, and more than the United
States has so far managed to spend in Iraq on

Most of the payments have gone to Kuwait, a country
that is about to post its sixth consecutive budget
surplus, where citizens have an average purchasing
power of $19,000 a year. Iraqis, by contrast, are
living on an average of just over $2 a day, with most
of the population dependent on food rations for basic
nutrition. Yet reparations payments continue, with Iraq
scheduled to make another $200 million payout in late

This arrangement dates back to the end of first Gulf
War. As a condition of the cease-fire, Saddam Hussein
agreed to pay for all losses incurred as a result of
his invasion and seven-month occupation of Kuwait.
Payments started flowing 1994 and sped up in 1996, with
the start of the UN's oil-for-food program. According
to UN Security Council Resolution 986, which created
the program, Iraq could begin to export oil as long as
the revenue was spent on food and medicine imports, and
as long as 30 percent of Iraq's oil revenues went to
the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC), the
Geneva-based quasi-tribunal in charge of Gulf War

Some of the claims that have been awarded by the UNCC
are huge: the cost of cleaning up Kuwait's and Saudi
Arabia's coastlines from oil spills and fires, or the
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation's controversial award for
$15.9 billion in lost oil revenues. So far, the UNCC
has paid out $18.6 billion in war reparations and has
awarded an additional $30 billion that has not been
paid because of Iraq's shortage of funds. There are
still $98 billion worth of claims before the UNCC that
have yet to be assessed, so these numbers could rise
steeply. That's why there are no accurate estimates of
how much Iraq owes in war reparations--the figure
ranges from $50 billion to $130 billion.

But the fate of these debts is now highly uncertain. On
May 22, 2003--two months after the United States
invaded Iraq--the Security Council decided to cut the
percentage of Iraqi oil revenues going to war
reparations to 5 percent. This past May, an Iraqi
delegation went to the UN to ask for the percentage to
be reduced even further, to accommodate Iraq's own
reconstruction needs. There is growing sympathy for
this position. Justin Alexander of the debt relief
group Jubilee Iraq says that many of the claims before
the UNCC are inflated and that "even for genuine
claims, this is Saddam's responsibility, not the Iraqi
people's, who themselves suffered far more than

This is where the Carlyle/Albright consortium comes in.
The premise of its proposal is that Iraq's unpaid debts
to Kuwait are not just a financial problem but a
political and public relations problem as well. Global
public opinion is no longer what it was when Kuwait was
promised full reparations. Now the world is focused on
reconstructing Iraq and forgiving its debts. If Kuwait
is going to get its reparations awards, the cover
letter argues, it will need to recast them not as a
burden on Iraq but "as a key element in working toward
regional stability and reconciliation."

Several parties involved in the consortium emphasized
that the proposal concerned only reparations debts.
Albright Group spokesperson Jamie Smith said, "We were
asked to join a proposal to secure justice for victims
of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and ensure that
compensation to Kuwaiti victims--which was endorsed by
the US government and the United Nations--be used to
promote reconciliation, environmental improvements and
investment in Kuwait, Iraq and the region."

In fact, the proposal does not restrict itself to
reparations debt. The consortium also asks the
government of Kuwait to give the consortium control
over $30 billion in defaulted sovereign debts to be
used as political leverage to secure reparations
claims. Furthermore, most experts on debt restructuring
agree that Iraq's debts must be looked at as a whole:
There is little point forgiving Iraq's sovereign debts
if the country is still going to be saddled with an
unmanageable reparations burden. This understanding is
reflected in the documents, which repeatedly state that
Kuwait's reparations payments are endangered by the
moves to forgive Iraq's debts.

To avert this threat to Kuwait, the consortium proposes
a three-pronged strategy of aggressive backroom
lobbying, clever public relations and creative
investing and financing. "Any solution for payment of
the Unpaid Awards...must be politically sellable as
reinforcing stability and growth in the Gulf and in
Iraq. This Proposal provides the strategy, the
architecture, and the talent to achieve this goal," the
document states.

Lobbying: Since the UNCC exists entirely at the
discretion of the Security Council, which can vote to
reduce, suspend or eliminate reparations at any time,
the part of the proposal dealing with power-brokering
is straightforward: It suggests a full-on lobbying
offensive directed at Security Council members, using
Albright's connections, but also other "eminent" people
associated with the consortium like former US Senator
Gary Hart and former US ambassador to the UN Jeane
Kirkpatrick. "We will first seek to preserve the five
percent of the revenues from Iraqi oil allocated as
funding for payment of the UNCC awards," the proposal
says. To achieve this, the consortium will make
"discreet contacts at top levels in key capitals of
Security Council member states and with influential
representatives," and "interventions with United
Nations senior staff to shape presentations to the
Security Council." The proposal further notes that
"Germany and Romania may be pivotal, and The Albright
Group has very close ties to each."

Public Relations: The consortium also has a detailed
plan to address the perception that reparations are
"diverting resources from rebuilding Iraq to a more
wealthy neighbor." First, Kuwait must assign its unpaid
debts from Iraq to a private foundation controlled by
the consortium. The foundation will manage an
investment fund that will invest a portion of
reparations payments from Iraq to Kuwait back into
Iraq. As examples of the types of investments the
foundation would make, Albright, Huebner and Sheikh
suggest in their letter that the reparations funds
could be used to buy Iraq's state-owned companies. "In
the near future, 40 state-owned Iraqi enterprises in a
range of sectors will be available for leasing and
management contracts," they write. By demonstrating
that Kuwait is investing part of its reparations
proceeds back into Iraq's economy, the consortium-run
foundation "establishes a humanitarian rationale for
the United States and other counties to continue their
support" for the reparations. The consortium appears to
see privatization--a highly controversial proposal in
Iraq--as part of a humanitarian mission.

The proposal also suggests more direct public relations
strategies. It calls for Kuwait to dedicate $1 billion
of the reparations awards it has already been paid by
the UNCC to a Kuwait Environmental Restoration Fund,
which the consortium would create. The purpose of this
fund would be to remind the world of "the gravity of
the environmental legacy facing Kuwait" and to
"position Kuwait as the region's environmental leader."
The fund would be headed by Carol Browner, former head
of the US Environmental Protection Agency and a
principal in the Albright Group.

Investment/Financing: The proposal predicts that on
their own, lobbying and PR will not be sufficient to
secure the amounts that the Kuwaiti government hopes to
receive in reparations. For the consortium to "maximize
the value of Kuwait's compensation," Kuwait will have
to part with even more of the reparations payments it
has received. In addition to the $1 billion for the
environmental fund, the proposal calls for another $2
billion of Kuwaiti money to be invested in a Middle
East Private Equity Fund. Of that $2 billion, "$1
billion would be invested, by way of special agreement,
in The Carlyle Group equity funds" for a period of at
least twelve to fifteen years. At the end of that
period Kuwait will get the return on these investments,
as well as whatever the consortium has been able to
negotiate in reparations payments.

For the consortium, it is an excellent deal: Its
members get to manage a $2 billion investment
portfolio, collecting healthy management fees as well
as a percentage of interest. They also will be paid a
"retainer" and 5 percent of any debts the consortium
gets repaid, and "a negotiated percentage of the value
returned to Kuwait exceeding" the pre-arranged amount.

Other consortium members sharing in these benefits
include Fidelity Investments; BNP Paribas, a European
bank embroiled in the oil-for-food scandal; Gaffney,
Cline & Associates, an energy company specializing in
oil and gas privatization; Nexgen Financial Solutions,
a financial engineering firm partly owned by the
government of France; and Emerging Markets Partnership,
an AIG affiliate headed by a former senior vice
president of the World Bank, Moeen Qureshi.

In addition to the financial windfall, the arrangement
would give this group of private companies tremendous
power. Whoever holds Iraq's debt has the ability to
influence policy in Iraq at a moment of extreme
political uncertainty. Yet for the government of Kuwait
the proposed deal is fraught with risk. It's true that
the fate of its Iraqi reparations looks grim. The
consortium estimated that if Kuwait tried to sell those
debts on the market, its $27 billion would be worth
only $1.5 billion. But the consortium is asking Kuwait
to risk $3 billion of reparations money it has already
received in the hope that it can be used to leverage
some of the rest. However, as Jerome Levinson points
out, "There are absolutely no guarantees of even that."

It is clear that the consortium is extremely eager to
seal a deal with Kuwait. Consortium CEO Shahameen
Sheikh writes of making five trips to Kuwait in four
months; Albright met with Kuwait's foreign minister
about the issue on April 2, 2004; and the Albright
Group's Carol Browner is reported to have "personally
delivered a copy" of the proposal to his hotel when he
was in Washington. Yet Kuwait appears reluctant: It
took four months to reply to the proposal and then it
would only say, in a letter dated August 10, that the
proposal "will be taken into deep consideration and is
currently being studied by the appropriate
authorities." According to Ahamed al-Fahad, "The issue
is now in the hands of the under secretary of foreign
affairs," who was unavailable for comment. But Salem
Abdullah al Jaber al-Sabah, Kuwait's ambassador to the
United States, said, "As far as my information is
concerned, my government is not considering such

Even if the deal falls through, the fact that the
Carlyle Group and the Albright Group have been engaged
in these negotiations may already have damaged debt
relief efforts, hurting both Iraqi and US interests.
Levinson points out that the Bush Administration has
made commitments that Iraq's oil revenues will be spent
on reconstruction. Yet the failure to deal with the
reparations issue means that "part of those resources
instead are being diverted to Kuwait. Who pays for
this? It's the people of Iraq who continue to make
reparations payments, and it's US taxpayers, who are
asked to foot the bill for reconstruction, because
Iraq's money is going to debt payments."

Levinson says this is all the more remarkable because
of who is involved. "Here you have two former
Secretaries of State seemingly proposing to use their
contacts and inside information to undercut the
official US government policy." Washington University's
Kathleen Clark says the proposal "lays bare how former
high-level government employees use their access in
order to reap financial benefits that appear to be

A case can certainly be made that James Baker and
Madeleine Albright have had more direct influence over
Iraq's debts and reparations payments than any
politicians outside Iraq, with the possible exception
of the forty-first and forty-third Presidents of the
United States.

As Secretary of State, Baker played a role in running
up Iraq's foreign debts in the first place, personally
intervening in 1989 to secure a $1 billion US loan to
Saddam Hussein in export credits. He was also a key
architect of the first Gulf War, as well as of the
cease-fire that required Saddam to pay such sweeping
reparations. In his 1995 memoirs, The Politics of
Diplomacy, Baker wrote that after seeing the oil-well
fires in Kuwait he cabled President George H.W. Bush
and said, "Iraq should pay for it." Now, through the
consortium, Carlyle could end up controlling $1 billion
of those payments.

The role of the Albright Group raises similar
questions. As Secretary of State and Ambassador to the
UN, Madeleine Albright participated personally in
drafting UN Resolution 986, which created the oil-for-
food program, diverting 30 percent of Iraq's revenue
from oil sales to war reparations. "It's a great day
for the United States because we were the authors of
Resolution 986," she said on The NewsHour With Jim
Lehrer on May 20, 1996. Now, as a private citizen,
Albright is a leading member of a consortium that is
exploiting her connections to try to profit from the
very reparations she helped secure. Albright also
enforced the brutal sanctions campaign against Iraq,
one of the effects of which was the hobbling of Iraq's
state companies. Now, she is part of a plan to use
Iraq's reparations payments to buy the very firms that
her sanctions program helped to debilitate.

But it is Baker's envoy post that raises the most
serious questions for the White House, especially
because a Special Presidential Envoy is the President's
personal representative, meeting with heads of state in
the President's stead and reporting back directly to
the President. If a President's envoy has a conflict of
interest, it reflects directly on the highest office.
Clark says, "There is absolutely a conflict of
interest. Baker is aligned with two parties--the US
government and Carlyle--that are not aligned with each

As envoy, Baker's job is to do his best to clear away
Iraq's debts, lessening the burden on Iraqis and on US
taxpayers. Yet as a businessman, he is an equity
partner in a company that is part of a deal that would
achieve the opposite result. If Baker the envoy
succeeds, Baker's business partners stand to fail--and
vice versa.

Have these conflicts influenced Baker's performance as
envoy? Has he pushed as hard as he could have for debt
forgiveness? We know that Iraq's steep war reparations
to Kuwait have largely escaped public scrutiny--if
Baker has steered the Bush Administration away from the
reparations issue, for whom was he working at the time?
The White House? Or Carlyle? Clark says questions like
these are precisely why conflict-of-interest
regulations exist. "We have reason to doubt that Baker
is doing everything he could be doing on behalf of the
United States because he has an interest in another
side of the transaction."

This issue is all the more pressing because the file
that President Bush handed to Baker is in disarray--ten
months on, there is significantly less goodwill toward
forgiving Iraq's debt than when Baker arrived. When
President Bush appointed him, he praised Baker's "vast
economic, political and diplomatic experience." And at
first, Baker seemed to be making fast progress: After
top-level meetings, France, Russia and Germany appeared
open to canceling a large proportion of debt owed to
them by Iraq, and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait seemed ready
to follow.

But now, the negotiations are not only stalled, they
seem to be going backwards. Kuwait, for its part, has
hardened its position. "Debts remain debts," Foreign
Minister Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah said
recently. And it has intensified its demands for Gulf
War reparations, joining with Saudi Arabia, Iran,
Jordan and Syria to claim an additional $82 billion
from Iraq in environmental damages.

And the Europeans? At a Senate Foreign Relations
Committee hearing on September 15, Senator Joseph Biden
Jr. asked Ronald Schlicher, Deputy Assistant Secretary
of State for Iraq, about the status of the
international negotiations.

"Has a single nation in the G8...formally said or
requested of their parliaments to forgive Iraqi debt?"
Biden asked.

"Not yet. No sir," Schlicher replied.

Not only has Baker failed to deliver any firm
commitments for debt forgiveness, at the annual meeting
of the International Monetary Fund on October 2, it
emerged that France had done an end run around
Washington and was pushing a debt-relief deal of its
own. French Finance Minister Nicolas Sarkozy announced
that he had lined up Russia, Germany and Italy behind a
plan to cancel only 50 percent of Iraq's debts--a far
cry for the 90-95 percent cancellation Washington had
been demanding. Yet Baker was nowhere to be found.

Busy negotiating the rules of the presidential debates,
Baker has been MIA on the debt issue. Since he returned
from his trip to the Middle East in January, the
President's envoy has issued only two public statements
on Iraq's debt, and he has been completely silent on
the topic for the past six months--despite having
publicly committed to getting the debt issue sewn up by
the end of the year.

While this is bad news for Iraqis and for US taxpayers,
it could be good news for Carlyle. A swift resolution
to Iraq's debt crisis works against its financial
interest: The longer the negotiations drag on, the more
time the Consortium has to convince the reluctant
Kuwaiti government to sign on the dotted line. But if
Iraq's debt is successfully wiped out, any proposed
deal is off the table.

Baker's position as envoy has certainly been useful to
his colleagues in the consortium. Whether Baker has
helped solve Iraq's debt crisis is far less clear.


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