-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 03:05:00 -0400
From: Chairman Marc Racicot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: William Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: President Bush Finished Strong--It's Our Turn.

Dear William,

President Bush won a clear victory on substance, style and credibility in the final 
debate tonight - showing that he's the candidate who "finishes strong." The President 
spoke with clarity, conviction and compassion about the most important issues facing 
our country.

On issue after issue, he showed Americans that he shares their values and priorities. 
He revealed just how far out of the mainstream Kerry's record lies on abortion, gay 
marriage, immigration, taxes, health care and fiscal discipline.

John Kerry showed how far he's willing to go to deceive the American people about this 
record when he said "I've actually passed 56 individual bills that I've personally 
written." The fact is that he has only been the lead sponsor of 5 bills and 4 
resolutions that have become law.

The most revealing moments:

Kerry believes education is unrelated to the economy - this is a fundamental 
misunderstanding of how individuals achieve the American Dream.

President Bush believes that no child should be left behind when it comes to the 
quality of education she or he can get.

A good education is the foundation for opportunity, prosperity and success.
On immigration, John Kerry said, "we need an earned legalization program for people 
who have been here a long time." This amnesty proposal stands in contrast to the 
President's temporary worker program.

President Bush revealed John Kerry's tendency to confuse a litany of complaints with a 
plan. John Kerry demonstrated that he didn't have a plan and he resorted to foreign 
policy attacks, because he does not have an agenda for America.

Now that the debates are over, we must concentrate on our efforts to turn out the 
vote. You can help turn out the vote by completing these tasks:

Join us for Walk the Vote Weekend - Tens of thousands of volunteers at thousands of 
parties around the country will go door-to-door in their neighborhoods to turn out the 
vote.  The President will kick off the event with a live Internet rally webcast 
Saturday, October 16 from 12:45 - 2:00 pm EDT.  We'll provide the maps, handouts, and 
everything you'll need to Walk the Vote in your neighborhood.  Create your Walk at 

Volunteer to help in the last 72 hours - Volunteers are needed to work shifts in 
campaign offices from coast to coast. Sign up at www.GeorgeWBush.com/72Hour - if 
you're not yet a Volunteer, you'll need to sign up first at 
www.GeorgeWBush.com/SignUp. Need your password? You can find it here: 

Spread the President's message - Use your Virtual Precinct 
(www.GeorgeWBush.com/VirtualPrecinct) to send a message to your friends and family. 
During the debate, the President mentioned Kerry's Liberal Record 
(www.KerrysLiberalRecord.com), send an e-mail to the undecided voters you know and 
share that record.

Call Talk Radio and Write Letters to the Editor - By making your voice heard on talk 
radio (www.georgewbush.com/GetActive/CallTalkRadio.aspx) and the letters page of your 
local paper (www.georgewbush.com/GetActive/WriteNewspapers.aspx), you can have a 
tremendous impact on those voters who are still trying to decide. Hearing from their 
neighbors the reasons President Bush is right for your community moves many voters in 
the final days.

Vote! - Many states allow you to cast your vote early or by absentee ballot. If you 
qualify to vote by absentee or vote early in-person, you can cast your ballot now. Our 
website will tell you if you are eligible. Visit www.GeorgeWBush.com/VoteEarly to 
determine if, and where, you can vote now in your area. Please follow your local 
election guidelines.

By taking action now, you can guarantee our victory in November. In the remaining days 
of this campaign, our efforts to get the President's supporters to the polls will make 
the difference. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all you do.


Marc Racicot


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| Paid for by BUSH-CHENEY '04, Inc.           |

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