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-Caveat Lector-







Subject: ACADEMY : Hegel's triadic triangles

From: Susanna Åkerman

Date: 29 Sep 2001

Dear Academy,

Since we are discussing triangles

I want to draw attention to the philosopher Hegel

who at one point in the "Philosophy of Right" (1821)


"Reason is the rose in the cross of the present"

influenced by the Gold

    und Rosencreutz Orden in his Berlin period.

This has been interestingly debated in

" Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition "

   (Cornell University Press 2001 )

  by   Glenn Alexander Magee

  of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

He interestingly shows Boehmes' influence

 on the young philosopher Hegel

   and reproduces the below Triangle

in " Triangles ", described earlier

by Helmut Schneider "Zur Dreiecks symbolik bei Hegel"

       Hegel studien 8 1973 p. 55-77.

The diagram cannot be dated but was found among Hegels

There is a textual fragment that could have been the
reason for Hegel's drawing showing the trinity in
connection with the dialectic of Subjective, Objective
and Absolute concepts.

This is discussed in at Magee's text p. 110-113.

 He refers to Schneider who argues it is
Neo-Paracelsian, neo-Agrippean and neo-Boehmian.

Both authors are however lost in decoding the drawing
and its sigels.

Can we do better on the list?

The S in spiritus is drawn in pencil, perhaps
reflecting a red letter in some original.

It is uncertain whether Hegel himself drew it

to shed light on his dialectic

    or whether he is copying something.

Magee's book is from a philosophical point of view
excellent in making grey and tiresome concepts glow.

Susanna Akerman


Subject: ACADEMY : Hegel's triadic triangles

From: Susanna Åkerman
Date: 17 Oct 2001

There is a written "triangle fragment" in Hegel's
papers first described by Karl Rosencrantz in 1844

 and translated in H. S. Harris'

 " Hegel's development: Night thoughts "

 (part 2, 1983 Oxford UP,

   first part is called " Towards the Sunlight "

However it speaks of two triangles and is not directed
towards this triadic triangle.

Also Karin Figala writes about the "Die alchemische
Begriff von Capuut mortuum bei Hegel in der
symbolischen Terminologie Hegels" in Stuttgarter
Hegel-Tage 1970 edited by H. G. Gadamer Bonn 1974.

To explain the point of triangles I can only say that
Hegel thinks of the trinity and its manifestations
first as love and then on a deeper level as the

 I recommend  you Magee's book

    since I am unable to summarize Hegel's thinking.

Schneider means the drawing

            is neo-Pythagorean

         but Magee roots it in Hermeticism.

 Herder, Hegel and Novalis all studied in  Tübingen,
earlier home of Johann Valentin Andreae, and they are
influenced in various ways by mystics such and Franz
von Baader,  Oetinger and the pietists.

To explain the point of triangles I can only say that
Hegel thinks of the trinity and its manifestations
first as love and then on a deeper level as the

I recommend  you Magee's book

since I am unable to summarize Hegel's thinking.

Schneider means the drawing

is neo-Pythagorean but Magee roots it in Hermeticism.

Herder, Hegel and Novalis all studied in Tübingen,
earlier home of Johann Valentin Andreae, and they are
influenced in various ways by mystics such and Franz
von Baader, Oetinger and the pietists.

There is a long Boehme/Hegel chapter in Magee,

and he comments on Hegel's dialectic of the Spirit
that was formed early on in his mystical-theosophical
youth, and stays on till his old days as in The
Philosophy of Right.

Note that the triangles are downward showing I guess
the descent of spirit in matter and consciousness
developing in history. Celestial stellar influx in
mineral matter?

The sixpointed star of joined triangles

 is often seen as philosophical fiery water (aesch
majim) conjoined  in perfect union, here it is the
descent that is important, perhaps as spiritual influx
and flow in thinking.

Magee's book tempts me to look into Hegel's own works
that nowadays have good translations, while they were
forbidding to read in English fifteen years ago when I
took a glance on his philosophy.

To read it in German is not easy either I guess, but
perhaps it is fun (sic) to look into Hegel's
mysticism. It gives me motivation I have lacked

Also note that Leibniz writes a text on alchemy as
Oidipus Chymicus in Acta Berolinensis 1710 in Berlin
actually the same title as J.J. Becher in 1664.

Can someone look it up and tell us what it says?

Leibniz was a member and secretary of a alchemical
society in 1667.

 And he also solved the ciphers in Chymische Hochzeit,
but later thought that the Rosicrucians were fiction.

Susanna Akerman

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