-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, 1lls0081 wrote:
>Sex as an activity does not involve higher thinking
>skills.  To base a relationship on sex,
>to base life on sex, removes the innocense of life.
>Look around you, would life keep going if animals
>and plants were to consider homosexualism a viable

I believe it is...homosexuality DOES occur in other species, and I view
it as Nature's birth-control...

Your question implies that you feel homosexuality is a choice, and
further implies that you are heterosexual...so tell us, just when did you
CHOOSE to be straight?  I know _I_ never made a choice to be
heterosexual, it was just something I felt I always WAS...

Every gay I've ever known has said the same thing about THEIR sexual
orientation, that it was just something they felt they always were...

>I like to eat and how long would we have
>animals and plants if this were true?

Again, I believe homosexuality is Nature's own way to control

And if sex was just for procreation, homo sapiens wouldn't be able to
boff each other at the drop of a hat, rather females would have breeding
seasons just like other mammals, which would be the only time
heterosexual sex took place...so it seems heterosexual homo sapiens have
already 'gone against Nature' by having sexual activities outside of a
breeding cycle...

>So it seems that it does not matter if a male gets
>paid or if he pays.  (Gigalo or "husband")

You display misogyny in that statement...you sincerely believe that
husbands 'pay' for sex?

Then you are saying that all wives are intrinsically prostitutes...

Talk about the need for education, YOU need to be educated about what a
real relationship between husband and wife should be...with a major
attitude adjustment where women are concerned (and if you are a woman
yourself, what does this say about your image of YOURSELF?)...

>what is he.  If I had a husband that believed it was ok to
>just spread it around than -- he would not be my husband
>for long.  What commentment does that show?

None.  But what does THAT have to do with the issue of homosexuality?

Many gays are in as committed relationships as any hetero couple, and
there are heteros who all their lives 'spread it around' as you so
grossly put it (and BTW, WOMEN 'spread it around' as much as men)...

>If the base line is education.  Does just studing
>history / religion one day a week for social purposes
>show a respect for education?

I'd suggest you try spelling and grammar first, before you tackle history
and philosophy...  :-7

>So the question behind door number one is...
>What is the difference between a male that is hetrosexual
>and a male that is homosexual?
>the ability to have children, without cloning, within
>a viable relationship that shows respect for the way
>that (higher) plants and animals replicate.

I know very few, if any, heterosexuals who give a damn, let alone
respect, 'the way that higher plants and animals replicate'....first off,
we're not plants, many of which replicate via asexual reproduction...and
again, if animals' sexuality was RELEVANT, then an honest scholar would
note both the homosexual cases in other species, and the fact that homo
sapiens are the only mammals who violate 'the law of Nature' by having
sexual relations outside of a breeding cycle...

You also ignore the many heterosexual homo sapiens who choose not to
breed...many couples choose not to have children....

>So now we get into the reason for some people using
>homosexuals as a spring board for thier ideas.  To use
>homosexuals in this way you would have to show case
>male homosexuals normally.  Why?  In the wild female
>animals will not have sex until they are in season, yet male
>animals attempt to show supiriority at a young age.

You make absolutely NO sense (not that you have before this point,

A good many species are matriarchal, and it's the FEMALES who show
superiority at a young age (don't you have a working spell-checker?)
...indeed, both male AND females when young partake in play which
demonstrates who will be 'alpha' and who will be 'beta' when they reach

>I know this is not complete and I will work on it.

Start out with a good version of Webster's....

>How would
>this corralate with taking down the consitution.

Only in your own mind....

>How is a homosexual couple with a child and a hetrosexual
>couple with a child different?  If the husband spreads it around
>and lets the wife and school district do the education.

What about wives who 'spread it around'...?

What about the vast majority of couples who are sexually faithful, but
IGNORE their kids?

What does a husband who 'spreads it around' have to do with homosexuals,
most of whom are in a committed relationship with another person (albeit
of the same sex)....?


        "To love another person is to see the face of God."

                            -Les Miserables
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