-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I was rather amazed at their reticence, especially in light of the usual
>knocking doors down and throwing everybody (male, female, child) to the
>floor and shooting the family dog.

That's because in those situations, those whom the police are attacking
are themselved unarmed, or minimally armed.

Seems like when the cops come up against a REAL challenge, they tuck their
tails between their legs and run yelping to hide in a corner...

I loved the explanation one of the cops in charge gave for not rescuing a
boy who held up a 'HELP!' sign in a window, a boy who later bled to
death...seems the cop was worried about him and the other cops getting

HELLO?!  Isn't that their JOB?!  To take risks to protect the public?


           It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
           Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

                  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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