-Caveat Lector-
I guess Wyeth Laboratories didn't offer free stock to an admiral. The government is spending millions on questionable vaccines which may never be needed. but couldn't find the money for an effective vaccine for an existing problem. Three to five years before a vaccine is available is outrageous. Someone needs to be fired or courts martialed. JR   Raise The Roof 1 

The Arizona Daily Star

Published: 10.03.2004

No vaccine for virus killing recruits
By Michael J. Berens
SEATTLE - More than three decades ago, the Pentagon created two pills to ward off a lethal virus infecting boot-camp recruits. But defense officials abandoned the program in 1996 as too expensive. Now recruits are dying, thousands are falling ill, and the military is desperately racing to bring back a vaccine it once owned.
The respiratory virus now infects up to 2,500 service members monthly - a staggering 1 in 10 recruits - in the nation's eight basic-training centers, an analysis of military health-care records shows.
Since the oral vaccinations stopped, the flulike germ, adenovirus, is associated with the deaths of at least six recruits, four within the past year, according to military records and internal reports obtained by The Seattle Times.
In addition, hundreds of bedridden recruits miss critical training and have to be sent through boot camp again, at a cost of millions of dollars each year. Some are dismissed permanently with medical disabilities.
The virus is expected to kill an additional six to 10 recruits before a vaccine is again available, according to a classified Defense Department briefing this year.
The virus can strike beyond military boundaries as well.
Six children of service members in the Puget Sound area were diagnosed with the virus last winter, according to doctors at Madigan Army Medical Center near Tacoma, Wash.
Most people rebound from the infection within four days, but if untreated, it can quickly turn ferocious, with fever, sore throat and labored breathing leading to severe respiratory problems such as pneumonia and even death.
Adenovirus spreads by cough or touch, thrives in confined places such as overcrowded barracks, and targets those with weakened immune systems. Overstressed recruits, trying to get in shape and adapt to the military, turn out to be ideal incubators for the virus.
Nationally, the virus has killed more than two dozen civilian children and adults in outbreaks in medical facilities in Illinois, Louisiana, Iowa, Tennessee and New York, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.
Military foot-dragging and high turnover of procurement officers have caused the replacement vaccine to fall behind schedule, making pills unavailable until at least 2007, possibly 2009, military health-care records show.
Dr. Margaret Ryan, a commander at the Naval Health Research Center in San Diego and an expert on the virus, calls the vaccine lapse "indefensible."
Original vaccine manufacturer Wyeth Laboratories warned as early as 1984 that it would stop churning out pills costing $1 each unless defense officials allocated $5 million to repair a deteriorating production plant.
Wyeth executives shuttered the facility in 1996. A military health budget later gave a reason: "suppression of program to pay higher priority items."
The Pentagon's unwillingness to spend $5 million on health care is now costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars to remedy.
In September 2001, plagued by boot-camp outbreaks, defense officials finally agreed to spend $35.4 million to develop a new vaccine through Barr Laboratories of Forest, Va.
Shortly afterward, Assistant Secretary of Defense William Winkenwerder Jr. ordered vaccine efforts accelerated, according to transcripts of a Feb. 19, 2002, meeting at North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego.
"This is one of the most disappointing facts and stories that I've learned upon coming into my position," he said. "I don't want to cast aspersions on anybody who had responsibility in the past, but to be blunt this is a major screw-up."

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