-Caveat Lector- http://ctrl.org/MilleganStews/McBride-Berlet.html

Is "Sean McBride" in actuality John Foster "Chip" Berlet?

GK: Does that mean that there are researchers on the right who are lurking on progressive lists and BBSs just like those on the left do with Christian and right-wing networks?

CB: Absolutely. After a while you begin to run into each other, or at least you recognize each other's footprints. You have to have a sense of humor about it, because its like "Spy vs. Spy" in Mad magazine. I'm constantly crossing the paths of people doing exactly what I'm doing except from the reverse political position. After a while you get to know them.

GK: Can you give an example of how you encounter these footprints of conservative researchers?

CB: I'd rather not trade secrets, you know.


An initial investigation into that question has dealt some very interesting answers:.

"Sean McBride" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined my list [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 9/19/01 but has never been very active, just lurking. "Sean" then became active on [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 9/20/01. "Sean had a been a member of [EMAIL PROTECTED] since 8/8/2000. Just waiting for the right moment I suppose.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] started to show up in alt.groups in March of 2001 wanting to find out info on how to supercharge outlook, so that one good have a very dynamic email box.

"Sean" claimed to be from Chicago.
John Foster "Chip" Berlet is from Chicago
Chip Berlet broke onto the scene as a defender of Communist repression in Albania. Berlet was a founding member of the "Chicago Area Friends of Albania," which formed in 1983 to aid the Stalinist leader of Albania, Enver Hoxha. To this end, Berlet sought to coordinate the activities of people who âare friendly and supportive of the Peopleâs Socialist Republic of Albania.â
Under Hoxha, Albania was a paragon of repression and isolation that billed itself as the one true socialist state. Thousands perished, torture flourished, and the secret police menaced the masses. In Berletâs mind, North Korea on the Adriatic was paradise.

Before joining PRA in 1982, Berlet spent three years as a paralegal investigator at the Better Government Association in Chicago, engaged in research and trial preparation for the American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against illegal government surveillance by the Chicago Police Intelligence Unit - litigation dubbed the "Chicago Red Squad" case. As a freelance writer, Berlet has written, edited, and co-authored a long list
Chip Berlet: Around 1984. I was on-line very early with bulletin board systems (BBSs), in part because I was writing a column on computer technology and the law for the publication Chicago Lawyer.

Chip Berlet is the Registrant Name for political-research.org
John Berlet is the Registrant Name for political-research.com
"Sean McBride" is the moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sean is John in Irish.

"Sean McBride" sometimes posts in alt.cigar -- loking for a good Boston cigar store.
According to John Foster "Chip" Berlet's receptionist, Mr. Berlet does smoke a cigar.

And then if you look at the headers from "Sean," you will notice that he sends from Newton and/or Somerville, Massachusettes. "Chip" from Boston.

"Chip" works at Political Research Associates â 1310 Broadway, Suite 201 â Somerville, MA 02144, 617.666.5300 â Fax: 617.666.6622

Now there is more, but you know I haven't the time. But what we have here is a major cointelpro operation.

Webfairy and Dick Eastman have worked with McBride in an attempt to pass-off a forged email.

More later,


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