-Caveat Lector-


Waking The Left Up To Skull And Bones
By Chuck Zlatkin

The world is still here, so I can continue to wonder about how my
friends, who once agonized about having to vote for John Kerry, and are
now happy about voting for him. I think when you have the need to be on
the winning side against Bush; you can even convince yourself that you
really like him. Kerry supported the war in Iraq, along with NAFTA,
GATT, the WTO, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 and so on and so forth. Kerry is called a
liberal as Clinton was, but really he follows the Democratic Leadership
Council line. That line was once called Republican. It will be a heavy
price to pay when John Kerry,s version of anybody but Bush, turns out to
be surprisingly close to the original.

I will assume that you are really knowledgeable about the issues. I am
confused as to how are you not terribly concerned about the fact that
both George W. Bush and John F. Kerry are blood brothers in the most
exclusive secret society?

The Skull and Bones Society admits only fifteen new members each year.
So if you figure that the average new member is 21 years old when tapped
there can,t even be as many as 800 living members in the world.

What is the population of the United States now? According to the Census
Bureau PopClock at http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html the
current population is 294,423,981.

Do you really think that the odds would point to the two presidential
candidates coming from the same secret society with not even 800 living

When I talk to people about this I always ask them how much they really
know about the Skull and Bones Society? They usually say not that much.
Most people that I know are left of center and so am I. But being left
of center didn,t stop me from reading "Fleshing Out Skull and Bones:
Investigation Into America,s Most Powerful Secret Societies by Antony
Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Milligan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin &
Webster Griffin Tarpley, Edited by Kris Milligan. Published 2003.

Last night Norman "Nobody Sommer called me. He is the founder and
president of the Umbrella Movement to Counteract the Right. Its web site
is www.therightiswrong.us and you might see why what he has to say
interests me (at least Alan Colmes credited me when he lifted my name).
Sommer claims he got the phrase from his granddaughter and it was all
innocent. As Sommer pitched me to get involved with his movement, I got
into conversation with him about Kerry. Sommer is an erudite,
politically astute gentleman. But when I asked him how much he knew
about the Skull and Bones society, he mentioned that he didn,t know
much. I,m going to send him a copy of Milligan,s book.

When it comes to understanding who the powers-that-be are and what they
do, I have found much valuable information from the work of Alex Jones.
Jones uncovers plenty. He filmed inside the Bohemian Grove compound
showing all the world what depravity goes on there. I would recommend
going to Alex Jones two websites www.infowars.com and
www.prisonplanet.com to witness for yourself what Jones make available
to you. I would also suggest seeing "American Dictators by Alex Jones
and Kevin Booth. In this videotape Jones makes a strong argument that we
are a lot further along the road to fascism than most of us want to admit.

Alex Jones is a broadcaster out of Austin, Texas. I,m afraid that too
many people on the left are unable to hear what Jones is telling them.
Alex Jones is a 2nd Amendment, anti-abortion, United Nations-fearing,
Christian patriot. He also is unrelenting in his quest for the truth
about those who wish to enslave us. Jones,s personal beliefs didn't stop
Cynthia McKinney from respecting him for the truth that he has
unearthed, and it doesn,t stop me, either.

I would submit to you that requiring people to pass litmus tests before
we allow them to share truth with us, is a true failing of much of the
left. I remember when "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by
Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin was originally published, many
people on the left doubted the work or ignored it completely because of
the authors rumored association with Lyndon Larouche. How foolish.
Tarpley and Chaitkin,s work was groundbreaking. You can check it out for
yourself. It is available for free on the web at
http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm and by the way Lyndon Larouche is
supporting Kerry.

I haven,t really changed, in the sense that I still feel much more
comfortable with sources from the left. But what am I supposed to do
when Noam Chomsky, Ronnie Dugger, Barbara Ehrenreich, Richard Falk, Jim
Hightower, Saul Landau, Michael Lerner, Manning Marable, Robert
McChesney, Marcus Raskin, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Studs Terkel,
Harvey Wasserman, and Howard Zinn have all joined the Kerry for
President movement?

I have been predicting that Kerry would be the next president for some
time. Ever since Kerry joined with the leadership of the Democratic and
Republican parties, Michael Moore and Al Sharpton to stop the Howard
Dean juggernaut, it has been clear to me that Kerry was the chosen one.

The race will stay nip and tuck until Election Day. When Kerry wins much
of the left will be thrilled. Celebration will take the place of
organization for some time. The Kerry honeymoon will give the
powers-that-be some time to further the agenda. I am afraid that by the
time the left wakes up as to whom Kerry really is, the war will be
widened and the reinstitution of the draft will be in place.

What is our alternative? I have looked far and wide for a strategy that
doesn,t lead to the coronation of Kerry or Bush. Unfortunately, all I
can come up with is a first step. It is time to draw a line in the sand.
No more pro-war candidates. No votes for evil even lesser ones. It is
time take a stand against the powers-that-be, let them know that we are
no longer fooled; we know who they are and what they are doing. Join me
in the ultimate protest vote on November 2nd and vote for yourself.
People laugh when I tell them that. But I,m not kidding. When you vote
for evil it is a Faustian deal. You may tell yourself it is benign but
it is truly is not. The reason that John Kerry has not repudiated Skull
and Bones, is a simple one, he doesn't want to do so, and even if he
did, he couldn't and still be president.

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