-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  04/25/99)  --  According  to latest reports, 15 civilians
were killed by  the  NATO  bombing  of  the Radio-TV Serbia (RTS)
building in Belgrade [1].  This number, 15 dead, adds  a  further
chilling  link  between  the  Columbine High massacre and the RTS
massacre, since besides  their  juxtaposition  in time, they both
now share equal body counts.

According to a report in the Electronic Telegraph, there had been
division within NATO over whether or not to actually bomb the RTS
building,  rather  than  its  transmitters,  but  that  the  U.S.
Pentagon's wishes finally prevailed.   Reporter John Simpson says
he had been receiving  on-again,  off-again  whispered  warnings:
"Don't go to the RTS building tonight."  But the tragic Columbine
High  massacre  in Littleton, Colorado, seems to have opportunely
provided cover for  the  NATO  attack  on  the RTS building.  The
Littleton massacre occurred on a Tuesday.  Then, writes  Simpson,
"on  Wednesday,  came  another private whisper.  The Pentagon has
won the battle; don't go to Serbian Television tonight."  [2] The
USA mass media's blanketing coverage  of the high school massacre
served to overwhelm coverage of the other massacre which occurred
the following day, in Belgrade.

In his article, Simpson describes some of  what  he  saw  at  the
bombed  RTS  building:   "I saw the make-up woman again on Friday
morning.  Or, to be more exact,  I saw her foot.  It was sticking
out at a strange angle  from  the  heap  of  crumbled  brick  and
plaster that was all that was left of her room." [3]

Australian   journalist   Miroslav  Mlinar  contributes  his  own
eyewitness description of  the  horror  at the Belgrade building:
"I saw three bodies protruding from the wreckage.   I  approached
the nearest one, but the man was already dead, all torn apart.  I
moved  on  to  pull  out  the second one.  Then went back for the
third one, but then I collapsed.  The firemen arrived then.  This
has been a horror that cannot be put into words..." [4]

Ted Turner's Cable News Network (CNN) may  have  been  tipped-off
ahead of time that the RTS building was to be bombed.  CNN pushed
hard  for  an  exclusive  interview  with the Serbian Minister of
Information,  Aleksandar  Vucic.    Had   he   consented  to  the
interview, planned for broadcast  on  CNN's  "Larry  King  Live,"
Vucic  would  have  been in the RTS building when the NATO attack
occurred.   Says  Vucic,  "I've  found  out  that  interview  was
scheduled exactly at time when attack happened, in RTS rooms.  It
would be funny for me to say  that somebody wanted to kill me.  I
think that they wanted, at first place, spectacular live show  in
which  everybody  could see how it looks like when missile shot."
[5] A "spectacular live  show"?   Or  was  CNN  part of a plot to
murder Vucic?

Journalists  worldwide are condemning the NATO attack on the Serb
television  building.   After   all,   if   we   can  kill  their
journalists, then who's to say they can't kill  our  journalists?
According  to  Chrystyna Lapychak, director of the New York-based
committee  for  the  protection   of  reporters,  the  murder  of
civilians  at  the  RTS  building   "might   forever   jeopardize
correspondents  who  report  about various conflicts all over the
world.  Under the Geneva Convention, reporters are not fighters."
[6] By violating the Geneva  contract,  NATO may have voided that

In another NATO atrocity, 5 children have died after a NATO plane
dropped a "cluster bomb" on them.  "Edon (3), Fisnik  (9),  Osman
(13),  Burim (14) and Vajdat (15) Kodza were killed.  Two wounded
boys are transferred to the  Pristina Hospital.  Shrapnels of the
cluster bomb lightly injured another four kids."  [7]

Besides "cluster bombs," this  news  service  has reported on the
use, by NATO, of depleted uranium  (DU)  weapons  in  Yugoslavia.
[8]  This  use  of DU weapons is corroborated in a recent report,
which states that "Remnants  of  radioactive ammunition have been
found in many places raided by NATO planes..." [9]

It  has also come to light that U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline
Albright,  via  the  U.S.   State  Department,  may  have  subtly
threatened the lives of some U.S. Congress members who wanted  to
go on their own fact-finding mission to Yugoslavia.  According to
Congressman  Kurt  Weldon,  he was peremptorily told "that such a
trip should not  take  place."   And,  according to reports, "The
Congressmen were not only told that the U.S.  Administration  was
against  the  tour  but  were  warned that no one could guarantee
their security."  [10]

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "NATO bombs Serb TV off the air." UPI, 4/25/99.
[2] "What signal does this send?" by  John  Simpson.   Electronic
Telegraph, 4/25/99.
[3] Ibid.
[4] "Tens of Dead in the Attack on the RTS." 4/24/99.
[5] "Unsuccessful attempt on Serbian Minister of Information."
www.serbia-info.com/news  4/24/99.
[6] "New York reporters condemn attack on RTS." 4/25/99
[7] "Cluster bomb of the NATO aggressors kills five boys.
www.serbia-info.com/news   4/24/99
[8] "'Kosovo War Syndrome' Likely." CNNS 4/19/99.
[9] "NATO aggressors' lying campaign." 4/24/99
[10]  "Albright  bans   U.S.   Congressmen   from  travelling  to
Yugoslavia." 4/24/99. www.serbia-info.com/news

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