-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector- The Webfairy wrote:
Bob seems to be the sole source for the existance of Lt Col Art Holbow
and Omar Campos both.
Did he make them up?
No, there you go again. The official US government story released at 10:52 a.m.
9/11/2001 was that a small plane hit the Pentagon. Small plane, hunt the Boeing,
it's not conspiracy theory, that's government issue press release. You ought to
know, you've been pushing the government line since day one.

UK Guardian translated Omar Campos correctly, as far as they went, but Omar
said a lot more on DC-area CBS affiliate channel 9. Though there is more on the
TV interview, with Campos speaking, online confirmation is available in print--

Friday night I had two Cubans and a Panamanian listen to Omar in Spanish.
DC-area CBS affiliate channel 9 TV, 10:52 a.m. 9/11/2001, Lt Col Art Holbow,
USAF public affairs officer, makes an official announcement, blah-blah stand
back get back, then he adds,"a witness says the plane looked like a corporate
jet". Holbow was speaking as the Pentagon public affairs info officer of the
watch, by way of introducing his spanish translator of choice, who had a
muslim name, not a spanish name, "Adil Raji". Adil Raji mis-translated Omar
Capos by deleting "American" and changing "comercial" to small/business/corporate
and "blue stripe" to blue bottom.


Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road when
the plane flew over his head. "It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways
plane," Mr Campo said. "I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my
head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire.
I could never imagine I would see anything like that here."

Afework Hagos, a computer programmer, was on his way to work but stuck in a traffic
jam near the Pentagon when the plane flew over. "There was a huge screaming noise
and I got out of the car as the plane came over. Everybody was running away in different
directions. It was tilting its wings up and down like it was trying to balance. It hit some
lampposts on the way in."

A pilot who saw the impact, Tim Timmerman, said it had been an American Airways 757.
"It added power on its way in," he said. "The nose hit, and the wings came forward and it
went up in a fireball."

Date:  Fri Aug 20, 2004  2:52 am
Subject:  Re: [cia-drugs] Pentagon 911 TV witness interviews

Omar Campos may have said "commercial" in Spanish and been
mis-translated as saying "business" jet, because the UK Guardian
interview has him saying "passenger jet...American Airways".

"Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road
when the plane flew over his head. 'It was a passenger plane. I think an American
Airways plane,' Mr Campo said. 'I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming
over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was
full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here.'"

Channel 9 CBS DC cuts to DC, and away from Dan Rather in NY,
seven minutes before the WTC south tower fell.

As the first tower fell, Dave Stannard or Statter, CBS correspondent at
the Pentagon says he and others have heard explosions and just heard
another. Later he is contradicted by another CBS reporter who says
those were sonic booms made by fighter jets. Dave later says they
were burning tires exploding.

Five minutes after Dave heard a pop at the Pentagon and the WTC
south tower fell in NYC, a section of wall collapses around the
hole in the Pentagon. The original hole was the appropriate size
for the mass of fuel in the 757's belly tank to push in, and it also
matches the diameter of a 757 well enough not to present an issue.
(The only issue there is about the empty offices, and any
script-fulfilment demolitions leveraged what witnesses will
describe as the crash of a Boeing 757, not in place of it, and
the small following aircraft was seen to leave the area in one
piece by several people).

Two minutes later there was a rumor about the Pennsylvania plane
being unaccounted for.

Eleven minutes later there was a rumor about a car bomb at the
State Department. My next door neighbors worked there that day
and they and later reports said no car bomb. (Don't play to the
security parade here, they were just looking busy, it was about
hijacked planes, not guarding street corners, get serious).

Eighteen minutes after WTC tower one collapsed, a reporter claimed
that jets had scrambled out of Andrews AFB. (They could have but
they probably did not, due to thorough de-preparation by the usual
suspects. My other neighbor calibrates FAA flight control equipment
and he says FAA didn't do things in the usual manner that day).

Twenty-five minutes after the tower fell, witness Mark Keso says
he was in a bus shelter, which is a plexiglas booth, when he and
a number of other people saw a big passenger plane flying low
along Columbia Pike. He heard some of the others yelling that it
crashed into the Pentagon.

Half an hour after WTC tower one collapsed, a reporter said,"Senior
law enforcement says a plane or car bomb crashed into the State

Forty one minutes after WTC tower collapse, channel 9 interviews
Joel Sucherman, USAToday.com assistant managing editor, who
says he was 100 yards from the Pentagon when he saw a silver
American Airlines Boeing 757 fly into the Pentagon.

A minute later Air Force press officer Lt Col Art Holbow says an
eyewitness saw a business jet fly into the Pentagon. Then Omar
Campos himself says in Spanish that he saw a business jet fly
into the Pentagon--or did he say commercial jet? Whatever.

Joel Sucherman comes back on at fifty-two minutes after WTC
tower one fell, insisting that it was a silver American Airlines
Boeing 757, specifically insisting it was not a business jet, and
he saw it crash into the Pentagon, and he saw the small plane
or helicopter following pull up sharply and fly away. Joel says
that the Boeing flew from west to east, which is consistent with
Mark Keso seeing it fly along Columbia Pike as he sat at a
bus stop on Columbia Pike.

Fifty-six minutes after WTC tower one fell, USAToday reporter
Mike Waldron or Walgram describes seeing a silver American
Airlines passenger jet clip light poles and crash into the west
wall of the Pentagon. He may have been riding in a car with
Joel Sucherman. He may have been identified in earlier reports
as "an AP reporter who saw a passenger jet fly into the Pentagon".
He says "no doubt it was an American Airlines passenger plane".

An hour and a half after WTC tower fell, channel 9 crew reveal
that they think United Flight 175 took off from Dulles. That
begins to explain why they think five planes were hijacked.
More comes out on this later.

Five minutes later, Harry Gold, Space Planning and Acquisition,
DoD, fifth floor on the side of the Pentagon opposite the crash,
says he saw the Boeing flying near the river and the airport and
he saw part of the steep 1.5g turn. From that vantage point he
lost sight of the plane, and was only guessing when he said
it took a dive--which he did see--"maybe over Rosslyn"--which
he did not see and could only guess about--he said "maybe".
In a little while he "heard a light rumble when the plane hit
the opposite side of the Pentagon". He could not see Rosslyn
or Columbia Pike or Georgetown, but some listeners thought
he said the plane flew over Rosslyn, and connected high-g
turn with flying over Rosslyn. He said he was on the opposite
side of the building, and "maybe" as far as flying over
Rosslyn, let's go with Joel Sucherman, Mark Keso, Mike
Walgram, the VDOT traffic observation tower employees,
the two women near Courthouse Road on Columbia Pike,
who all saw a Boeing 757, some saw it fly into the Pentagon,
and the only ones who mention a small aircraft say it flew
away from the area intact, all except for Oscar Campos,
who may know Matthew Purdy of 2002 white van notoriety.

Twenty minutes later it becomes clear why the channel 9
CBS crew is not choosing one set of witnesses over another
--they think that flight 77 out of Dulles was a United plane
that crashed into a WTC tower. United does not say for a
much longer time where its flight 175 crashed.

Two hours and eight minutes after WTC tower one fell, Laura
Bush, first lady, appears on TV with Senator Ted Kennedy
as the cancellation of the HEW committee where she was
scheduled to speak about educating children was cancelled.
Note the connection to her husband's alibi.

Eleven minutes later Dave Statter says the explosions he
heard were burning tires exploding.

Two hours twenty-four minutes after WTC tower one fell,
Gordon Peterson clarifies that Harry Gold was on the other
side of the Pentagon, which we now know means he did not
see the Boeing fly over Rosslyn. Forget that.

Six minutes later we are informed that there were 22 international
inbound flights still in the air, and 50 domestic flights, which
would all be permitted to land somewhere but not DC or NY.
Pilots who had been diverted from NY to DC earlier were
interviewed, they landed at Reagan National for a short
time after the Pentagon crash, one said he,"saw the smoke
and knew what happened". (At some point one witness said
that the initial smoke was white, later it became black. Video
never shows any fire department effort to spray water or
foam on fire through Pentagon windows where flames are
coming out--early they sprayed into the hole for a bit but
after the front wall came down they seemed to be spraying
across the video coverage rather than on or into anything
--possible upgrading the damage to adjacent areas).

Twelve minutes later Dan Rather is still misinformed and
confused about American Airlines flight 77 out of Dulles.
AA77 was the only 757 hijacked, give the media a break

Twelve more minutes, and David Markham, national security
correspondent, tells Dan Rather that witnesses saw a 757
crash into the Pentagon. Those witnesses said it was an
American Airlines 757, and that could only be flight 77
out of Dulles, but we don't hear an explicit correction of
mis-statements about flight 77 being a United flight, or
United flight 175(not AA77) crashing in New York, for
quite a while.

Another minute and we hear the Pennsylvania plane has

"On a Metro train to National Airport, Allen Cleveland looked out the window to
see a jet heading down toward the Pentagon. 'I thought, "There's no landing strip
on that side of the subway tracks,"' he said. Before he could process that thought,
he saw 'a huge mushroom cloud. The lady next to me was in absolute hysterics.'"
- "Our Plane Is Being Hijacked." , 12 Sep 2001

"I was supposed to have been going to the Pentagon Tuesday morning at about 11:00am
(EDT) and was getting ready, and thank goodness I wasn't going to be going until later.
It was so shocking, I was listening to the news on what had happened in New York, and
just happened to look out the window because I heard a low flying plane and then I saw it
hit the Pentagon. It happened so fast... it was in the air one moment and in the building the
next..." - "U.S. Under Attack: Your Eyewitness Accounts." BBC News, 14 Sep 2001

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Please let us stay on topic and be civil.


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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