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-Caveat Lector-

Please send as far and wide as possible.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

50 Reasons Not to Vote for Bush
Order at Amazon at:

Journalist Requests Temporary Restraining Orders Against Use of 
Voting Machines & Absentee Ballots
Urges Use Of Remote Polling Precincts & Provisional Ballots
By Jeff Holubitsky
The Edmonton Journal
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. -- Last week, freelance journalist Lynn Landes 
filed two Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO) in federal district 
court in Philadelphia. Landes is one of the nation's leading 
journalists on voting technology and democracy issues. She is 
attempting to halt the use of voting machines and absentee ballots in 
the upcoming presidential election.

In her lawsuits, Landes says there are two legal standards for any 
voting process. These standards are described in the oversight 
function of Federal observers under federal statute, Title 42 § 1973f 
of the United State Code, (1) "...whether persons who are entitled to 
vote are being permitted to vote," and (2) "...whether votes cast by 
persons entitled to vote are being properly tabulated." Landes claims 
that the use of absentee voting and voting machines fails to meet 
either standard. She says that the use of absentee ballots and voting 
machines is effectively unobservable and therefore denies meaningful 
oversight by election officials, poll watchers, Federal observers, 
the press, and the public.

"This nation's voting system is a total sham, " says Landes. "In the 
upcoming election, a couple of corporations (ES&S and Diebold) with 
strong ties to the Republic Party will count 80% of the vote in 
virtual secrecy. Democratic candidates should be in federal court now 
protesting this insanity. It might be too late after the election.

Landes claims that elections in America are not being properly 
administered under the U.S. Constitution or federal law. Direct 
public participation and effective oversight is impossible to all 
intents and purposes, she says.

"It's like holding a public meeting at City Hall and then shutting 
out the public. Vote fraud and system failure can easily occur and 
remain completely undetectable. The end result is that we have no 
legitimate way to prove who really wins elections in this country. 
And the very last thing we should do is to trust the corporate media 
and their polling organizations to tell us what's going on," she 

Originally, Landes filed two Complaints in U.S. District Court for 
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on July 2, 2004. However, since 
the presidential election was fast approaching, Landes decided to 
also file TROs. The District Court ruled immediately against Landes 
on the issue of absentee ballots. On Friday, Oct. 15th, she filed an 
appeal to that decision in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. The 
TRO filed against the use of voting machines has yet to be scheduled.

In her appeal to the Third Circuit, Landes suggests the establishment 
of remote polling precincts for absentee voters. She says that remote 
precincts can be set up at municipal buildings and college campuses 
across the country, as well as at embassies, consulates, overseas 
military bases, and onboard military ships. The use of a universal 
ballot for president and vice president would be a practical remedy 
for those two races. Landes sees a logistical nightmare if other 
races were included, however.

"If there isn't sufficient time for these remedies to be put into 
place, the Supreme Court should order a delay of the election for no 
more than 30 days," says Landes. "This is not a perfect solution, but 
at least it would be legal."

See Landes lawsuit filings at: 

Contact: Lynn Landes 
(215) 629-3553 


    Block the Vote 
    By Paul Krugman
    The New York Times 

    Friday 15 October 2004 

    Earlier this week former employees of Sproul & Associates 
(operating under the name Voters Outreach of America), a firm hired 
by the Republican National Committee to register voters, told a 
Nevada TV station that their supervisors systematically tore up 
Democratic registrations. 

    The accusations are backed by physical evidence and appear 
credible. Officials have begun a criminal investigation into reports 
of similar actions by Sproul in Oregon. 

    Republicans claim, of course, that they did nothing wrong - and 
that besides, Democrats do it, too. But there haven't been any 
comparably credible accusations against Democratic voter-registration 
organizations. And there is a pattern of Republican efforts to 
disenfranchise Democrats, by any means possible. 

    Some of these, like the actions reported in Nevada, involve dirty 
tricks. For example, in 2002 the Republican Party in New Hampshire 
hired an Idaho company to paralyze Democratic get-out-the-vote 
efforts by jamming the party's phone banks. 

    But many efforts involve the abuse of power. For example, Ohio's 
secretary of state, a Republican, tried to use an archaic rule about 
paper quality to invalidate thousands of new, heavily Democratic 

    That attempt failed. But in Wisconsin, a Republican county 
executive insists that this year, when everyone expects a record 
turnout, Milwaukee will receive fewer ballots than it got in 2000 or 
2002 - a recipe for chaos at polling places serving urban, mainly 
Democratic voters. 

    And Florida is the site of naked efforts to suppress Democratic 
votes, and the votes of blacks in particular. 

    Florida's secretary of state recently ruled that voter 
registrations would be deemed incomplete if those registering failed 
to check a box affirming their citizenship, even if they had signed 
an oath saying the same thing elsewhere on the form. Many counties 
are, sensibly, ignoring this ruling, but it's apparent that some 
officials have both used this rule and other technicalities to reject 
applications as incomplete, and delayed notifying would-be voters of 
problems with their applications until it was too late. 

    Whose applications get rejected? A Washington Post examination of 
rejected applications in Duval County found three times as many were 
from Democrats, compared with Republicans. It also found a strong 
tilt toward rejection of blacks' registrations. 

    The case of Florida's felon list - used by state officials, as in 
2000, to try to wrongly disenfranchise thousands of blacks - has been 
widely reported. Less widely reported has been overwhelming evidence 
that the errors were deliberate. 

    In an article coming next week in Harper's, Greg Palast, who 
originally reported the story of the 2000 felon list, reveals that 
few of those wrongly purged from the voting rolls in 2000 are back on 
the voter lists. State officials have imposed Kafkaesque hurdles for 
voters trying to get back on the rolls. Depending on the county, 
those attempting to get their votes back have been required to seek 
clemency for crimes committed by others, or to go through quasi-
judicial proceedings to prove that they are not felons with similar 

    And officials appear to be doing their best to make voting 
difficult for those blacks who do manage to register. Florida law 
requires local election officials to provide polling places where 
voters can cast early ballots. Duval County is providing only one 
such location, when other counties with similar voting populations 
are providing multiple sites. And in Duval and other counties the 
early voting sites are miles away from precincts with black 

    Next week, I'll address the question of whether the votes of 
Floridians with the wrong color skin will be fully counted if they 
are cast. Mr. Palast notes that in the 2000 election, almost 180,000 
Florida votes were rejected because they were either blank or 
contained overvotes. Demographers from the U.S. Civil Rights 
Commission estimate that 54 percent of the spoiled ballots were cast 
by blacks. And there's strong evidence that this spoilage didn't 
reflect voters' incompetence: it was caused mainly by defective 
voting machines and may also reflect deliberate vote-tampering. 

    The important point to realize is that these abuses aren't 
aberrations. They're the inevitable result of a Republican Party 
culture in which dirty tricks that distort the vote are rewarded, not 
punished. It's a culture that will persist until voters - whose will 
still does count, if expressed strongly enough - hold that party 


Republican Dirty Tricks
By Max Blumenthal, AlterNet
Posted on October 15, 2004
Just how close is dirty trickster Nathan Sproul to the Bush/Cheney re-
election campaign?

AlterNet has learned that Sproul, the former Arizona Republican Party 
and Christian Coalition director, has cozy ties to a group of 
consultants working on the Bush/Cheney campaign. According to a 
Democratic source well-placed in Arizona political circles, Sproul's 
firm, Sproul and Associates, operates next door to the office of 
Gordon C. James Public Relations (GCJPR) in Phoenix, a Republican PR 
company which is coordinating various Bush/Cheney campaign events 
nationwide and has provided PR services for the Coalition Provisional 
Authority in Iraq. Last spring, one of GCJPR's executives, who is an 
advisory board member of Bush's re-election campaign, served as the 
chair of a ballot campaign Sproul was quarterbacking, while, 
according to the source, Sproul collaborated with a GCJPR employee 
who is a White House consultant on a scheme to get independent 
candidate Ralph Nader on the Arizona ballot. In both instances, 
Sproul's company, Voter Outreach of America, was involved in 
gathering signatures.

In Nevada, Voter Outreach of America is accused by former employees 
of shredding the registration forms of thousands of Democrats; in 
West Virginia, Voter Outreach of America employees say they were 
instructed to mislead voters into registering Republican and voting 
for Bush; in Oregon, yet another swing state, the state attorney 
general has opened a criminal investigation into allegations that 
Sproul's firm, which is Voter Outreach of America's parent company, 
was involved in intentionally destroying or discarding voter 
registration forms signed by Democrats. According to OpenSecrets.org, 
Sproul's firm received $125,000 this year from the Republican 
National Committee for voter registration and another $500,000 
for "political consulting." 

The cozy ties between Sproul and Bush operatives should raise a 
serious question: Is Sproul simply an overzealous lone wolf, or are 
his activities part of a concerted effort by the Bush/Cheney campaign 
to subvert the democratic process?

Gordon C. James, the founder and director of GCJPR, is a longtime 
Bush apparatchik. According to his bio on GCJPR's website, James 
helped handle media relations for President George H.W. Bush as the 
White House "lead advance representative." During George W. Bush's 
2000 presidential campaign, James' firm handled PR and event 
management for Bush's Iowa Caucus campaign, all three debates against 
Al Gore, two campaign train trips and his election night festivities 
in Austin, Texas. Recently, GCJPR organized a Bush mega-rally in 
Phoenix and an appearance by Laura Bush at another campaign rally in 
Minneapolis. James also worked for five months as L. Paul Bremer's 
spinmeister in Baghdad.

James said all of his firm's activities on behalf of the Bush/Cheney 
campaign were performed "on a volunteer basis," though GCJPR has 
received funding this year from the Republican National Committee. 
And James maintained that though he knows Sproul, they don't work 
together. "Nathan works more on the political side," James 
stated. "We're a PR firm."

Sproul did not respond to requests for an interview.

James did not mention that one of GCJPR's executives, George W. Bush 
for President advisory board member Lisa James, served as chairwoman 
of an Arizona ballot initiative that Sproul spearheaded last spring 
called "No Taxpayer Money For Politicians." The ballot measure, which 
was soundly defeated, was a right-wing, corporate-funded effort to 
ban candidates for state office from receiving public money for their 
campaigns. Sproul's Voter Outreach of America spearheaded the 
measure's petition drive. In her capacity as chairwoman, Lisa James 
operated directly out of Sproul's office.

What's more, according to a well-placed source who spoke on condition 
of anonymity, a GCJPR employee, Meghan Rose, worked with Sproul on a 
clandestine campaign to get Nader on the Arizona ballot last spring. 
Last June, Derek Lee of Lee Petitions told me that while his company 
was handling various signature drives in Arizona, Sproul's Voter 
Outreach of America was paying petitioners to collect as many 
signatures as they could for Nader's ballot qualification campaign. 
Once rumors began emerging about covert Republican assistance to 
Nader, Sproul "put the hush-hush on it real quick," Lee said.

In order to cover his tracks, Sproul devised a clever scheme. 
According to the source, Sproul tasked GCJPR's Rose to drive the 
Nader petitions to a "low-end" motel in Scottsdale where Jenny 
Breslyn, the person officially contracted by the Nader campaign to 
oversee its signature drive, was staying. There, Breslyn and her 
employees mixed the petitions in with their own, in effect, brushing 
them clean of Sproul's fingerprints.

Rose has worked as a consultant for the Bush White House Easter Egg 
Roll, the State Department and the Republican National Committee. She 
is currently working out of James' RNC-funded shop and as a volunteer 
on Bush's re-election campaign. Confronted with the accusation that 
she served as the baglady for Sproul's Nader ballot scheme, Rose 
would not issue an outright denial.

"I do not work for Nathan Sproul," she stated repeatedly. "I don't 
even know how you got my name."

Asked again to confirm or deny the accusation, Rose became testy. "I 
didn't do anything. I've shaken Nathan Sproul's hand once," she said.

Reached by cellphone, Jenny Breslyn refused to speak directly to the 
accusation that Rose delivered Sproul's Nader petitions to her, 
referring the question to Sproul, who could not be reached. However, 
she did volunteer that in her dealings with Sproul, "I do know a 

Sproul's dirty tricks may have finally caught up with him, though far 
from his stomping grounds in Arizona. In Oregon, Sproul's firm is 
being investigated by the state attorney general and could face a 
class-C felony, punishable by five years in jail, for allegedly 
altering and destroying voter registration forms. And in Nevada, 
state election officials have just launched an investigation into 
whether Sproul's Voters Outreach of America destroyed the 
registration forms of exclusively Democratic voters.

On Wednesday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe 
wrote a letter to his Republican counterpart, Ed Gillespie, demanding 
that the Republican National Committee detail its involvement with 
Sproul's alleged voter fraud. "We are deeply concerned these reports 
of Republican National Committee funded felonious activities in these 
states could serve to discourage all voters from voting because of 
concerns of problems with their ballot," McAuliffe wrote. "Regardless 
of party or candidate, it is the civic and moral duty of both parties 
to encourage complete and full participation in the democratic 

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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