-Caveat Lector- Well, good, since you are in the DC area, you should find it easier to talk with the eyewitnesses.
You say you saw some MIB and get in a car a go towards the Pentagon. That is nice but doesn't validate any -no-plane/or whatever at the Pentagon theory.

Did the MIB plant the raining parts and fragments? Did the MIB breakdown the light poles?

The brouhaha about what hit the Pentagon is an obvious disinformation operation playing to the crowd. It is a rabid hole.

Yes, there may be a homing device, the plane may have been remote controlled. Obviously Hani Hanjour was a better pilot than he let on. As did Mohamed Atta. Real live Arab hijacker pilots, possibly under some sort of suicide "mind-control," would be requisite back-up, even if there was remote control options. Just like the Kennedy assassination there was there would be thorough operational  back-up.

The majority of the live witnesses of the JFK assassination pointed to the grassy knoll and many talked of a volley.  The majority of the witnesses, in the 95% all talk of an American Airliner and the fact that the airliner crashed into the Pentagon.

This fact doesn't imply that the octopus infestation in our government wasn't involved but expands their crimes by showing premeditation with the planning of these cover-up and disinformational operations. Especially the Internet based ops.

The Hollywood/Mission Impossible/ X-Files type scenarios being promoted all would take high levels of technology, deception and personnel. The "sales" of these hoaxes are done with slanted rhetoric, selective witness statements and dubious technical expertise. They sell ya one hoax and then they are off to the next, now "they" may even bring some bona-fides with them, but there is a pattern of lies, distortion and deception.

There are many other smoking guns.


In a message dated 10/24/04 11:46:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector-

Getting a bit off topic here, but I was about 3 or 4 miles south of
the Pentagon at the time.  About 40 minutes after the reports of
"something on I-95" and a "truck bomb at the Pentagon" and 20 minutes
after the very loud explosion, I saw about a dozen MiB run out of a
nondescript office ranch that is supposedly home to Virginia liquor
authorities.  They got in their unmarked cars, turned on their sirens
and drove up towards the Pentagon.

The MiB you're positing, however would have been deep inside the
security perimeter 1 or 2 days later, however; so I wouldn't expect
many eyewitnesses.

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 14:08:04 EDT, Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why do none of the thousands of witnessess talk about theses MIB?

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