-Caveat Lector-

On Oct 27, 2004, at 9:30 PM, Michael Kane wrote:

Agreed entirely.

This persons endorsement should be purged from the petition.

I suggest people just do a quick review of this website
http://theoccidentalquarterly.com and decide for yourself. It only
took me 5
minutes to make up my mind.


as for David Korten, I am very pleased & excited to see he has signed
His book, "WHEN CORPORATIONS RULE THE WORLD" was one of the first I
read in
my political awakening and it is truly a masterpiece.

I have not looked into every aspect of Korten's political affiliations
though I do know he was part of USAID, a known CIA front - but I am of
belief that he is of good intent and he is a bonus to the petition
list. He says what he saw working for USAID changed him.

i used to think korten was brilliant until i started learning more about the deep politics of globalization -- the "small is beautiful", anti-technology, and localist ideas he tends to touch on are an intrinsic part of the controlled "opposition" to neoliberal globalization and have been carefully promoted behind the scenes since the 60s. korten is an avid rehabilitator of adam smith and promotes the standard crypto-neolib agitprop that "big government" is no different than big corporations. two clues. this is why someone like him would be welcomed into the club of rome. i've been researching this kind of stuff for more than a year, and plan on writing extensively on it soon.

certain key parts of korten's work strike me as a more "progressive"
translation of the sort of ideas promoted since the late 60s by elite
globalist insiders like harland cleveland, richard gardner, zbigniew
brzezinski, richard falk, herman daly, etc.

however by far the most notable elite mouthpiece for global downsizing,
population reduction, and feudalistic localization & tribalism is
edward goldsmith, from an old banking family closely allied with the
british oligarchy.  his late brother james was an important figure in
the ultra-right, aristocratic 'pinay circle' which is a secretive
spinoff of bilderberg.   "peak oil" promoter andrew mckillop is
goldsmith's new energy editor for "the ecologist".
goldsmith connects to P-2 / BNI, le cercle, michael ledeen, etc...

as for the club of rome, it originated as an institutionalization of
the policy ideas that came out of the rockefeller's aspen institute and
the cybernetics / systems theory movement which was a spinoff of the
CIA's MK-ULTRA social engineering program.  it's part of a larger
"post-industrial society" agenda.

Lastly, I would like to state there is a HUGE difference between
racist/eugenic theories and looking at the reality of coming resource
wars -
the likes of which we are already in. Looking for solutions to draining
hydrocarbon supplies is not in any way part of a "population reduction
movement." It is rather looking at the facts and trying to find a
response/solution - if one exists.

well, looking at the facts is the first part. there is no proof yet of current or imminent "peak oil". it's still a statistical interpretation, with a lot of unknowns. there are multiple factors playing into current price spikes and production issues, which "peak oil" claims might in fact be fig-leafing.

the way one chooses to interpret the real motivations and causes of
these co-called "resource wars" has *everything* to do with the elite's
racist / eugenics agenda, regardless of what one's intentions are.
announcing "solutions" before the debates over the real nature of the
"problem" are truly resolved makes one culpable of unwittingly
empowering the wrong agendas.

furthermore, over the past decades there has been a huge and
unmistakeable correlation between the sectors of the elite which
support eugenics / depopulation, and those which support promotion of
neo-malthusianism and "resource scarcity" propaganda.  is this to be
casually ignored?  i'm sick and tired of facing the deep denial that
exists about this disturbing and critically important phenomenon.

For those who still believe abiotic oil is a savior to the hydrocarbon
crisis peak oil advocates declare we are about to face I suggest a
reading of Richard Heinberg's brilliant piece

i notice that heinberg never addresses a key question which is seems obvious to me up front, which is: regardless of their theories, how have the russians found significant amounts of oil in places like vietnam's white tiger field, where conventional wisdom would simply dictate not to drill? one can come up with arguments after the fact that 'fossil' petroleum has migrated down to lower layers, but that doesn't change the fact that oil is being found in unexpected places and in significant amounts (at least, and importantly, for a "third world" country like vietnam, giving them insurance against the "oil shocks" of the anglo-american cartels), whatever its source.

and in this case, heinberg is wrong to declare that "peak oil"
promoters are the "underdogs" or "mavericks" vis a vis "fossil fuel"
theory (and i will soon be writing an article pointing out that most of
the notable "peak oil" announcements and public predictions over the
past three decades have not come from "maverick" outsiders, but instead
from the inner circles of the establishment, or supported by same).  if
one is to bring such subjective, politicized considerations into this,
it is in fact the russians who are really the underdogs, and who
threaten the rather obvious anglo-american agenda to drastically slow
down global industrial development in order to preserve permanently the
current state of atlanticist dominance over rising power rivals in
eurasia.  one might stop to consider the meaning of too-hastily
dismissing the russian-ukranian theories at a time in history when
russia as a whole has been under constant brutal assault from
washington & london elites for more than a decade, and also consider
the fact that the willingness of the scientific establishment to
consider and explore abiotic theory is apparently markedly different
when comparing the english-speaking and non-english-speaking world.
what might that hint at?

the abiotic debate is not over, and it is unseemly and irresponsible to
declare it to be over and dismissed only a few weeks after this latest
flurry of articles, before the abiotic proponents have had a chance to
reply, especially that many people who are following this debate,
including myself, are currently *very* preoccupied with the very busy
political events of election season and everything else that is
currently going on.  this is not at all a fair time to rush things!
furthermore, even within the assumptions of fossil fuel theory, the
claim of present or imminent "peak oil" is still highly disputable.
mike lynch is an example of someone who has written very substantive
critiques completely within conventional 'fossil fuel' assumptions.
the recent discovery of a massive new field in mexico, as discussed in
david mcgowan's recent newsletter
(http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr70.html), shows that there is
very serious reason to doubt the bold & arrogant claims that all
further large-scale exploration is destined to come up dry or come up
with only meagre results.  so it's a fallacy to begin with to create a
false dichotomy, as heinberg has done implicitly, where the only two
options are "abiotic all the way" or "peak oil is upon us and we have
no choice but to start planning global downsizing now!".

it is not yet time for us to reach any final decisions about the
supposed necessity for a "global downsizing" or speaking in
irresponsibly evasive, veiled terms about "population reduction".
especially since both of these agendas are supported by key elements of
the anglo-american elites (known to those who have studied the issues
carefully).  those who are rushing to such conclusions before the
relevant debates are truly and genuinely resolved are doing nothing but
empowering the likes of virginia abernethy, whether or not they agree
with her brand of politics.  that's a fact of our present situation.

i have to express my deep concern about those who are seemingly
chomping at the bit to aggressively railroad us into immediate
long-term decisions and immediate, drastic civilization-wide policy
changes based on "peak oil" claims, when we can still afford some time
to debate the issues and time to explore the possibility of finding
optimal new energy solutions, and while there is still so much reason
for caution and skepticism about the underlying claims and how they
really sit in relation to elite agendas.

let's crack 9/11 first.  that is our truly urgent and undisputable


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