-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

God’s Holy Warriors
Don Nash

November 9, 2004, ICH" -- Let me be perfectly clear, there were no weapons of 
mass destruction found
in Iraq. There was no imminent 45 minute threat to the United States of America 
or to any other
nation on the planet. Bush’s preemptive war on Iraqi continues for only one 
reason and that is to
murder Iraqis. The new interim Prime Minister of Iraq, Iyad Allawi issued the 
order for martial law
to be imposed on all of Iraq so, there goes the wondrous Bush experiment in 
giving the Iraqi people
democracy. The north of Iraq that is controlled by the Kurds is exempt from 
Allawi’s martial law
order. Why would that be? Is Allawi concerned about upsetting Turkey? I found 
the Kurdish exemption
to be curious in the very least.

The assault on Fallujah has been under way since four or was it five, American 
mercenaries were
assassinated in Fallujah. America will extract it’s revenge on the residents of 
Fallujah and
pacification is mere pretext and cover for the real plan of the U. S. 
government and that is the
complete destruction and razing of Fallujah. How dare those nasty insurgents 
kill four American
mercenaries. America is going to show those Iraqis and insurgents just exactly 
who is boss and
competent killer supreme. The American military has now killed in excess of 
100,000 innocent Iraqis
and the number escalates every day. The United States military isn’t fighting 
Saddam Hussein’s army,
that was over in about three weeks way back in April of 2003. George W. 
Genocide proclaimed proudly
from the deck of a Navy aircraft carrier, “mission accomplished” and the 
hostilities were over.
Right, tell that to the Iraqi people that are being brutally butchered in Iraq 
right this very

The Iraq preemption is a “holy crusade” and we’ll take the word of one U.S. 
Marine Corp Lieutenant
Gareth Brandl. I distinctly remember prior to Bush’s preemption of Iraq, Iraq 
had weapons of mass
destruction. Iraq had forty five minute threats that were ever so scary and 
nuclear intentions to
cause our President George W. Genocide worlds of trouble. President George W. 
Vice-President Dick Genocide Cheney, Secretary of State General Colin Genocide 
Powell, Secretary of
Defense Donald Genocide Rumsfeld, National Security Director for Genocide 
Condoleeza Rice, Paul
Genocide Wolfowitz, Scooter Genocide Libby, the Reverend Genocide Jerry 
Falwell, the Reverend Pat
Genocide Robertson, the Wall Street Journal of Genocide, the New York Times for 
Genocide, and all to
a man/woman stated categorically, “hell yes Iraq and Saddam Hussein are a very 
real threat to
America and MUST be preempted!”

Now we discover that all along, the war on Iraq was just a crusade? Shades of 
General Jerry Jesus
Boykin, is it constitutional to wage a war, preemptive or otherwise for God? 
Does God really give
two figs whether a war or any war should be preemptive or just aggravated 
aggression? Granted, these
are some very pressing theological questions and these questions deserve a deep 
and well reasoned
answer. Maybe we should go and ask the Pope. I recall that the Pope issued a 
Papal encyclical
decrying the Iraq war and the preemption question was deemed to be irrelevant 
by his Holiness.

I need to ask our brave Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Brandl, what weapons are you 
going to use and
direct at Satan? Does an all out frontal assault on Satan preclude that it is 
already a given that
Fallujah is militarily considered to be the gates of hell? Will standard 
military and Marine Corp
weapons issue, be an appropriate enough response for use on Satan? Were 
tactical nuclear battlefield
weapons considered at any time as a possible armament for use against Satan? 
Does the military’s
admission that the enemy is indeed Satan, now qualify the military’s assessment 
of the residents of
Fallujah, to be considered satanic and collateral damage would then be of no 

My dear Lieutenant Colonel Brandl, I understand your desire to give your troops 
the old pre-invasion
pep talk. Did you take any time to spend on the intricacies of making a last 
will and testament? Did
you explain to the boys that are going to die in this Fallujah insanity, that 
this is all for
nothing? No threats, no w.m.d.’s, no Iraqi democracy, no rational reason for 
President George W.
Genocide to issue the preemption order in the first place, and that these brave 
young souls are
dying for political deceit?

So many freaking and troubling questions. Here is one that is probably just a 
snudge off track, was
the presidential election of 2004 just a rigged affair? How would one ascertain 
an answer to the
question...an honest and factual answer. Is the President of the United States 
of America George W.
Genocide, insane? I would be referring to a certification of authenticity that 
would/should come
from a board certified psychiatrist. Is the preemptive war on Iraq, to be 
considered some kind of
retributive payback for the failure of Vietnam? Realistically, there are an 
amazing number of
similarities between Vietnam and the preemptive atrocity that is Iraq. When is 
genocide actually
qualified by the United Nations High Commission on Qualifying Genocide, as 
being genocide? Is there
an official United Nations commissioner that determines when genocide is 
indeed, genocide? Isn’t
there something wrong with our world when such a question needs to be asked?

What in the hell was Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Brandl thinking when he made his 
now infamous remark
about Satan being the focus of the assault on Fallujah? I understand the 
psychology of reducing the
enemy to a mere pile of human meat that is only fit for slaughter. It relieves 
the guilt...or so all
the official military authorities maintain. I find the premise to be 
condescending swill that is
unworthy of an Arkansas pig trough. I mean no offense to Arkansas pigs or the 
troughs they might eat
from. The statement is metaphor. George W. Genocide’s preemptive war on Iraq 
has turned into a
nightmarish swamp of no return, especially for the fine young American service 
personnel that are
following the orders given by their military commanders. Thus, America finds 
itself in one colossal
moral quandary. President Genocide’s preemptive war is illegal, immoral, and 
outright deceit. The
President has placed our nations military into an illegal category that now 
qualifies as war crimes
and crimes against humanity. President George W. Genocide has played the 
religion card and
unmercifully dragged the religious into the equation. Major media concerns are 
portraying the
religious as “in support” of the Genocide agenda and therefore, moral 
responsibility falls on the
Christian right wing, America in general, and the U.S. military. The government 
of President George
W. Genocide was implicated from the beginning. Lieutenant Colonels in the U.S. 
Marine Corp have
become so caught up in the Iraq insanity, they are grasping at straws and the 
invocation of
incarnate evil spirits to justify the guilt that is swallowing their souls like 
sushi treats at a
cocktail party. Our predicament as a nation qualifies the U.S. as having truly 
hit the skids.

The United States of America is fully qualified to be historically remembered 
as being at least on
par with Nazi Germany. Illegal preemptive wars that are started using deceit as 
the premise, thus
qualifies our nation for the designation. Any David Brooks assertion that the 
reasons for the war
are now irrelevant as “Saddam Hussein was an evil man and is no longer in 
power”, would be
disingenuous and laughable.

President George W. Genocide is celebrating an upcoming spending spree where 
Genocide will be able
to spend his “political capital” granted him by the American people. Our 
President should consider
the possibility that he maybe should go shopping for a half decent 
international lawyer. President
George W. Genocide is going to need one.

Copyright: Don Nash - Email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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